Blake grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. He was always a reasonable man, always calm and fair. He loathed the Hastings for as long as he could remember. He especially hated Kendall's father Augustus. Which in turn made him hate his only daughter the spoilt, over indulged little brat. She was her father’s reflection. She acted like Augustus, always looking down at everybody else, never giving in to demands and always ruthless in order to get his way. He had studied her father, Blake was actually intrigued by Augustus Hasting, everybody called him the king, because of his hard all or nothing nature and sure enough his daughter was named the princess.
Deep down Blake thought to give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she wasn't what he imagined her to be, that maybe, just maybe the rumours were wrong, boy was he sadly mistaken, she was more than the rumours he'd heard about, she was everything he feared and more. Blake didn't want to be harsh with her but it seemed it was going to be the only way to tame this insolent being.
Kendall seemed appalled to see a four wheel drive as the car of choice. "I will not get in that." Of course she said that… Why was he even surprised?
"Kendall get in the goddamn car before I throw you in." He was serious… Did she honestly expect him to see to her every desire? At this point Blake was speaking quietly to his stupid bride through clenched teeth,
"Where is the limo?" Oh how he wanted to smack her.
"Kendall, for heaven’s sake, get in the car, top of the range... See?" He opened the door for her to inspect, she eyed it out clearly not happy.
"No." For the third time today this little hothead was making him lose his cool. He wasn’t going to bother. Fuck it… Let the audience get their fill. Blake lifted her ass and all but threw her in. He did warn her. He slammed the door hard and went to say his goodbyes to Jade.
Poor Jade looking so broken hearted. He grabbed her around her waist and kissed her deeply. Not caring if the entire world watched. He loved her and everybody would just have to accept that fact. He could be doomed to be married to this princess but in no way would that mean that he would live without Jade. Not going to happen, even if he lost everything. His plan was to make his bride as miserable as he could and maybe she would file for divorce granting him everything.
Kendall had witnessed the kiss and felt humiliated, he was deliberately playing with her. She knew his type. He wanted her to know that he made the rules and that she would abide by them. Yeah right, he would have to wait for hell to freeze over first. It took Kendall everything she had not to go down and kiss some random guy just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
After he finished stuffing his tongue down that slut’s mouth Blake entered the car and took off not even waving to anybody. Kendall quickly shrugged his jacket off.
"So where are we off to?" She asked out of nothingelsetosayitis.
"No idea" He was full of talk this one…
"Sounds nice." He was an idiot. "Is this no idea far from here?"
"I need to head down this way, in about an hour I will receive the address of the location. It was stated that we are to follow exact orders to keep this truce going. Michael was very specific in his demands."
"Michael was and idiot… What are his other demands, I really thought the marriage thing was it... Please don't tell me there is more?'' Blake looked over at her squinting his eyes.
"Your mother didn't feel the need to enlighten you with the details?"
"Actually no, she might have thought I wouldn't have gone through with it. She would have been correct."
"Demands so far are we are to be wed, we are to consummate the marriage and sire a child. We are to go to this specific location where we will sleep in the same bed for two weeks. No interference with any members of either family and no friends. When the honeymoon is over we will return to my house where you will live in order to keep the truce going."
Kendall was having a very hard time taking this in. Her mother was an absolute lying witch. She never mentioned any of the above, except of course the wedding and the baby. Kendall wanted to pull out and end this whole farce. No way would she be able to handle all of these demands. What was Michael playing at? Why did he want this to happen?
"And you’re willing to play by the rules? Wow you must be desperate to agree to this and what about your poor girlfriend? Kind of feel sorry for her."
"That’s none of your business Kendall, you'd do well to remember that."
"Oh I'm sorry did I strike a nerve? She must love you a lot to allow you to marry another. Does she know the terms of this deal? Have you discussed in detail how it is going to be? She really must be a little slow to accept this. Slow or desperate... Who knows right?"
Kendall noticed the way his jaw was clenched. This was payback bitch, she would teach him to ever ill-treat her again.
She was surprised when Blake pulled the car over to the side of the road and put it in park. He was looking straight ahead as if trying to calm himself down. Kendall felt a moment of fear, just a moment then she recalled the way he had manhandled her earlier on and she was once again ready to rub salt in the wound.
Blake counted to twenty, hoping he could regain some control, he was so close to losing his shit and belting his pain in the ass bride. She was fucking exhausting, he could handle a lot of things but he didn't take to kindly to Jade being insulted. Jade was his true love and his bride here needed to learn some fucking respect. Blake turned and looked at the brunette bombshell sitting in the passenger’s seat with not a care in the world.
"Listen carefully Kendall, I'm doing my best to remain calm with you. Jade is not your concern, please refrain from talking about her or insulting her. That is one thing I will not tolerate. I don't want to cause anymore animosity between us, we should try and be civil with each other at least that will make this entire ordeal a little easier on the both of us."
"Civil? You’re kidding right? Do I need to remind you that you had how you threw my phone, or how you smacked my ass? Civil? How civil were you when you kissed your precious Jade? Fuck you! I will never be civil with you."
