
Chapter 5


“Why are you doing this?” Anastasia sobbed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief. She stood frozen, her eyes fixed on the lifeless body on the floor, the crimson pool spreading slowly, staining the once pristine carpet.

Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks, mingling with the horror that gripped her soul. The man she had once loved and married now sat casually on the couch, his foot resting on the fallen man’s chest, as if it were nothing more than an inconsequential event.

A twisted smirk played upon his lips, his eyes gleaming with a perverse delight. The cruelty emanating from him sent shivers down her spine. It was as if he derived pleasure from the pain he caused, reveling in the power he held over life and death.

“Don’t be too upset, malysh,” he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. “Next time, just remember to inform me before you plan to leave the house. I hate surprises.” His callousness was chilling, contrasting starkly with the tragedy that unfolded before them.

(Flashback Ends)

* * *


“Thanks for taking us in on such short notice.” I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to the kind grocery store owner who had provided us with a temporary refuge for the night.

The echoes of the gruesome shootout still reverberated in my mind, a stark reminder that Ivan, my mafia husband, had finally caught up to us. I knew deep down that I couldn’t afford to remain passive, waiting for him to snatch my children away from me. I had to act, to seize any opportunity to protect them from his clutches.

As the chaos unfolded in a furious exchange of gunfire just beyond the confines of our former home, I knew I had a fleeting chance to escape. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I gathered my children close, snatching up whatever essential belongings I could in the frenzy.

Without hesitation, we fled through the back door, our footsteps muffled by the deafening chaos outside. The fear of losing my children fueled my desperate determination, propelling us forward into the unknown. Every ounce of my being focused on one goal—to keep my precious ones safe, far away from the clutches of Ivan’s malevolence.

After pounding the pavement for what felt like an eternity, my lungs were burning and my legs felt like they were on fire. But then, as if by some miracle, I stumbled upon a parked car. It was just sitting there, taunting me with its empty interior. I knew what I had to do. I remembered all of Nikolai’s tips and tricks that he had taught me over the years and, with a quick glance around to ensure no one was watching, I put them into action. Within seconds, I was behind the wheel and driving away.

The car was eerily silent, and the only sound was the thudding of my heart. The sky was pitch black, and there wasn’t a soul in sight, but I remembered the store clerk’s words from earlier in the day: “Open 24 hours.” With that in mind, I made my way to the store, not knowing where else to go.

It was a small, rundown town, and the only sign of life was the flickering neon lights of the convenience store. As I walked in, two tiny faces stared up at me: my children, tired and frightened, clinging to me for dear life. I knew that I had to be strong for them, even though I felt like falling apart.

The store clerk, an older man with kind eyes, didn’t ask any questions. He simply looked at my exhausted children and heard my plea for a place to stay for the night. Without hesitation, he walked out from behind the counter and led us upstairs to a small, dusty room.

“It’s not much,” he said, “but it’s better than nothing. I used to stay up here during blizzards.”

I knew that I couldn’t stay there for long, but in that moment, I was grateful for this small bit of kindness. I didn’t have to explain my situation, but I knew that the clerk had seen the fear in my eyes and the exhaustion in my children’s faces. For now, we were safe, and that was all that mattered.

As we entered the small room, I could see the relief in my children’s eyes. It was a humble place with a single bed, a small kitchenette, and a cramped bathroom. The room was clean, but the musty smell of old wood and dusty books filled the air. I opened the window to let in some fresh air, and the sounds of crickets and distant traffic filled the silence.

My children sat on the bed, hugging each other tightly. I could see the exhaustion etched on their faces, and I knew they needed rest. As I tucked them in, the grocery store man handed me a spare blanket and a pillow.

“If you need anything, just knock on my door. It’s just downstairs,” he said kindly before leaving us alone.

I sat on the floor next to the bed, my back against the wall, and my thoughts were racing. What would happen to us now? Would Ivan find us? How long could we hide? These thoughts plagued me, but for now, I was grateful for the safety of this small room and the kindness of a stranger.

As the night wore on, the wind howled outside, and the room above the shop provided a temporary sanctuary from the harsh elements. The worn-out mattress on the creaky bed seemed like a luxury, and my children, Ivan Jr. and Tatiana, nestled close to me, finding comfort in each other’s warmth.

The store owner, whose name I learned was Mr. Petrov, had left us with a small lamp and a threadbare blanket. He had shown genuine concern for our well-being, ensuring we had enough supplies to get through the night. I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope in this desolate town, surrounded by strangers and shadows.

As my children peacefully slumbered, their innocent faces betraying no worries, I found myself unable to close my own eyes. Sleep eluded me entirely as my mind raced with thoughts of the dangers that still loomed.

Tears welled up, threatening to spill over, stinging the back of my eyes. We may have found a momentary respite, but the fear that Ivan would discover our whereabouts gnawed at my every thought. If he managed to track us down after all these years, he would undoubtedly do so again. I couldn’t bear the thought of my children living in perpetual fear, with no stable home or promising future to call their own.

Sorrow mingled with anger, and the tears streamed down my face, marking the pain that lay deep within my heart. How I cursed the day I fell into the clutches of that man. Little did I know what I was signing up for when I naively said yes to his proposal of marriage.

As time passed, the rose-colored glasses that I wore in the early days of our marriage fell away, and the harsh truth of Ivan’s true nature came into sharp focus. The idyllic promises of love, security, and a happy future were nothing but a cruel hoax, replaced instead with a life filled with constant fear, emotional and physical abuse, and the never-ending game of hide-and-seek.

But I refused to let this continue. My love for my children fueled my determination to break free from the shackles of Ivan’s relentless pursuit, to end this torturous cycle once and for all. They deserved more than a life spent in constant fear and on the run, deprived of the safety and security that every child deserves.

I promised myself that I would find a way to give them the future they deserved, a home where they could flourish and grow without the looming threat of danger always lurking over their heads.

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