
Chapter 7


Anastasia recoiled, the force of it almost cracking the muscles of her face, as a glass shattered against the floor, crimson wine gushing forth and saturating the cursed red carpet.

Ivan’s wrath knew no bounds as he sent delicate crockery hurtling from the dining table, their demise echoing off the walls, sending her flinching once again.

Tears welled up, threatening to spill forth, but she held them back, clenching her fists tightly and digging her sharp nails into her skin. She refused to let her vulnerability show.

Ivan turned abruptly, fixing her with a scorching glare. Despite the frigid air outside, his brow was drenched in sweat, his skin glistening under the light, and his dark eyes reflecting the madness of his anger.

“Was that necessary?” she managed to ask, her words a fragile plea for understanding.

“It was,” he retorted sternly, striding past her. But before he left her side, he leaned in close, his voice laced with menace as he whispered into her ear. “Until you admit to what you have done, Ana, I will stop at nothing to make your life a living hell.”

(Flashback Ends)

* * *


Startled by the knock on the door, I slowly awakened from my hazy state, my mind struggling to comprehend the situation at hand. As I groggily surveyed the room, I noticed that I was lying on the bed alone, and a wave of panic crashed over me. Where were my children?

Fear tightened its grip around me, and I hastily scrambled out of bed, my thoughts racing towards the worst possible scenarios. “Ivan!” I called out anxiously, my voice echoing through the empty rooms. I quickly checked the bathroom and the kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest. “Tati! Sweetheart, where are you?”

With each passing moment, my concern deepened, and my mind raced with possibilities. Had something happened to them? My frantic search continued as I desperately hoped to find my children safe and sound, their absence weighing heavily on my worried heart.

As my panic reached its peak, a sudden sound of familiar giggles floated in the air, causing my racing heart to momentarily seize. Relief surged through me, threatening to burst my chest wide open. I dropped to my knees with cautious hope and carefully peeked underneath the bed.

And there they were, my mischievous little ones, grinning as if they had just pulled the greatest prank of all time. The mix of emotions swirling inside me transformed from fear to a blend of annoyance and overwhelming joy.

“You two!” I shook my head, my voice a mixture of relief and mock sternness. “You scared me half to death! What in the world were you thinking?”

The children’s laughter filled the room, their eyes sparkling with mischief. They couldn’t contain their delight at their successful trick. With a mix of love and exasperation, I couldn’t help but smile at their infectious joy.

“Mom, it was Tati,” Ivan Jr. blurted out, emerging first. “She went under the bed and refused to come back up. I was trying to get her out when you woke up, and somehow she convinced me to hide with her.”

I playfully glared at Tati and she only grinned more widely in return.

I shook my head. “Alright, both of you, come out from under there,” I said, attempting to sound serious but failing to hide my amusement. “While I appreciate your creativity, remember that pranks can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. You scared me for a moment there!”

Tati and Ivan Jr. exchanged sheepish grins, knowing they had pushed the boundaries a bit too far. “We’re sorry, Momma,” Tati said, her cute voice tinged with sadness. “We didn’t mean to worry you.”

I softened my tone, unable to stay mad at their innocence for too long. “I know you didn’t, my little angel,” I said, ruffling their hair affectionately. “Just promise me you’ll think twice before pulling another prank, okay?”

They bounced their little heads eagerly, keen to escape any further repercussions.

“Good. Now, who’s hungry?” I asked, prompting excited squeals from both of them. I leaned in and kissed their foreheads, one by one, before lifting Tati and settling her on the bed. Ivan Jr. stood up, brushing off his clothes diligently. He had inherited his father’s tendency for cleanliness, but I adored him nonetheless. He was the apple of my eye.

“Ivan, can you keep an eye on Tati without falling for her tricks?” I looked at him teasingly, noticing a hint of pink color his ears.

“Momma, it was just one time. I won’t fall for it again,” he replied earnestly.

“I know, my baby. I’m just teasing you,” I said, giving him a playful tickle that elicited laughter. “But seriously, can you take care of her for a little while? I’ll go out and see if I can find something for breakfast, okay?”

Ivan Jr. nodded eagerly, taking his responsibility as the protective older sibling seriously. “Of course, Momma. I’ll make sure Tati doesn’t get into any more mischief,” he assured me, puffing up his chest with pride.

With a smile, I tousled his hair affectionately. “Thank you, my responsible one,” I said, proud of his willingness to look after his little sister. “I won’t be long. You two behave now.”

As I made my way towards the door, Tati tugged at my sleeve, her eyes brimming with curiosity. “Momma, can we have pancakes for breakfast?” she asked, her voice filled with sweetness and hope.

Her innocent request tugged at my heartstrings. At that moment, I wasn’t even sure if I would find any places open in town. That’s why I needed a moment to search for options. I knelt down again and ran my fingers through her hair, trying to reassure her.

“I’ll do my best, sweetheart. I’ll see what I can find, but even if I can’t get pancakes right now, I promise you, there will come a time when I can make you all the pancakes you want to eat,” I said, my voice filled with sincerity.

Tati’s face fell momentarily, but then a small smile formed on her lips. “I love you, Momma. I’ll eat anything you make. You always make everything taste so good,” she said, her words melting my heart.

I leaned in and gave her a tender hug. “I love you too, my sweet angel. Let’s see what breakfast surprises await us.”

Leaving the room, I made sure to lock it from the outside. I trusted Ivan Jr. to prevent any further mischief, but for my own peace of mind, I needed to ensure they stayed inside. Descending the stairs, I hoped to find Mr. Petrov, the only source of information in this small town who could guide me to a good breakfast spot for my kids.

As I approached the counter, my eyes fell upon a man leaning against it. Mr. Petrov was nowhere in sight, and the man appeared engrossed in his phone, with no items to check out. A sense of unease washed over me, causing my feet to involuntarily retreat.

But before I could fully gather my thoughts, I felt a pressing sensation against my back—a cold, hard object. Fear gripped me as I realized it was a gun. A man stood behind me, giving me a forceful nudge to keep moving. Reluctantly, I continued walking, and the man leaning on the counter finally turned around.

My heart dropped to the floor as recognition washed over me. “Buklin,” I gasped, my eyes widening with shock.

Dread washed over me as I locked eyes with the infamous Buklin Yakov Mikhailovich, the ruthless Pakhan of the enemy mafia organization. His presence alone sent a chill down my spine, knowing the danger he represented. I could feel his gaze tracing every contour of my being, his predatory intensity unnerving me to my core.

“Anastasia Volkova,” he uttered, a sinister smile curling his lips. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, reminding me of the past encounters we had endured. It was a twisted dance of power and survival. “We meet again.”

I had hoped that breaking free from my husband’s clutches would grant me a respite, but now, facing the crime boss of my husband’s rival mafia, I realized the battle was far from over.

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