
Chapter 2

"What took you so long?" Kayla asks me as we step through our dorm room door.

"I didn't understand it." I lie, grabbing a fresh set of clothes from my closet.


I look over at her, my face flat and not showing any hints of what happened back in the lecture room.

"What? You're looking at me weird." I say, now turning towards the bathroom.

"Nothing...nothing. All I'm saying is that I don't believe a word you're saying." Her voice is quiet due to us being in separate rooms.

I roll my eyes in the mirror at her response. I strip out of my dress, getting a breath full of Zions cologne and I smile to myself as I change into something more comfortable.

"Why did he send me and Evelyn out?" Kayla questions me after I walk out the bathroom.

"How am I meant to know? Ask him yourself tomorrow." I say, taking a seat on my bed, "What do you think I'm lying about?"

"That nothings going on between you and Mr. Madisette. It's not high school, teachers don't keep students behind if they don't finish." She says and I look over at her, keeping eye contact.

"I swear on my dog's life that there's nothing going on, he gave me the option to leave and do my work elsewhere, but I chose not to."

"Isn't your dog dead?" Kayla asks me in the most curious way.

"I have 2 dogs." And I'm swearing on the 3rd one that may or may not be dead.

"I still don't believe you." She mutters, crossing over from her bed to mine with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"Why not?" I ask her, staring up at the ceiling.

"Well, Where should I start?" I shrug in response. "Okay...well...Firstly, He's hot as fuck and he's got alottt of money..." She trails off.

"So?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"'re crazy if you aren't taking the chance of seeing how big his dick is when you and he are the only ones in the room! Especially when It's after On-campus time." She says it like she's imagining it herself and I force myself not to tell her a thing.

"He's our teacher, Kayla." And you let him fuck you with his hand and cock? I almost groan at the thought, but I refrain myself.

"But he's only 12 years older than you! Not a big difference. Also...he's hot." She beams over at me, obviously forgetting she's already told me that.

"Sorry for letting you down." I sigh, sitting up and patting her shoulder. "Now go and sleep." I shove her off the bed and she lands on the floor with a big "oof".


"You're late, Elaine!" Kayla says, shaking my sleeping body.

"Okay..." I mumble, turning over to fall back asleep. She doesnt stop shaking me.

"You've missed half a day!" She cries. "Wake the fuck up!"

I wipe a hand against my face before pushing my body up with limp arms. I look over at the clock that lays on my side table and read the time.


Shit. I'm late.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I practically shout, rushing out of bed and shoving on a pair of joggers that lay on the end of my bed.

"You wouldn't wake up!" She sighs, jumping onto her own bed. "It's like someone fucked the energy out of you..." She mumbles, clearly not over yesterday's topic. I ignore it, changing the subject already.

"Is it hot or cold?" I ask, looking over at her. She raises her eyebrow in question. "Is it warm out or cold?" I ask again.

"Oh! Uhm...pretty hot." She says, opening her laptop.

I rush to take my jumper off, not bothering to put a bra on and rush out our dorm door in joggers and a short tank.

As I walk through the Science block doors, I check my phone for what lesson I have.

12:00: Math.

01:05: Buisness.

Okay. That's fine.

I walk through the halls until I reach my class and stand outside the door, contemplating whether I should just skip or walk in and act like everything is normal. I've only ever been late to Mr. Madisette. Well, Zion. I chose to just walk in.

"Thank you for joining us, Miss. Marie." My teacher says, side eyeing me from her desk.

"Sorry." I mutter as I walk over to my seat. I glance around the room, noticing a couple people looking at me, but I ignore them. It's most likely because I was late. I hope so....Zion wouldn't have said anything, right?

I decided to pay attention to class, seeing as I missed almost a quarter already. I grab my laptop and notebook out of my bag before laying them neatly across my desk and starting my work.


Class is over after what felt like hours, and I meet Evelyn outside.

"Kayla told me about Sir." She wiggles her eyebrows at me as we walk down towards business, which unfortunately for me, is his class.

"You know she's a hopeless romantic, and that he's our teacher, right?" I give her a stern look.

"Oh...oh. Okay. You don't want your relationship to be known. Got i-" I cut her off by slapping her arm playfully.

"Shut up."

"That one hurt..."She whines and I roll my eyes at her. We both come to a halt when we reach the classroom door, knowing it's probably locked as we got here early.

