

“We’ll lend her to you for a reasonable price. Are you interested?”

Denise was undoubtedly getting sold all over again and to another pack at that. But this time, she was being bought by an Alpha, one that was her mate.

Her chest tingled with an emotion she had long forgotten…excitement. She was excited. Today, she was happy.

With her wolf now under his control, even if she shifted, as long as he was by her side, it’d be okay. Everything would be okay.

Or so she hoped.

“I didn’t tell you to move.” Kain said, looking over at her with a raise of his brow. “Why are you curled up over there? How spineless can you be?” His hand patted his thigh and Denise’s heart drummed against her chest as she glanced at his lap.

Hesitantly, she climbed to her feet and listened to his command, inching over to him. She was nervous and flustered but she wouldn’t let this chance pass her by so easily. With her skin blazing in anticipation, she slowly closed the distance between them. Then, to her surprise, just when she was at an arm’s length away from him, he grabbed her hand.

She jolted, “W-What a-are yo---Ah!”

A squeal left her lips as he yanked her into his lap, his arms circling her waist and his front pressing against her back. His scent was intoxicating and the tingles they shared were mind-blowing, so much so that she felt like her chest would explode any moment now.

Denise could feel glaring eyes on her in that blissful moment, but she curled up in his arms, fingers moving to clutch a chunk of his shirt. When he didn’t push her away, she stuffed her face into his chest and sniffed, basking in his scent.

“What the hell are you doing!? Who do you think you’re touching!?” Wyatt’s eye twitched in anger. “Alpha Kain, a man of your caliber shouldn’t let filth curl up on you, do you want her curse to rub off on you?” He said, face scrunching up in scorn.

She heard Kain click his tongue from above her. “That is none of your concern, Walter.”

“I-Its Wyatt, not Walter.”

“So, what did you mean by ‘lend’?” Kain continued, ignoring Wyatt and looking to Denver, “I didn’t come all the way here to hear such foolishness. Say that shit again and I’ll have this pack completely wiped off this land. I can easily take her by force.”

“Ah! T-That…” Denver stammered, “I-I’m afraid my son has taken a liking to her. She is already his fiancé, I can’t just s-send her off to you yet. Once he has his fun, we can definitely make a few changes. O-Of course, the price for her permanent stay will be a bit h-higher.”

Denise clutched Kain’s shirt tighter. Now that she found her mate, she wanted no part in that marriage. Aiden had never wanted anything to do with her anyway. After a while he wouldn’t care much.

“F-Father, I…I w-want to go with Kain.” Denise uttered in a faint voice. It was the first time she had ever asked him for anything in years. If not anything else, she thought he could at least grant that one wish.

“K-K-Kain?!” Her father bellowed in disbelief. “You even dare to call him by name?!”

“I want to go with Alpha Kain.” She corrected, but that only made his eyes redden further with fume.

“You insolent pest! How dare you c----!”

“Get out.” Kain snapped, the slight raise of his voice making her flinch. She looked up at him, watching as his forehead creased and his jaw ticked. She could sense his anger.

“Yes, hurry up and get the hell out!” Wyatt smirked. “You have no say in this conversation anyway. I don’t even know why you’re here. Alpha Denver, you should’ve thrown her into the darkest dungeon you have, she wou---”

“You, Walter. Get out.”

He got his name wrong again.

“O-Oh…” Wyatt clamped his mouth shut, embarrassment flooding his face. All were surprised including Denise and Denver, but no one said a word.

Kain’s hands shifted on her waist and she found herself being lifted and placed on the bed, before he got up, stalking over to the door. She almost whimpered at the loss of skin contact.

His hand found the knob and he twisted, pulling the door open with one hard swing. He didn’t need to repeat himself because Wyatt quickly shuffled out, but not before sending a deadly glare her way.

Now, Denise was even more confused about her mate’s identity. Her father would never simply listen to another Alpha’s command. Who exactly was Alpha Kain?

Still, she didn’t know if what just happened could be counted as him defending her, but it made her happy. When was the last time anyone had taken her side?

“Have him know that the next time he irritates me, I won’t let it slide.” He slammed the door shut and turned around, crossing his arms over his chest. “As for you, you’re saying you want your mutt to have her?”

“M-Mutt?” Denver asked, seeming a little shaken up by the glare Kain was giving him.

“Your son.”

“I see…” He trailed off, “W-Well...he likes the pretty ones, but he gets tired of things easily. A few nights with her will be all he needs, don’t worry. A-Also, I’d like Aiden to train within your pack as part of this deal. Of course, just training…nothing dangerous.”

“What kind of deal do you think this is?” Kain growled, “You don’t get to make demands. Until I make my decision, it would be in your best interest to make sure the mutt doesn’t lay a finger on her. This woman…” His eyes travelled to her, the slight twitch of his lips making Denise’s eyes widen. He stared at her with such intensity that her skin immediately set ablaze under his gaze. “…is mine.”


He called her his…

She belonged to him…

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