"Your point Mr Serrano."
"Let me buy you a drink."He pointed for her to take a seat she did.
"I'm sure you have better things to do than buy me a drink I don't think your companion would approve of that and neither would my husband."
"A husband who's too busy seducing another woman to pay attention to his own wife and not only I can see that."Sabrina remained quiet there was no need to deny the obvious."The women I sleep with know I hate jealousy and they know better than to question me."Oh she does she's been one of those women."But I don't have to tell you that."Grey eyes clashed with brown ones. Sabrina sipped her juice and chose not to answer him."How did you end up marrying him."
"That's not your business."
"It's clear as daylight you feel nothing for him if I didn't know better I'd say you hate him."
Sabrina gave a nervous laugh."You don't know what you talking about how can I hate my own husband."
"That's what I'd like to know."
"I don't have to tell you anything Mr Serrano my private life is my business and mine alone."
"We way past formalities Sabrina I take it you haven't told your husband about what happened between us."
"Nothing happened between us."Sabrina said."And what makes you think I haven't told Craig the truth."
"Come now Sabrina."He reached out to touch her cheek."We all know there isn't any long lost love between Craig and I if he'd known he wouldn't have been so calm."
"There wasn't anything serious between us Alessandro that's why I never bothered to tell Craig the truth and I'm not planning on telling him either what
we had was a brief fling nothing more it didn't mean anything we both moved on let's leave it at that."
"We had more than a 'brief fling' as you put it.You know that,you can still feel it you felt it earlier on when we shook hands."
"I-I have no idea what you talking about I didn't feel anything."She denied.
He grinned."Sure you didn't."He drank his scotch."I'd say we both still want each other."
"You might but I don't I'm happily married thank you very much."
"If only your eyes agree with your mouth than it would've been so easy for me to believe you."
"You know nothing about me so don't sit there and pretend you do."
"I know no man has ever made you feel what I do,touch you,kiss you and caress you the way I did the way I still can."Sabrina's body reacted to his words her nipples tighten inside her bra they were ready and waiting for the pleasures she knows he can give them.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."Sabrina heard Craig's voice behind her.
"No I was just leaving."Alessandro said finishing his drink and getting up to leave.
"What did he want."He demanded when they were alone.
"Nothing.If you done looking for your next conquest I'd like to go home to my son."She proceeded ahead without him,she's breathless,hot and turned on all because of Alessandro how can mere simple words have her in such a state a state of confusion,hunger,need and longing.How can he do this?
What is it about the man that makes her want to lay herself bare before him and let him have his wicked way with her.No she can't allow that or fantasize about him she should stay away from him that shouldn't be so hard,she doubts their paths will ever cross again in these past four months that she's been home she barely saw or bump into him and it will remain so.
Alessandro was sitting inside his Manhattan penthouse suite looking out the window,his thoughts are on Sabrina it's been a week since the gala event and she's still on his mind.He thinks of nothing else except her beautiful face smooth golden skin red brown hair,dark grey eyes small pert nose and sensual full lips she haunts him,his mind and thoughts.He doesn't do married woman but her being married or not doesn't even bother him that she's sleeping with another man makes him angry for some reason and he wonders why.
He wanted her badly he's attracted to her those short two months of having her in his bed had been unforgettable,her sexy curvy voluptuous body was never far away from his mind despite having had numerous women in his bed.He wouldn't have let them go their separate ways if the condom hadn't broke one night it had scared the shit out of him that there was a possibility she could be pregnant,babies hadn't been on the agenda not ever and having a baby with a women he barely knew freaked him out when she'd told him she got her period he had been relieve two weeks later they'd called it quits.
He knows her father everyone who knows him says Smith is a smart business man that's why anyone who knew him were shocked to discover Smith had given the business to Rogers most people think he'll destroy Smith's legacy and he agrees He can't understand how Sabrina had ended up married to such a scum he's been debating whether or not to investigate and dig deeper into this whole thing at first he'd told himself it wasn't his business but in the end his gut had taken over and he asked Pablo to run some background checks and any past history especially Sabrina's.
He doesn't know what he's looking for or what he'll find but all he knows is he still wanted Sabrina and the fact that she's off limits...he didn't care.He wonders if she knows that he and Craig are half brothers he hates that part and he curses the day his father ever met Charlotte Rogers,she didn't even want him the second he'd been born she had given him to his father saying she cannot let Alessandro ruin her happy married life she had a lot to lose,but now Alessandro know it had been all about the money.
Her husband had been wealthy and his father hadn't and if the news about him would've been made public it would've tainted their beautiful family image and name so she'd decided to give him up only to save and protect her other family.He hates her and is grateful she was no longer here along with her husband he didn't even go to her funeral he felt nothing for her except pure hatred,his dad met and married Elena when he was ten years old from there she had given him the love and respect his mother never could,Elena and his father have two daughters Maya and Emilia they are his only family no one else.
He worked hard and promised his father he would take care of them and he has,his sisters are in good schools the best money can provide he built a home for them and gives them money every month when he goes to visit his father is proud of the man he became and he was too all those long hours in school has paid off.He has it all he built an empire for himself that's expanding and growing and bringing in millions each month,he struggled growing up but vowed his future would be different and it is.A knock on his door brought his attention back he told Pablo to come in,his right hand man placed a yellow envelope on his desk.
"Everything you asked for señor."He spoke in spanish.
"Thank you Pablo you may go I'll call you if I need anything else."Pablo nodded and quietly made himself scarce.Alessandro has only began to read the first paragraph and already a slow smile spread across his face this is gonna be good he thought as he leaned back in his chair and continued reading.
Sabrina looked at her watch again for the third time she and Taylor were meeting for lunch but her sister is an hour late when Taylor had called this morning and asked if they could do lunch Sabrina had been happy she had even said Sabrina can bring Leo,Taylor hasn't met her nephew yet Sabrina wonders what she's been up to over the last couple of months that she couldn't even bother to come and see Leo she's his aunt.She tried calling her again but her phone kept on ringing,they were meeting at a nearby local restaurant Sabrina didn't want to risk bumping into Alessandro by going somewhere fancy,she glanced down at Leo he was happily playing alone in his car seat gazing up at her his feet dangling in the air he's so adorable,her cute son.
He smiled at her she touched his soft chubby cheeks."So it is true."She heard that familiar voice say and nearly jumped off her seat,he casually pulled out the empty chair across from her and sat down.So much for not running into him she thought.
"I'm expecting someone so please if you don't mind leaving."
He signaled for a waiter and order an espresso."I'll leave as soon as your guest arrives."