Blake counted to ten before he started the car and continued on their journey. She was not going to make this easy, he could tell from the word go how difficult KENDALL was going to make this entire situation for him. This was not going to be an easy thing to control, he was a control freak and this situation was fast spiralling out of control.
After what seemed like forever on the road, Kendall wanted a break. They hadn't said a word to each other the entire time that they were back on the road. "I need to use the toilet. Find a cafe or something and pull over."
"Ask me nicely, I don't take orders." Blake was going to fight fire with fire.
"Please pull over." Said so monotoned. Oh how he wanted to smack her gorgeous mouth. Bitch rolled her eyes at him.
"Good girl... Maybe there is hope for you yet." He smiled when he saw her eyes widen at his comment.
"Whatever. You have serious issues." KENDALL was too tired to deal with his shit. Hating traveling in this sorry excuse for a car and wanting to stretch herself she refused to give him any more of her time.
Finally pulling over at a disgusting diner, Kendall almost barfed. "This is the best you could come up with?"
"Sorry princess, beggars can't be choosers. It’s here or the woods, choice is yours." Kendall huffed and exited the car. She hated the dirt on the ground, her shoes were very expensive and she didn't want to ruin them. She was walking on her toes to avoid marring her heels.
"What is it now?" Blake watched her walk like she was stepping on burning coal.
"The ground is dirty."
"No shit Sherlock, it’s called the earth, now hurry up we don't have all night"
"My shoes will be ruined." He looked at her like she was an alien, for fucks sake she was high maintenance and the world knew it. Why was he acting like this was news to him.
Blake once again shocked the hell out of her when he picked her up for the second time today throwing her over his shoulder. In only five strides before he was at the entrance to the diner. He put her down and didn't even look at her. Blake entered the diner and it looked like he regretted the stop as soon as he walked in. Bikers all shapes and sizes were having a drink or something to eat. Kendall didn't even look anybody's way. She walked straight in and searched for the ladies room. She could hear the men whistle and comment.
"Keep it in your pants boys." Kendall said to Blake’s absolute horror. She entered the ladies room and Blake was trying to figure out how to take all these fuckers on. As he waited for his taking forever bride, he purchased two sodas and waited patiently for Kendall to return.
"How much for the beauty." A big bold biker asked him.
"She's not for sale." Blake didn't look at him when he replied.
"Hundred dollars for an hour."
"You know what, ask her yourself." Blake was aware how fragile this situation was, yet it was a great way to teach her a lesson in appropriate attire. He was more than ready for trouble, let's see how Miss Princess here would handle herself.
With all the grace of a model she walked out of the ladies room. Her held high as she walked passed the men who were clearly enjoying the view.
"Hey sweet cheeks how much for an hour? Or even ten minutes I don't think it will take me long, if you know what I mean?"
"Honey you couldn't afford me." She walked up to Blake and seemed ready to leave. "When you’re ready." She was still ordering him like he was nothing. Blake sensed trouble, the big bold biker dude came toward them, as did four other big ugly boys. Blake smiled, it was go time, he grabbed Kendall and handed her the keys.
"Go! Lock yourself in the car, if you need to drive then you drive fast." Kendall wasn't sure why he was telling her this and whispering it in her ear. She looked back and was quick to understand. Not needing to be told twice Kendall followed his orders. She ran to the car and started the ignition, that’s all she knew how to do... Fuck it shouldn't be too hard to drive. She heard gunshots go off and froze. Oh boy she was in shit. She assumed D was for drive and moved the stick to D, looking for the brakes she worked that out too. When she saw Blake run out she tried to drive to him, every time she accelerated she would quickly break, she continued this motion until he caught up with her.
Blake tried to get in the passenger seat, but the door was locked. He banged on the window for her to unlock the door. She searched frantically to find an unlock button. Blake kept looking back they were coming for blood and KENDALL didn’t know how to unlock a door. Blake moved indicated where the button was located. She nodded her head and got it.
"Drive!" He yelled once he was inside the car. Um… She didn’t know how to drive. “Kendall drive the fucking car they are coming!"
"I don't know how to!" Moving his seat back as far as it could go he ordered her to sit in his lap so he could move to the driver’s seat. It was awkward to say the least, her ass was in his face at one point and if this situation weren’t so dangerous he would have found it hilarious. The bikers were out and they were fucking angry. Blake took off yelling at Kendall to buckle up. He was speeding but they were not far behind, having bikes made it easier for them to catch up. He sped and kept changing lanes to confuse them. He counted five all up. They reached Kendall's window and banged on the glass, Kendall let out a scream. Blake pressed on the brake suddenly and the car halted in its place. The bikers kept going for a while before realizing he had stopped.
This gave Blake enough time to get the car ready and take off again, this entire situation was on dangerous ground, the road was winding and he didn't want to kill anybody but their lives were literally in danger and he wouldn't risk it. They turned back and sped toward him, as they came forward, he flew straight at them, by the time they almost collided the bikers flew off their bikes hitting the ground hard as their bikes continued to drive on their own until they crashed form the force of the speed. Blake continued at a fast pace to get as much distance as he could. After an hour he was sure they were safe and he slowed down to the designated speed limit.