As always cameras greeted them when they arrived Sabrina put on her best smile it was time for her to play the role of dutiful wife even though her husband is having affair after affair with different women she pretends not to know about it but she does she's keeping quiet because she doesn't care whatever he was doing with whomever is none of her business she doesn't even consider him as her husband that's why his actions does not bother her in the least.A red carpet was rolled out as Craig led her inside the beautiful hotel with it's black marble tiles they pass a young receptionists at the front desk on their way over to the ball room.A few business associates of Craig came over to greet them when they entered.
"Good evening."Sabrina said,greeting them.
"You look beautiful Sabrina."Steve said kissing the back of her hand."You a lucky man Craig."
"I know."He answered Sabrina almost pulled away from his touch when he slipped his arm around her waist but stopped herself just in time.
"How is the new project coming along."Steve asked.
Craig glanced at her before answering."We'll discuss it on Monday."In other words it wasn't meant for her ears.
They were about to head over to the bar when Craig stopped and pulled her close immediately she tensed up."What are you doing?"She hissed under her breath."Let go of me."
"Not yet we still have one last performance to do."He said bitterly glancing at the entrance door,she followed his gaze and instantly she was rooted to the spot.Over the last couple of months she's only seen him on magazine covers gossip columns and the news but now seeing him in person takes her breath away.This man is handsome with his dark hair,thick eyebrows long lashes high cheekbones light brown eyes a straight nose and sexy thin lips,lips that had made her scream and beg for him to take her,was he taller or is it her imagination his tuxedo sat perfectly on him it fitted his broad chest and shoulders the white shirt only enhanced his olive skin tone to think she knows what lays hidden under all those clothing,he's very athletic and well build.
People began swarming around him and his girlfriend Craig's lips thinned in an angry line clearly he didn't like that his competition got more attention than he did."Why talk to a man you clearly hate."Sabrina said.
"We don't want to give anyone the wrong impression and don't get swept away by his charms.You my wife you belong to me just because we don't sleep or share a bed together doesn't mean I'll let another man touch you.So if you dream of screwing around with him or any other man forget about it I won't allow it."
"How can anyone dream when they married to you."She said coldly.
"I'm glad we on the same page."He clipped.
"You make me sick."She whispered only for his ears.
"And you make my blood hot honey the more you despise me the more I'm gonna want you,you'll come to me eventually Sabrina it might not be today, tomorrow next week,month or year but you will.I can wait for you I'll be a patient man."
"Then you'll wait forever Craig I'll never be with a man such as yourself.You have enough lovers to keep your bed warm including my sister you'll
never have me."She said with disgust.
"We'll see with a little persuasion you might be."Sabrina knew what he meant he was talking about her son fear rushed down her spine but she kept her cool she won't let him use her son against her,she'll fight tooth and nail.She step slightly away from him but he pulled her back the second Alessandro was in hearing distance he came and stop right in front of them all Sabrina's senses became aware of him,his presence overwhelmed her and when their eyes met he didn't seem surprised to see her his gaze ran over her length Sabrina forced herself not to squirm under his scrutiny he's stripping her naked with only his glare,then slowly that sexy smile spread across his gorgeous face.
"If it isn't Craig Rogers."He said extending his hand,Craig shook it.
"Serrano,a pleasure to see you."Craig said."Honey I'd like you to meet Alessandro Serrano."He said to Sabrina."This is my wife Sabrina Rogers."
He held Sabrina's gaze for a while she wonder what he was thinking."Sabrina." He drawled slowly letting her name roll of his tongue as if he was caressing it. "Pleasure to meet you."Sabrina shook the hand he held out to her,the second his hand closed over hers a warm tingle shot up her arm and spread out heating her body settling low in her stomach she stared at their joint hands she couldn't possible still be attracted to him,when she met his eyes Sabrina could see the shock in them he was surprised too about what had happened instead of letting her hand go he lifted it up and softly kissed her fingers Sabrina's breath caught in her throat."This is how one greets a lady especially a beautiful one such as yourself."Sabrina's knees weaken at hearing his words she was actually grateful for Craig's arm around her waist to stop her from falling. "Men will envy you tonight Rogers."He let go of her hand.
"I only have the best Alessandro I'm a lucky man.Unfortunately some of us can't say that."He bend down to kiss her cheek.
Alessandro met Sabrina's gaze again."Well then enjoy the night.I'll see you on Monday at the business summit."
"Look forward to it."Craig said as Alessandro left but she knew he didn't mean one word he might appear to be calm but the look in his eyes spoke
volumes. "Stay away from that man."He warned her.
"Excuse me you can't tell me what to do."She moved away from him.
"I didn't like the way he looked at you as if he's familiar with your body."
Sabrina nervously averted her gaze."Or maybe you just being paranoid."
"Or not.I'll be damned if I let Serrano have you before me,I'm not gonna tell you again stay away from him."
"So that's all you care about only to have me in your bed for no other man to touch me."
"Why did you think I married you,I knew you were untouched and I wanted to be your first I hate that bastard who touched you before me but it doesn't matter."If only he knew it was Alessandro he was the one who took her virginity the one and only man her body responded to even now it had."I'll have you either way."Sabrina didn't even bother to answer him she won't waste her breath on the likes of Craig one thing that will never happen is her sleeping with him.
The rest of the evening went smoothly Sabrina tried to relax for some strange reason she keeps on feeling Alessandro's gaze on her and whenever she would look at him or glance in his direction he would be in deep discussion with someone.Maybe it's her imagination maybe she wanted him to look at her wanted him to give her the attention she craved from him.Oh god what is she thinking where is her train of thought heading she cannot possible think of wanting him again she'll only put herself at risk and not to mention Leo too she fear what Craig will do if he finds out the man he hates the most is also the father of her baby,she hates to think what he would do then.
The man was capable of doing anything and she doesn't want to know how far he'll go.After a delicious five course dinner they retreated to the lounge where everyone relaxed and enjoyed each other company Sabrina was sitting at the bar drinking passion fruit juice she can see Craig busy talking to a blonde another one who'll be in his bed before the night ends the man is a hypocrite glancing away she looked for her cell in her purse to call Annie.
"Can I buy you a proper drink."That deep dark sexy voice rushed through her body she'll recognize his deep drawl anywhere.
Slowly she met his gaze,her heart began to thud behind her breastbone.Can he hear it too does he know what his presence is doing to me.""She said when she trusted herself enough to talk."I'm fine."Instead of going he sat down next to her."What are you doing?"She asked him.
"What does it look like I'm sitting down unless you have a problem with that." She shook her head and sipped on her drink she heard how he ordered a scotch she tried so hard to ignore him but failed she can't help but be aware of him."I don't remember getting an invitation to the wedding."
She stiffen."It-it was a small private ceremony only family members attended."
"I see."He said Sabrina gets the feeling he didn't believe her.
"If you'll excuse me."She said,standing up his hand closed over hers stopping her from going.
"What's the hurry Sabrina."Why does her name have to sound so seductive whenever he says it."Craig seems way too busy to care what his wife is up to." Does everyone know about his illicit affairs."I can see it doesn't bother you at all."