
Chapter 2

Staying late organizing files, I overheard Rhys’ angry voice carrying from his cracked office door:

“I don’t care what it takes, I want more information.”

I paused, concerned by his unusual frustration.

“There must be something useful you've neglected to mention,” he continued tensely. “Keep pressing until you find what she's up to.”

My eyes widened. She? Was Mr. Murphy investigating a woman unrelated to work? It seemed strangely personal.

“I intend to know the full truth about her, her friends, her family, who she’s fucking,” Rhys insisted, tone bordering a threat. “My patience is running very thin.”

I lingered, uncertain, shaken by the conversation. What possible justification could someone as successful as Rhys have for such invasive stalking? As I agonized, Marta bustled past asking me to bring Rhys dinner in her place because she was late. Still uneasy, I nodded distractedly.

Minutes later I stood outside his door, nerves spiraling. Before I could flee, Rhys called for Marta to enter. Taking a deep breath, I turned the handle.

Rhys’s eyes flashed surprise seeing me instead. When he demanded what I was doing there, I froze under his intense scrutiny, this new knowledge hanging over me ominously - Mr. Murphy was secretly investigating some poor woman in frightening depth and I had no idea why. My mind raced wondering what I should say or do next.

"Well?" Rhys demanded impatiently. "What are you doing here right now?"

I flushed under his piercing stare. Glancing at the takeout bag, I managed weakly, "B-bringing your dinner. Marta had to go..."

"Is that so?" Rhys drew. He straightened from his desk, eyes narrowing. "Or did you intentionally wait until she left to snoop further into my business?"

"What? No!" I exclaimed, taken aback.

Rhys prowled closer and I recoiled instinctively. "Quite a habit you have of turning up when not wanted, Miss Mart. One might assume you were spying."

Spying? I bristled at the accusation, momentarily forgetting my unease.

"And one might assume you have a habit of seeking information through underhanded ways!" I snapped.

God what have I done!

Rhys went rigid, thunderstruck. I clasped a hand over my betraying mouth but the words already escaped.

"Excuse me?" Rhys bit out softly. "What exactly are you implying?" His intimidating frame loomed over me.

I wavered, courage draining under his palpable fury. "I-I overheard your unsettling phone call earlier," I whispered. "About digging into s-some woman’s private life.”

Rhys flushed with rage, clenching his fists. “You dare you spy on my confidential affairs?" he thundered.

I shrank back, eyes watering. “I didn’t intend—”

“Get out,” Rhys growled. “Before I dismiss you entirely for this insolence.”

Utterly shaken by his menacing temper, I left his dinner on the sofa and fled desperately from the room, hot tears spilling down my cheeks.

I woke the next morning still feeling shaken by the disturbing phone call and tense confrontation with Rhys. The thought of facing his temper again today left me paralyzed under the sheets, anxiously weighing my options.

I needed this high-paying job desperately, but could I endure Rhys' volatile moods and callous disregard for employees’ feelings? Especially now that he likely resented me deeply for overhearing his unsettling personal investigation?

But not showing up could cost my job. I agonized for a full hour before finally dragging myself out of bed. I had bills and rent to pay after all. Steeling my resolve, I slowly got ready for work, my feet feeling heavier with each minute closer to 8 am.

Riding the elevator up to my floor, I stared fixedly at the floor, tension mounting. My stomach lurched realizing I hadn’t considered running into Rhys himself this early.

The doors dangled open and my head jerked up nervously to see none other than my impeccably dressed boss entering the elevator behind me, eyes widening briefly at my presence before his expression shuttered.

I managed a weak "Good morning, Mr. Murphy," but he ignored me completely, striding into the elevator without glancing my way. My cheeks burned at the blatant dismissal.

The doors started closing when Rhys’ arm shot out, triggering them to reopen. "I believe you have the wrong lift, Miss Mart," he remarked coolly without looking at me. “This one is reserved for executives only. That means…me.”

Indignation spiked through my anxiety. There were no exclusive executive elevators in our building that I knew of. He was clearly exaggerating to force me out and avoid sharing a cramped space.

I opened my mouth to protest such preferential treatment but Rhys cut me off.

“You’re welcome to ride another lift up, I’m certain there’s one arriving shortly staff.”

His tone dismissive and barbed, I blinked back embarrassed tears, my fears about this awful day confirmed. Avoiding his contemptuous eyes, I stepped quickly out without a word.

As soon as the doors slid closed behind me, isolating me from my powerful boss’ presence, the first hot tears spilled down my cheeks. I dashed them away angrily. How could someone so respected also be so arbitrarily cruel?

Squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath, I reminded myself I needed this job, temperamental boss or not. I would just have to avoid Rhys Murphy at all costs going forward.

When I arrived at my desk, Marta suddenly bustled over with a huge smile.

"Oh Elisa, I wanted to thank you again for delivering Mr. Murphy's dinner last night."

I blinked in surprise, confused. "Of course, it was no trouble-"

"Thanks to your help, he knew that yesterday was my 25th wedding anniversary. Wasn't that so thoughtful?" Marta gushed. "Mr. Murphy gifted Edward and I two VIP opera tickets for tonight and last night he reserved a table at Viterio for us! Isn't he just the most wonderful, generous boss?"

I stared at her, mouth falling open.

Generous? Rhys Murphy? After he threw me out of his office in tears? But then...he had elevated Marta's evening with an extravagant gift.

So that means that he knew Marta couldn’t give him his dinner last night. He just wanted me to give him his dinner to terrorize me.

"I- I'm so happy for you," I managed faintly. How was it possible that the same callous man could threaten me one minute yet display selfless kindness the next?

Marta squeezed my hand happily before returning to her desk, leaving me utterly confused. Everyone else spoke so highly of Rhys while he treated me worse than dirt.

Sinking into my chair, I shook my head. Perhaps I simply didn't know the real Rhys Murphy at all.

Little did I know my confusion over Rhys Murphy's contradictory behavior would only increase once I received a message commanding me to his office immediately.

"Y-you wanted to see me, Mr. Murphy?" I questioned shakily, anxiety spiking again.

His steel eyes flashed. "You think just because you were given permission to deliver my dinner once you're entitled to full access to me?" His tone dripped scorn.

I gaped, taken aback. "I-I don't think any such thing-"

"This morning you took full advantage of my lift to gain access you haven't yet earned." Rhys glared, leaning over his desk intimidatingly.

Anger and hurt mingled inside me. I retorted before I could restrain myself, "Actually, you kicked me out of the elevator, remember? Hardly taking advantage!"

Rhys' eyes narrowed dangerously at my sarcastic tone, but I pressed on, trembling. "Do you treat all your employees so shamefully or am I just special?"

Rhys rose to his full imposing height, nearly shouting. "You dare accuse ME of misconduct? Know this, Miss Mart - next time you arrive to work a mere minute later than myself, I'll deduct it from your salary. Now get out of my office and do the work you've been paid for, properly."

Tears stung my eyes as I fled his office once more. I made it to the bathroom before letting them fall freely. Curled in a stall, I sobbed at Rhys' cruel threat. I needed every dollar desperately; how could I endure losing pay at his whims? Why did he despise me specifically with such senseless venom?

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