
Chapter 6


Anastasia’s heart swelled with love and anticipation as she watched Ivan sweep her up in his strong arms, her white wedding dress cascading behind her as they made their way into the luxurious mansion that he had built just for them. She felt like a princess, floating on a cloud of pure happiness as he carried her up the grand staircase and into their new bedroom, a sanctuary for only the two of them.

At the door, Ivan turned to face her and used his back to push it open, revealing a room bathed in soft candlelight and adorned with all of Anastasia’s favourite things. He gently placed her on the plush bed, crawling atop her as he lavished her with tender kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and the tops of her eyes.

“I have waited for this moment for so long, malysh,” he murmured, pulling her close and helping her out of her wedding gown. He then turned her so that she faced away from him, marveling at the sight of his stunning wife’s bare skin with his dark eyes. “So beautiful.”

A rush of heat consumed Anastasia’s entire being as she nervously bit her lip, her voice a soft and hesitant whisper. “Ivan,” she breathed, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability. His warm hands gently fumbled with the delicate hook of her bra, eliciting a shiver that ran down her spine. “I don’t…”

But Ivan, understanding and gentle, silenced her with a tender kiss on her shoulder, his lips leaving a trail of warmth along her skin. As he gradually eased the straps of her bra off her shoulders, Ivan’s hands traced comforting circles on her back, the roughness of his calloused palms offering both reassurance and a delicious tingling sensation.

“I know,” he murmured, his breath brushing against her skin. “And I can’t wait to make you mine, moya prekrasnaya zhena.”

(Flashback Ends)

* * *


As I looked at the scene before me, the pungent metallic scent of blood filled the air, mingling with the cold smoke of their labored breaths.

The three men, their faces battered and bruised, knelt in front of me with their hands tightly bound, their once defiant gazes now lowered in defeat.

The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the desolate street, illuminating the desperation etched on their faces. They had tried to flee, to hide behind trees or makeshift shelters, but my men had hunted them down ruthlessly, leaving them battered and broken.

This was the consequence they faced for crossing paths with my organization, for daring to challenge my authority.

Their muffled cries for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the haunting silence that enveloped us. This was the ruthless reality of the world I inhabited, where mercy was a luxury I could not afford.

“Your actions have consequences, gentlemen,” I said coldly. “You chose the wrong side, and now you must face the repercussions.”

The powdery snow crunched beneath the weight of my boots, each step taking me closer to the trembling group of men. Their breath hung in the frigid air, mingling with the tension that crackled between us. Moonlight cast an eerie glow on the scene, highlighting the glint of metal as I brandished my gun, a deadly promise in my hand.

A bitter smirk played across my lips as I stared them down, my eyes burning with a mixture of anger and determination. The memory of my wife and children slipping away, their safety hanging in the balance, fueled the fire within me. This was personal.

“I’ll deal with the mastermind behind this cowardly attack later,” I sneered, my eyes narrowing with a glint of unyielding determination. “But you, you should have thought twice before aiming for my family.”

I loomed over them, casting a long, imposing shadow that seemed to consume their trembling forms. They were about to learn the consequences of their actions, the price of meddling with those I held dear.

With a swift motion, I seized the collar of one of the men and pulled him towards me, his eyes locking onto mine in terror. “No one comes between me and my family,” I snarled, my grip tightening on his collar. “And if someone does…” I let the threat hang in the air, my voice low and dangerous.

Without warning, I released the man and stepped back, my gun already in my hand. Three shots rang out into the night, the sound echoing through the stillness of the snow-covered landscape. The men fell to the ground, their blood staining the pristine snow a deep crimson.

“They pay the price,” I said, my voice cold and unforgiving, as I turned on my heel and began to stalk away from the scene, leaving their lifeless bodies behind.

As I approached my car, Dimitri stood there, his arms firmly crossed over his chest, his gaze fixed on the scene behind me. I knew he was observing my soldiers as they diligently worked to erase any evidence of the recent struggle or shootout.

I took the cigar he offered, igniting it with a flick of my lighter, the flame dancing in the cold night air. Exhaling a plume of smoke, I turned to face Dimitri, my eyes piercing with intensity.

“Any news on them?”

“We’re scouring the perimeter,” he responded, his tone steady but tinged with concern. “She can’t have gotten too far.”

My gaze fixated on the cottage, its windows shrouded in darkness. My wife and children should have been waiting for me there, but they were nowhere to be seen. That treacherous enemy of mine had chosen this precise moment to strike, attempting to catch me off guard and eliminate me.

But what infuriated me the most was the undeniable truth that one of my own men had betrayed me, trading the whereabouts of my wife’s hiding place. He had intentionally endangered her and the lives of my children. The thought was like a bitter pill I couldn’t swallow.

“You have one hour,” I growled through gritted teeth, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. “Find me the man responsible for this betrayal.”

Dimitri met my gaze, the weight of the task ahead evident in his expression. With a firm nod, he affirmed his commitment.

“Yes, pakhan!”

As the wind carried away the smoke from my cigar, I slipped into the car, my mind consumed with vengeance and a burning desire to protect what was rightfully mine.

The hunt for the traitor had begun, and the consequences would be severe. No one would be allowed to jeopardize my family and get away with it.

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