
Chapter 1

                        ! ?????? ???????!

I hear my classroom door open then shut.

"You're late." I say, not looking over at who it is. No one replies, so I assume they have already sat down and continue to write basic notes on my notepad. I'm soon proven wrong when I feel the sense of someone's presence beside me. I look out the corner of my eyes, only for a pair of legs to come into view. A note is placed beside my hand and for a quick second, my eyes evert to read it before turning back to the pair of legs.

"Go sit." I say, my voice more hoarse than I expected it to be and I watch as she walks away. She's wearing a plain, black hoodie which hangs off one shoulder, while her bottom half is barely covered by a short, summer skirt. As she turns to sit, she reveals that it's a dress.


Summer dresses are my weakness and she knows it. I catch a glimpse of her sweet, innocent smile as I move my eyes to read the note.

Please excuse the fact Miss. Marie is late. She was at the office.


               Mrs. P.

I rip the note up and chuck the small pieces of paper in the bin. I look back up to find the class still focusing on their work...besides Elaine.

I motion for her to open her laptop and begin her work, but she doesn't follow. I let out a rough sigh.

"Elaine, If you do not continue your work from yesterday, you will have to complete it after the end of the hour." I say, my eyes on my computer screen now. I don't bother to check whether or not she has done it, it's not my buisness anymore.

Multiple minutes go by before my students begin to hand in their work. I skim through everyone's emails to make sure enough has been done.

"Harry, mate. What is this?" I sigh, motioning towards my computer.

"Shit. Must have sent you the wrong one, sorry."

"Hurry up...If you've handed it in and I haven't called your name, you may leave." I say, scrolling onto the next assignment. Elaine.

I skim read what she's written, which is no more than ten lines, before looking up to where she's normally sat. She's not there. I look over at the door to see her flower covered arse almost walking out.

"Elaine." I say, my voice firm. Her head soon pops around the door frame.

She raises a brow at me and I motion for her to walk back in. My eyes remain on her work despite me not even bothering to read it.

"Go sit back down, get your laptop out and continue this until it is good enough."

She looks at me like I've spoken complete bollocks.

"I think it's good enough."

"I don't." I sigh.

"You never do. It's all just so I'm kept back after class." She mumbles.

I look around the room, a couple students who still have not left now stare straight back at me. I finally turn to look at Elaine, the muscles under my suit tensing.

"You have written ten lines worth of work, Elaine. If you wish, you can finish it anywhere else but my room. I do not care unless the work is not finished." I don't look anywhere else but her and she nods, twirling around and walking off to the back of the room.

I let out a deep sigh before continuing to read through the rest of the submissions.


Just over fifteen minutes go by and the last student leaves my room except for Elaine who still sits at the back of the lecture room.

A small sorry comes from my classroom door before 2 girls walk into frame, both of them looking between me and Elaine as soon as they step foot through the door.

"Can I help?" I ask the two.

"We came for Elaine...We're meant to be going for lunch." One of them mutters, pointing to the women in question.

I look over to see her packing her things.

"Elaine? Are you done with your assignment?" I ask, not looking at the other two.

She looks back at me, her face dropping as her shoulders slump down.

"No?" I ask and she shakes her head in response. "Why are you moving then? Sit back down."

I hear her mutter something under her breath, but she's too far away for me to be able to even guess what it was she was saying.

"Sorry." One of the girls says before they both walk out and shut the door behind them.

"Have you eaten?" I ask Elaine when the random thought comes to my head. She looks up at me and nods before moving out of her seat. I raise my eyebrow at her, and she gives me a "What?" look.

"Don't get pissy at me." I sigh, watching her as she bends to look through books on my shelf. My eyes evert to the short fabric covering her arse without control and...Shit. She knows what she's doing...

I get up out of my seat and walk towards her. The corner of her mouth raises into a small smirk which is almost hidden by the way she's bent over and how her hair falls softly over her face.

I stand behind her, my cock only blocked from touching her flower covered ass by the short distance between us and my suit pants.

"What are you looking for?" I ask her, putting my hands into the pockets of my slacks.

"A microscope." She says, pulling a book out and reading the blurb.

"For what?"

