I guess it was only a matter of time before Oskar,
my boss, would call me into his cramped office, and
one day in late spring he did. When I entered, he
unfolded his gaunt body from his creaky chair,
pushed some documents on the paper-strewn desk
aside and sat on the edge as he usually did when he
had something to discuss. He’d never been big on
formality and we got along as if we were the same age even though he was close to 60. He motioned
for me to have a seat on the old, sturdy round table
in the corner and I carefully lowered myself onto it.
I was grateful he hadn’t suggested the chairs with
the armrests.
“Blake,” he began by wearing a frown and a worried look over the reading glasses he had pushed
down on his long nose, “you’re one of my best men
but… your physique is becoming a problem.”
Instantly I felt pale with the heat on my face. I
have that skin type that’s prone to blushing and I
had never been good at hiding what I was thinking,
and I usually never bother, but right now I wished I
had one of those poker faces.
“I haven’t had any complaints,” Oskar went on
in his gravelly voice and I suddenly had trouble
concentrating on, “but I’ve observed some things
and overheard others from the guys: you tire easily.
You keep knocking things over or get stuck because you can’t work in confined spaces anymore.”
He took off his glasses, twirling them in his long,
cracked fingers. “Blake, I’m worried.”
I didn’t know when I’d last seen that particular
look in his eyes and I wished it would go away.
“I know things have been getting out of hand,” I
finally managed to answer. I could hardly tell him
that was due to stuffing myself at night after not being able to take a proper break during the day. That
would sound really pathetic and it would come
across as not being able to handle the workload. If I
hoped to get a raise soon, I’d better shut up. “Do you need some time off?” Oskar asked
when I didn’t continue. “I can’t really spare you at
the moment but if it would help, I could move
some things around—”
Instantly I held up my hand, suddenly noticing
how chubby it looked, especially in contrast to Oskar’s. “No, it’s fine. I want to be here.”
“And I’m glad that you do.” Still that worried
look. I hated that look. “But if there is anything I
can do, let me know, OK? You’ve got to get your
weight under control. I would hate to lose you.”
Lose me? I knew it was serious but ‘lose me’?
Suddenly not getting a raise sounded like the last
thing I should worry about.
“You won’t,” I managed to tell him before I
heaved myself to my feet again and Oskar clapped
me on the shoulder, the sensation startling me for a
moment. When had I developed so much back fat
that Oskar’s hand would cause ripples? Was it really
that bad? I didn’t feel bad. Sure, I got winded and
tired more easily these days and I sweated more.
Yeah, some tasks were becoming difficult to do but
I could still handle my job.
When I reentered the work area, it felt as everyone was looking at me but nobody except for Olli,
our first-year apprentice, who came up and asked
what our talk had been about and telling me the
others had guessed it already. Olli, on the other
hand, attended trade school two days a week and
hadn’t witnessed all my little incidents and accidents. I managed to make up something believable
and went back to work, my mind still snagged on something Oskar had said: he had ‘overheard some
things’ from the guys. Had anyone snitched? No, I
couldn’t imagine that. We’d always been a great
team and nobody had ever seemed to have a problem with my size. Or did they?
It was the first time I felt true panic. I had to get
my weight under control. For God’s sake, my job
was on the line here and possibly my relationship,
too. For a while now, Silke had stopped fondling
me when we went out and I saw increasingly less
action in bed either. She was on her feet a lot in her
job and went speed-walking with friends twice a
week, so she managed to keep her weight pretty stable. Watching me balloon in front of her eyes was
not what she’d signed up for, nor was my possibly
getting fired for being too fat.
I honestly meant to get a healthy dinner that
night but somehow, I found myself leaning back in
my easy chair again, the ruins of a gargantuan dinner on the tray before me. Silke’s work day started
and ended later than mine, so she wasn’t home to
witness it. I half-wished she would, though, and
stop me. Still, no need to panic, I repeated to myself over and over that night and actually managed
to pack a big but healthy sandwich and a banana the
next day instead of getting a few bratwursts from
across the street as usual. Of course, the guys gave
me crap about it but that was alright. I, for one, felt
proud of myself for eating nothing else during the
day. Still, once I opened the fridge door that night,
it was as if my growling stomach drowned out anything my conscience might have to say. No need to panic, I reminded myself again, one step at a time.
First, I had to establish the pattern of eating a
healthy lunch and then I’d take care of instituting a
healthy dinner. It didn’t seem to be working, though. My pants
kept getting tighter, as did my easy chair and even
my beloved BMW 3 coupé. Since with all the extras
it was worth a lot more than Silke’s, I got to use the
garage that came with the apartment while she
parked on the curb. That garage was pretty narrow,
though, so manoeuvring myself inside was always a
mean feat because I couldn’t open the door as far
as I would have needed to. Also, my belly kept
pushing against the steering wheel so I had to move
the seat back more and more. Luckily my legs were
long enough that I could still reach the pedals.
Even so, it felt as if every few days I had to spread
my legs more and more to accommodate my bulk.