Walking in as husband and wife, everybody at the reception were on their feet applauding as they entered the hall. Kendall was not taken by the decor, candles or the flowers that adorned the room.
Kendall just wanted this night to end, she hated the pretence, although everybody was aware of the terms of this marriage she still had to play the part of the bride.
Still shaken by Blake's behaviour in the limo, Kendall wanted that sleaze away from her. How dare he treat her like that? He would be a fool to think he was going to touch her intimately. Her bloodline meant that she was way above him. His entire family sickened Kendall, his mother was a whore, his father a thug and he seemed to take after the both of them.
Once seated the festivities began, dancing, drinking, eating. Nobody cared that this was a forced marriage. She watched her husband as he nursed a scotch. To her horror the emcee announced the bride and groom dance, great that's all she wanted. Blake stood up and playing the gentleman escorted her to the dance floor. The lights dimmed and they started their dance. Kendall kept her distance in the dance. Blake cursed under his breath before he pulled her in so their bodies touched. "Smile it's your wedding day."
Kendall kept her back straight, hating the way he thought to taunt her. The song ended and she quickly moved away from before returning to the table. "Kendall, can you act a little more excited?" Her mother started on her…
"Cathy I swear to god, I'll run away! You need to leave me alone."
"He's dancing with another woman you fool, look!" Kendall turned and noticed Blake and a beautiful woman dance, they looked in love. The girl was lost in his eyes and she seemed sad. Good, he can dance with anybody his heart desired as long as he left her the hell alone.
"May I have this dance?" Kendall turned and noticed a very good looking man. "My name is Logan Whitford and I would love a dance." Kendall smiled at Mr blond hair and blue eyes. She took his hand as they made their way to the dance floor. He held her like they were lovers, she quite enjoyed his arms being around her.
"Kendall, my father knew your father very well, when we found out about this farce I was directed to see if you were okay. Your mother wasn't very happy but you’re our main priority." Kendall was shocked to say the least.
"I don't understand?"
"Listen I don't have enough time to answer your questions now, I'll give you my number and when you are free to talk give me a buzz. If you need anything at all you let me know, it's the least we can do, we owed your father a lot."
Well, well, well, things were starting to get interesting…
The party was finally over, and it was time to leave, Kendall was a little apprehensive about leaving with Blake. She went to the bridal room and changed out of her dress thanking god she no longer needed to parade looking like an oversized balloon. She put on a very short cream dress that reached mid thighs, the dress was completely backless, and scooped very low showing cleavage, she added heals, took off her tiara and let her hair down, she messed her hair a little and studied her reflection. She looked like a porn star, and that's the exact look she was after. She could get any man she wanted, best her new husband learn that!
Blake waited impatiently for over an hour for his bride to return. He was losing his patience and didn't want everybody to notice. He thanked the guest for their generosity and made his way to find his wife. He walked into the bridal room without knocking and stood dumb struck. She had her back to him looking almost naked and was talking on her phone, laughing and carrying on. She didn't even acknowledge his presence, which infuriated him! He grabbed her arm and turned her around roughly. Her big brown eyes opened wide as if insulted by his touch.
"Jarred honey I'm going to have to call you back...." Blake took the phone out of her hand and smashed it against the wall causing it shatter! "Who the hell do you think you are?" Hey eyes ablaze. His bride looked at him like he was a nobody.
"I'm your goddamn husband who has better things to do then wait for you!" Blake was furious at this good for nothing spoilt brat.
"Who asked you to wait, I sure didn’t." Blake gave her a dark look.
"Let’s go Kendall, change your clothes and lets go" The fact that she gave him a no you didn’t look…
"I am changed. And for your information I'll not be going with you anywhere." Blake was honestly losing his patience, he wanted to get the fuck out of there and she was delaying his departure.
"Kendall I don’t have time for this. In case you haven’t been informed, we need to follow a schedule so go put something decent on and lets go."
"This is decent, and I haven't packed a thing for our trip. So unfortunately we need to leave when I am better organised."
"Your mother has packed your belongings they are in the car that is outside waiting for us to leave. You have two minutes to change, this is your last chance."
"You are deluded if you think for a second you can tell me what to do or how to dress. Please save yourself the embarrassment and go back to whatever hole you came from." Nobody had ever dared to question Blake Wyatt and never has anybody dared to insult him. Blake was through with playing cool with this spoilt princess, heir to her father’s fortune or not she needed to be put in her place.
Taking off his jacket he turned her around and forced her to wear it, he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder not caring if they put on a show for the ever curious audience.
"Put me down, I swear you will regret it!" Kendall started pounding on his back, she felt her dress ride up and was aware that her less than nothing thong would soon come into view. To her horror and surprise Blake landed his palm hard across her ass slapping her with force.
"Anymore from you and so help me god I will smack your arse for everybody to witness, so let’s leave with a shred of dignity, unless of course you’re into this sort of thing!"
Teach this bitch to try and show him up…
"Okay! Okay I’ll do what you want just put me down..." Kendall could not afford to be in a scandal. She would rather die than be humiliated by the Wyatt family at her wedding no less.
"Understand this, if you continue to disobey me I will not hesitate to publicly humiliate you. Are we clear?"
"Yes now put me down." Blake the big baboon placed her on the floor. She could not believe the audacity.
"Wrap my jacket around you, you look like a fucking whore." Kendall stared at Blake speechless. He just insulted her, not to mention he slapped her backside. This was so not acceptable, how on earth would she survive this brute? Kendall's life consisted of people jumping at her every demand, at pleasing her at all cost. She had never in all her years been spoken to or treated as this.
Deciding on keeping her mouth shut for now, it was neither the time nor the place for such a conversation. He will eventually do things her way, everybody always did.