"I swear, nothings going on between us..." I hold out my pinky. She goes to connect our pinkies, but it's smacked away by a larger, veiny hand. Both our heads snap in the direction of who it is and we come face to face with Mr. Madisette.

"What are you swearing on?" He says, looking between us two.

"Nothi-" Now I get cut off.

"That there's nothing going on between her and a guy. Not you, Of course." She says, her cheeks going bright pink. She can never keep her cool...

"Hm..." He gives me the side eye, "Who?" His eyes move from mine to Evelyns.

"No-one." We both say in union and I give Evelyn a smile, thanking her for not spoiling.

Sir's eyes move from hers back to mine again, the eye contact lasting longer than necessary.

"Get in." He speaks, his voice firm. Evelyn raises her eyebrows at me in shock, seeing how his tone changes so quickly and we both walk in together.

I feel a hand slip along my hip before disappearing and I look back to see his smirk.

"Take your seat. We will start once the rest are here." He says, now not paying attention to me.

After a couple minutes, more people come flooding into the room, taking their seats and Sir begins his class. Half the time, I'm distracted by him and Evelyn and not paying attention to the work.

At this time, I'm being diverted to Evelyn, who keeps mouthing something like "He keeps looking at you" and wiggling her eyebrows, again...

"Elaine." His firm voice comes back into focus. "Pay attention."

I nod, everting my eyes back to my laptop where my unfinished assignment lays. I hear the quiet snicker of Evelyn's laugh from the other side of the room and try to ignore it, but obviously she finds something so funny that she can't hold it in.

"Evelyn. I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you carry on." Sir sighs, already fed up and It's not even half way through the lesson.

"Sorry." She says, following it with a wheeze. I remain composed and sit with my head down, refusing to look anywhere but the table. If I do, I will turn out just like Evelyn.

Soon the small wheezes come to a stop and Sir seems to relax more, continuing on the lesson. I look around the class, most people are taking notes, one's asleep and another 3 are chatting to each other. Then I see Evelyn and she sees me. I watch her as she points to Sir's computer.

"What about it?" I mouth and she points further up to where a post-it sits. I squint my eyes to read it.

02456 35-

I try to finish reading what it says, but the post it notes is soon taken away. I look up to find Mr. Madisette looking straight back at me. I raise my eyebrow at him as he continues to speak to the rest of the class, his hand slipping the post-it into his back pocket.

My mind goes back to what the note said.

02456 35...

Wait, shit! How the fuck did he get that?...

I look over at Evelyn and she's looking at me, giving me the same look Kayla gives me when she doesn't believe a word I say.

"I don't know how he got that." I mouth, pleading with my eyes for her to believe my every word.

"How else would he get your number?" She mouths back and I dramatically shrug. She obviously doesn't agree and turns her head to ignore me.

I spend the rest of the lesson, staring at my half finished assignment.


"Do not tell Kayla, please." I say as we exit the class. I would go to ask him how the fuck he got that, but I would rather speak to him by myself. So I have freedom of what I say.

"I'm telling her." She mutters, "She might even know where he got it. She had him earlier today."

"I guess so...but you guys can not mimic me for it, especially when it's not true. And no blackmailing." I say.

" i need to sign a contract as well?" She asks sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

We walk off towards our dorm, not speaking any further. I guess she's tired of me trying to prove my innocence. But, I can't have people knowing about any of what happened. It was a mistake, one which I maybe would make again. But that's besides the point. As we walk, my mind goes racing back to what happened. Me sitting on his lap, him whispering in my ear, kissing my neck. The thought of his fingers pumping in and out of me makes my body weak, and I almost topple over, but I regain my stepping.

"Are you ok?" Evelyn asks me, holding our dorm room door open for me.

"Yea, tripped on the carpet." I say, even though there's no carpet to trip on.


I walk into the room, being greeted by Kayla.

"Hi!" She beams at both me and Evelyn. I nod and take a seat on my bed, the throbbing between my legs growing more intense as my mind goes over every detail. I try to knock it all out of my head, but It doesn't go.

"Elaine?" Kayla waves her hand in my face, half pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" She asks, pulling her hand up to my head. Her cold hand makes me jump.

"Shit! Sorry, just...thinking. I left something in maths. I will be back in a few!" I say, jumping out of bed and shoving a jumper on.