"To see your microscopic dick, I think."

I roll my eyes, already being able to sense her smile.

I grab onto her hip, moving my hand further down slowly.

"You think?" I ask, giving her ass a small slap. One of her hands moves up to a shelf for balance at the same time a small moan leaves her lips.

"Hm? Answer the question, love." My voice is hoarse and rough as the words leave my lips.

"I kno-" I cut her off by slapping her arse again. The rest of her sentence is filled out by a whimper and her sweet, little noises are making blood rush to my cock.

I move closer, filling the gap between us as my dick comes into line with her ass. I bend down, taking the book from her hands and let it drop to the floor with a thud. 

"Is this what you call microscopic?" I whisper into her ear as I grind my dick against her arse. A small whimper escapes her mouth.

"N-" She struggles to speak as I grind into her again, moving my hand up her body till it finds her nipple through the soft fabric of her dress.

"I want this off." I kiss her ear as I tug on her dress. I grab onto her hip and spin her around. Her eyes are hazy but bright and she's biting onto her lower lip. I push her chin up with my other hand, using my thumb to unhook her plump lip.

"Take it off." I demand, looking her in her eyes.

She doesn't break eye contact as she slowly pushes the fabric of her dress down to her hips.

I move my eyes down her body and fuck...

She's beautiful.

I look up at her, my face level with her chest now.

"Can I?" I ask, my voice deep.

She nods, dragging her lip between her teeth.

Within seconds my mouth is on her tits, sucking, licking, and nibbling at her skin. Her soft whimpers fill the silent room, making my dick throb and her hands pull on the hair at the back of my neck.

"Fuck.." She moans, tugging on my hair until I'm looking up at her. I have no time to question what's she doing before it's answered with her lips smashing into mine. Her lips are soft but her mouth is desperate and needy. I hook my hands around her thighs and pull her up against my body so she's wrapped comfortably around my waist. I walk us over to my desk chair, pulling away to catch my breath for only a second until I'm then back on her and deepening the kiss, using my tongue to open her mouth wider so I can explore. I bite down on her lower lip, causing her to whimper and my hands trail up her thighs until they sit snugly on her ass.

I suddenly pull away from the kiss, feeling her bare skin against my palms.

"You're not wearing anything underneath?" I ask, my body trying to get air back into my lungs.

She shakes her head as she takes one of my hands and guides it to her front. Fucking hell.

Her eyes are soft and begging, matching the way her pussy throbs against my hand. A small smirk plays on my mouth as I smash my lips back into hers. She gasps before returning the kiss to me.

I trail my hand further down till I reach where I want to be. I use my thumb to circle her clit slowly and she moans into my mouth as I tease her with the tip of my finger, leading her to try and lower herself down.

"Please." She moans, catching a breath before kissing me again.

"Please what?" I ask her, pushing my finger in further. Just as she's about to speak, I push in another finger and begin pumping them in and out of her. She struggles to kiss me back as she puts her hands on my shoulders.

I stop and let her take control, enjoying myself as I watch her tits bounce from her rough movements and listen to her noises of pleasure.

"That's it, love." I whisper, putting my spare hand on her hip.

She uses my shoulders for further support as she moves her body up and down faster. I feel her pussy tighten around me and so I take control, using my spare hand on her hip to push her up and down against my hand faster and harder.

"Oh god.." She moans. "Fuck!"

I watch her as her head falls back and her body begins to tremble on mine.

I whisper into her ear, pulling her mouth back to mine as I let her ride out her high.

I feel her hands as they slide down my chest and onto my thighs. She pulls back, biting her bottom lip again, already showing she's ready for more.

"Please..." She says, tilting her head slightly as one of her hands runs over the fabric covering my rock-hard cock.

I take no time unbuttoning my suit pants and pulling down my underwear until my dick is out.

Her eyes go hazy as she takes a hand and softly runs it up and down my cock. I let out an uneven breath and watch as a bead of pre-cum dribbles down the length of me. Elaine takes her finger and scoops it up before sliding her finger into her mouth. Without control my head falls back and I let out a soft groan.

"Middle draw. Condom." I mutter, turning back to look at her as she does what I say.

