
Chapter 4


As the newlyweds leaned in for their first kiss as husband and wife, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and joy. Ivan’s hand gently cupped Anastasia’s cheek as they closed their eyes, savoring the moment. The guests erupted in cheers and applause as they finally sealed their love with a kiss.

Anastasia pulled back slightly and looked up at Ivan with a radiant smile, feeling as if she were on cloud nine. “I can hardly believe this day has come,” she said, her voice full of happiness.

Ivan smiled down at her, his eyes filled with love and adoration. “Believe it, my dear,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re now officially my wife.”

Anastasia playfully swatted his arm, a grin spreading across her face. “As if I’d want it any other way,” she said, her tone teasing.

As they leaned in for another kiss, the intensity of their emotions grew stronger. This time, their kiss was deeper, more passionate, and filled with the promise of forever. As they pulled back, Ivan rested his forehead against Anastasia’s, savoring the warmth of her breath against his skin.

(Flashback Ends)

* * *


My eyes were fixated on the shimmering diamond ring, its multifaceted surface reflecting the soft glow of the lamp beside me. As I ran my fingers over the smooth edges, memories of my wife flooded my mind. I could still see the joy on her face when I first slipped it on her finger. It was a symbol of our eternal love, but now it was a painful reminder of what was lost.

Suddenly, the creak of the door interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see Dimitri enter the room, his presence filling the space with the heady aroma of his cologne. The air around me seemed to vibrate with his energy, a stark contrast to the solemn atmosphere that had engulfed me. He walked towards me, his footsteps echoing in the silence, and I felt my body tense in response.

“Alright,” he said, his voice dripping with confidence. “Ya proveril informatsiyu. Sergey byl prav. Ona deystvitel’no zdes’.”

[I checked the information. Sergei was right. She is really here.]

A wave of relief washed over me as I closed my fingers around the ring, holding onto it as if it were a lifeline. Dimitri’s words brought a sense of clarity to my foggy mind, and I listened intently as he continued speaking.

“Ya sledoval yeyo povedeniyu, kak ty predlozhil,” he said, his voice laced with a hint of excitement. “She’s been changing her location every three to five months, but we were lucky enough to catch her before she had a chance to make a run for it across the Russian border. She was planning to move to a safer and more stable place, but we’ve got her now.”

[I followed her pattern as you suggested]

I let out a triumphant laugh, feeling like I was on top of the world. “Otlichno,” I said, a sly grin spreading across my face. “Let’s not waste any more time. It’s time to bring my queen home.” I slid the diamond ring into the inner pocket of my suit jacket and hastily snatched my overcoat on the way to the door. Dimitri followed closely behind.


I was ready to do whatever it took to bring my beloved wife back to my side, and nothing was going to stand in my way.

As we neared the secluded cottage, my heart pounded in my chest, my mind racing with thoughts of my wife and children. I gestured to my men to halt the cars at a safe distance from the property, not wanting to spook my wife with a sudden arrival. The last thing I wanted was for her to bolt and disappear once again. I couldn’t risk losing my family a second time, especially not due to my own carelessness.

I stepped away from the car and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the moment I had been waiting for. The cottage was nestled amongst the trees, the leaves rustling in the wind. The air was filled with the scent of pine and wood smoke, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. This was the place where my family was hiding, the place where my children had been growing up without their father.

Dimitri walked beside me, his breaths misting in the cold air. He looked at me with concern in his eyes, his hand hovering over the pistol at his side. I shook my head, gesturing for him to stay back. This was a family matter, and I wanted to handle it alone.

However, before we could reach the porch, from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a black SUV parked on the bend of the road, its windows darkened and suspiciously out of place.

My instincts kicked in, and I signaled to my right-hand man, Dimitri, to investigate.

Dimitri quickly took notice of my signal and walked back, whispering to one of our men to see the matter up close.

I watched anxiously as two of my men moved towards the SUV, their hands hidden behind their backs, ready to draw their weapons if necessary. They knocked on the window, and a moment later, it rolled down.

But before I could even process what was happening, two gunshots rang out, shattering the silence of the frozen landscape.

My men sprang into action, taking cover behind the nearest trees and bushes. I could hear the sound of bullets whizzing past us, shattering the windows of the nearby houses. It was like a warzone, with chaos and danger all around us. I gritted my teeth and readied my weapon, determined to take down the bastard who had dared to hawk around my family.

The air was thick with the smell of gunpowder and fear, and I could feel my heart racing as I peeked out from behind my cover. My eyes darted around, trying to locate the enemy. Suddenly, I spotted movement at the end of the street. Without thinking, I aimed and fired, and watched as the figure crumpled to the ground.

But there was no time to celebrate. More shots were coming from other directions, and we were quickly running out of cover. We moved quickly, using every inch of the terrain to our advantage. And in that moment, all I could think of was my family, waiting for me in that cottage, and the need to protect them at any cost.

By the time, all enemies were sprawled on the ground, I realized I had lost precious time. The sound of gunfire must have echoed throughout the area, alerting my wife and potentially putting her on high alert. My heart raced with fear as I pictured her fleeing once again.

I had planned to approach the cottage quietly, but my impatience got the better of me, and I kicked the door open with a thunderous crash. My eyes searched the room frantically, but it was already too late.

My wife and children were nowhere to be seen, and the feeling of defeat weighed heavily on me.

I slammed my fist against the wall in frustration, cursing myself for not being able to keep them safe. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, they always managed to slip through my grasp.

“Chert vozmi”


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