
Chapter 4: Vampire

She spat out her drink causing for people to look their direction. “What?!” she shouted and stood up; more heads turned their way causing for Lilith to shake her head. “Can you calm down first? People are staring” Lilith said as she drinks her blood in the wine glass, she threw apologetic smiles at everyone before looking back to Zaylee who was still busy looking around. She slowly sat down with cheeks turning red. “I-I was just” she stuttered still shocked with what she heard and to think that she enjoyed it. “I know but please eat your food first, we will talk after” Lilith said and continued eating looking unbothered by what just happened.

Zaylee just silently nodded before continuing eating her salad, Lilith also order a glass of water for her. She just looks at her every time she takes a sip of the red liquid that was supposed to be blood. Once they were finished without a word Lilith grabbed her bag and placed a couple hundred dollars before standing up to leave the place, during this time Zaylee was just silently following her.

They headed back to the company without a word, it didn’t bother any of them because they are filled with their own thoughts. They arrived at Lilith’s office and she made sure to lock the door once Zaylee was inside. “I’ll go straight to the point; you are a Vampire” Lilith said looking straight at her. Zaylee suddenly started bursting out laughing, she started laughing hysterically until she realized that Lilith was serious.

“Are you being serious right now?” she asked, “Deadly” she answered and walked towards her seat. “B-but how can I be a vampire? I-I’ve been normal my whole life” she said and slowly sink to the floor. Lilith walked over her and help her chin to look at her. “I turned you, it’s the only way for you to survive” she said and Zaylee suddenly burst into tears. She started panicking not knowing what to do, she pulled her in a hug.

They stayed there Zaylee crying her eyes out as Lilith try and comfort her. It was an uncomfortable position but neither of them cared. Zaylee slowly calmed down from her breakdown so Lilith grabbed her a bottle of water from her mini fridge under her table. She gave it to Zaylee before guiding her to seat at the coach.

Zaylee finished the bottle in one gulp. “You can ask me questions if you like” Lilith said as soon as she saw that Zaylee fully calmed down. “If I’m a vampire how come that I didn’t burn in the sun?” she asked innocently. “That’s honestly just a rumor, We vampires don’t get burned in the sun, we could also enter churches, eat garlic and basically we are just like humans” she explained. “Then what’s the difference?” she asked. “Well first off we drink blood, we are more powerful, we don’t die, and we have superpowers” she said as she leans at the couch.

Zaylee grew silently and was trying to digest everything that she just learned, first vampires are real, second, she was converted to be one, she’s with one right now. She felt like her head is going to explode with all the information just she just received, Lilith took notice of it and sighed. “Just take it slow, for know just accept the fact that you are one of us now” she said and turned back to the tv show she was watching. Zaylee just nodded and released a sigh before leaning back to the couch.

They stayed there watching whatever show that was on tv, no one talking—it was silent, but not awkward. Time passed and Lilith heard soft snores making her look at her companion who was already in dreamland, she chuckled before turning off the tv and helping Zaylee to a better sleeping position. She headed to her table and started working like she normally those while occasionally glancing to the sleeping girl, making sure that she doesn’t fall—or that what she believes.

Nighttime came and Zaylee was still sleeping, “She must be exhausted” Lilith said as she mode her way towards the sleeping girl. She crouched down at the sofa to take a better look at the sleeping girl, her eyes trailed from her sleeping eyes to her perfect nose until her plump red lips. She smiled to herself when the latter scrunched her nose in her sleep. She gently tapped the girl so that she could wake up since it’s past office hours.

“Zaylee, wake up you need to go home” she said while slowly rocking the girl. The said girl slowly opens her eyes and was greeted with green ones, she jolted up because of the shock and the fact that their faces was too close to each other, she looked around the place looking like a lost child making Lilith chuckle. “You’re in my office, it’s late we need to get you home” Lilith explained

Zaylee just nodded and grabbed her things before following Lilith outside the company. “Hop in” Lilith said once she saw that Zaylee was just standing there. The latter just boarded the car without any complains because she was still half asleep, Lilith drove to Zaylee’s apartment all eyes were on the car when they pulled at her apartment. Zaylee got out of the car and got to the driver’s side. “Thank you for driving me here, and for the meal” Zaylee said with a gentle smile “You’re welcome, now get inside” Lilith said before playfully pushing her away. Zaylee was about to turn away when she remembered something. “Can I get your number?” she asked. Lilith chuckled before reaching for a piece of paper and wrote her number. Zaylee waved goodbye before entering the apartment, she waved at the attending guard before riding the elevator upstairs.

Once she entered her room a knock was heard from her door. She silently groaned because right now what she wants is to just lay in her bed and continue her sleep, she’s tired. Her tenant greeted her with a gloomy face. “You haven’t payed in months” was the first words that came out of her mouth. “I-I’m sorry but I’ll pay you soon” she said, slowly getting scared with the possible outcome.

“There won’t be soon, you need to move out—NOW!” she screamed making Zaylee shake in fear. She just nodded and held back her tears. She closed her doors and started packing her things. Once she was done, she headed out of the apartment and just stood in front of the gate with bags. She released a sigh before fishing out her phone.

She looked at her contact list and wondered where she could get help, she could call her bestfriend but she was still living with her parents and she doesn’t want to bother at this hour, Fleur is an option but she don’t want him to get his hopes up. She released a heavy sigh before calling her only hope.

“Lilith, can I stay for the night?”

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