The wind had picked up speed and an arctic rain
was pelting down on my thin leather jacket like
a multi-tailed whip. As I bent over the icy metal rail
on top of the concrete parapet that came up to my
waist; the frothy brown water seemed to beckon
more and more. With all the seasonal rain typical
for the end of January in this part of Germany, the
river had probably dug to at least twenty-five feet
deep and ten-foot-deep of the torrent, murky water
– perfect for swallowing up the disgusting waste of
space I had become.
Only a year ago I'd been on top of the world.
Granted, an almost 400 lbs. the guy being on top of
anything inevitably led to indents, cracks or breaks,
but at 6’4” I carried it pretty well. Plus, a lot of it
was muscle and the skinnier guys at the garage were
happy to let me do the heavy lifting. And there was
a lot to that, to be the one. It seemed with every
year more orders were pouring in: checkups, tuning,
tire changes, the works, and our small team of four
rapidly accumulated over time. Good mechanics
were hard to come by in general, a fact made even
worse by the younger generation being increasingly
unwilling to put down their smartphones and get
their hands dirty. Still, thanks to our amazing team as well as our boss Oskar, who worked us hard but
paid good money and still believed in the concept
of work-life balance. Then, I looked forward to
working almost every day of the year.
Over the past months, though, my diet had gotten out of whack. This last Christmas I'd taken
overindulgence to a whole new level and I hadn't
managed to get off the diet of having chocolate and
other snacks the way I usually did. My increasing
workload contributed to that: I’ve never been a
breakfast type and during the day there were increasingly fewer opportunities to take a proper
lunch break, leaving me no choice but to raid the
fridge in the evenings. I’ve always been a hefty guy
because I love food, and I’d grown even more since
I met my girlfriend, Silke. I’d never forgotten the
day we met five years ago: one of those days, she’d
driven her Peugeot 206 into our garage for tuning,
and her love for cars, her smile and most of all her
curves had caught my fancy immediately.
A big girl herself, around 230 pounds on a 5’5”
frame, Silke was my first partner that not only accepted but also appreciated my weight and even encouraged me to eat how much I wanted. She loved
to grab and knead my belly or to pat my butt, even
in public. Never indecently so but she was
unashamedly obvious about the fact that she was
into my body. Increasingly less so, though.
“You know I love that you’re a big guy,” she told
me when she saw me raid the fridge after work the
other day, “but please watch it, OK?”It was the first time I noticed she was eyeing my
body for anything but approval and it did not feel
good. It was also the first time she’d ever criticized
my weight. She never did so with anyone, not after
what she had been through with her mom. After
years of trying to please her and fighting her own
weight, she’d finally embraced it. She’d been in a
dark place and wouldn’t ever go back. She always
told me this with a grin, patting whatever part of
me that was closest to her at the time. Lately, those
parts of me got closer and closer, though, creeping
onto and taking over her side of the bed. I was
gaining fast, not only on my gut but also thighs and
butt. I was becoming soft and doughy, not in any
sight of a woman who preferred a mix of flab and
muscle that she’d like to wake up to. That she
would address my weight openly now told me the
matter was serious.
So far, I hadn’t thought so. I guess every big person has to make a decision at some point how
much they let other people’s comments and stares
get to them. With my dad, I’d managed pretty
quickly to let both bounce off, and meanwhile, I really couldn’t give a damn what anyone else thought
either. I’d so far brushed off my colleagues’ ribbing,
too. My best friend Lars, who I, unfortunately, got
to see few weeks due to his busy job, also seemed a
little worried the last time I saw him, but he didn’t
get on my case too much either.
“As long as you’re healthy and happy with yourself,” he told me, “it’s your business. Just be careful,
OK?” “Hey,” I grinned back at him, “I’d never let myself get as big as those guys they have to lift out of
their places with a crane.”
It seemed I was well on my way, though. I did
take Silke’s words to heart but I just couldn’t seem
to break out of the pattern I’d fallen into. I kept
gaining. I began to waddle. One day I felt a cool
breeze on the underside of my belly and discovered
with horror that the lowest part was peeking out.
No, not just peeking: hanging. I was thirty-one only
and already sagging! Due to my height, I already
wore extra-long T-shirts and even those couldn’t
contain me anymore?
At work, it wasn’t that much of a problem since
we wore coveralls but even the 4XL ones I wore
these days were having more and more trouble
keeping me contained. My gut kept getting in the
way, too, causing me to bump into and knock over
things I couldn’t see anymore. We had that little
niche where we kept some of the tools and it began
to be a pretty tight fit in there, as were the chairs
whenever I went out for after-work drinks with the
guys. I also had to sit down and rest more. My arms
were getting heavy during overhead work.