"Do you want us to come?" Both of them ask. I have no time to reply as I'm out the door in seconds.

I don't even know what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it, but I am. I rush down the building's stairs till I'm met with the cool air. It's 4pm in winter, and the sun is already starting to go down...

I rush towards the Social Studies block, trying to warm myself up by wiping my hands up and down my arms. It doesn't work, but I keep doing it anyway.

I push the building door open, the halls still being cold. They really should put heating in the corridors...

I find my way to Zion's room, opening the door and rushing into the warmth of the classroom. I'm met with darkness, besides the small lamp that sits on his desk. I stare at him to find him sleeping. His chest rising and falling to his soft breathing.

What do I do?...

I stand in the same spot for a good couple seconds, my body still shivering from the cold before deciding to walk over. When I get to where he's sitting, I place my hand onto his shoulder, trying to move myself into his lap but he jolts. His eyes flutter till they rest half opened. He says nothing and only moves his hand up to my hip and lifts me up into his lap himself.

"You're shaking.." He whispers, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, and for some odd reason, it warms me up...

I dig my head into his neck, enjoying the feel of his company. The thought of why I really came is long gone and I'm left with feeling all fuzzy. I feel my body relax into his and he rests his head on mine.

"Why are you here?" He whispers, his voice barely audible over the beat of his heart that vibrates beneath my head. I stay quiet, closing my eyes.

His hand comes up to my head and he runs his fingers through my hair, not trying to push an answer out of me.

We sit like this for many minutes before I come to the conclusion we both will have to go back to our own beds in the end. I pull back and look up at him. I move one of my hands to his back before pushing into his back pocket and pulling out the post-it. He tries to snatch it off from me, but I pull my hand further away and out of his reach.

"Who gave you this?" I ask, not looking at the paper.


"It's my number. Why and how do you have it?" I repeat my question. He only smirks down at me sleepily.

"Look at the paper, Elaine." He says, pulling me back into his chest and hooking his thumb in the pockets of my joggers. I open the note, confused on why I'm suddenly allowed to look at it and read it.

02456 353 716

Elaine's number, If you want it.

I look back up at him.

"I know what it is, this still doesn't answer my question." I mutter, turning my upper body to stick it back on his desk.

"I would have thought you recognized your friend's handwriting." He whispers, that smirk not leaving his face. Oh...?

Kayla...fucking bastard.

"What if I don't want you to have it?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow.

"I'm having it anyway." He sighs, lifting me off his lap and getting up himself.

"Wow, Okay..." I let out a long breath.

"Is that why you came?" He asks, picking his coat and phone up and I hesitate to speak.

"No." I say. I watch him as he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Why'd you come then?" He asks again.

"It doesn't matter." I mutter, following him to the door. He doesn't continue the conversation but turns around abruptly.

"Put this on." He says, chucking his coat into my arms. I stare down at it for a good couple seconds, debating on whether to see if it smells like him or to just put it on. I save myself some dignity and put it on. I look up at him to see him laughing at me. The coat is way too big...but I won't complain.

He holds the doors open for me as we walk out the building together. I expect nothing but a small goodbye as we part ways, but he surprises me by pecking my on the lips and forehead. And I'm left smiling all the way back to my dorm.


I get to my dorm room and quietly open the door. The room is dark besides the light shining off from Kayla's laptop, lighting her face up . I look over to see Evelyn sleeping...thank god.

"What took you so long?" Kayla whispers as I go to sit in bed. I see her raise her brows at me, and I already know she knows the answer.

"Why did you give him my number?" I whisper back.

"So you admit you were with him?" She gives me a sweet, innocent smile.


"Who's coat is that?" She asks. I look down at the coat I'm currently drowning in and then stare back at her.

" have to admit you already knew. He took my number from you. That's already a clear hint." I sigh, keeping my voice low so I don't wake Evelyn up. If she woke up to me and Kayla talking about whose coat I'm wearing and where I was, she wouldn't let me live it down...

"I know. I still want to hear it come from you." She smirks at me, closing her laptop and making the room complete darkness.

"Now go to sleep, I dont want you waking up late again." She mutters. I hear the sound of her moving over and getting comfy. I then lay myself down in bed, still being consumed by Zion's coat. Everytime I breathe I get a hint of his scent, and It makes me smile as I fall asleep.

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