I hold my hand out, but she slaps it away, undoing the wrapper herself before carefully sliding it onto my thick length.

I watch her as she lifts herself up, aligning her entrance to my cock. Before she goes further, I pull her close and peck her on her mouth. I have no time to do anything myself before she slams herself down onto me.

"Shit." I groan, placing my hands onto either side of her waist. My eyes remain on where our body's connect, my member slowly disappearing again into her pretty little cunt.

She lets out a soft moan as she guides herself all the way up until only my tip sits in her, but then she slamming herself back down again.

I grip onto her hips more firmly before taking dominance and thrusting into her harder and faster. Her hands come to sit on my shoulders as her fingers dig deep into my skin through my shirt.

Our moans fill the room, as well as the sound of our body's coming into contact.

"More..." She moans, resting her head into the hollow of my neck. I feel her soft, weak kisses against my skin and they only making me want more of her.

"Madisette.." She moans my last name and I slow down my pace, tightening my grip on her hips.

"Zion. Not Madisette." I say, slowly building my pace back up. She lets out the prettiest sound I've ever heard as she digs her head further into my neck.

"I want to hear it." I groan. "Say my name, Elaine." I lift us both up only to place her on my desk and flip her over so she's on her elbows.

I smash my member back into her, making it hard for her to even get a letter out.

"Fuck.." I mutter, tilting my hips up and hitting her G-spot. "Say my name. I want to hear it come out of your pretty little mouth."

I wrap her hair around my hand like a rope and give her head a small tug.

"Zi-" She cuts herself off by moaning.

"Who's fucking you, Elaine?" I ask her, continuing the rhythm of my thrusts.

I feel her pussy tighten around my cock and I watch as her eyes roll to the back of her head for a split second.

"Who's making you cum all around their cock?" I add, moving my hand around to her front and adding pressure to her clit.

"I'm going to cum.." She whispers in the smallest voice.

"I want to hear my name come off of those lips first." I say it as I rub her clit and kiss her neck.

"Please.." She whimpers, her legs trembling to the point she can no longer hold herself up. I support her with a hand between her chest.

"Who?" I repeat myself, thrusting into her harder.

"Zion!" She cries as her body loses all sense of control and she comes all around my cock.

I ride her orgasm out, chasing my own as I remove my hand from her clit, using it to now hold onto her body as I fuck her to my preferred pace.

"Fuck... baby." I moan, pumping myself into her still trembling body.

"Say my name again.." I breathe at the same time a small moan escaped her lips.

"Zion..." She moans loudly and her voice makes me come undone. My body shivers and becomes limp, my muscles tensing over her. A soft groan leaves me as I drop myself onto her back, leaving our body's still conjoined.

We both lay in silence, catching our breaths. I give us a couple minutes before pushing myself up and off of her, pulling my softened cock out of her at the same time. I dispose of the condom in the bin and pull my clothes up and on, watching Elaine as she lays limp on my desk, giving me the perfect view of her dripping cunt. I look away as I feel blood start to rush to my cock again. I know there's no time for round two.

"Get dressed." I say, standing behind her. I wrap an arm around her chest and pull her up so she's standing. Her dress flops back down to her waist, leaving her tits still on show. I cup one in my hand and pull her body flush against mine.

"Want help?" I whisper into her ear. I wait for her to nod before pecking her on the temple. I then let go, giving her tit a squeeze and continuing to help her with her dress.

When she's fully clothed, she turns herself around.

She looks as though she's about to say something, but looks back down to her feet. Does she regret it?

I watch her as she walks back to her desk and collects her bag. She struggles slightly while walking, and her inner thighs are clearly dripping with cone...

"You can't walk out like that." I say, pulling her back to me as she walks past.

"Why not?" She says, her eyes connecting with mine.

"You're..." How the fuck do i say this?..

"Can you not feel it?.." I ask her, cupping her cheek.

"I can feel everything." She says, smiling.

"Sit." I tell her, pointing towards my desk. She sits at the same time I sit in my own chair an I open my middle drawer, pulling out a towel.

"Open." I say, already pulling her legs apart myself. I wipe away the now drying cum that sits on her thighs, not making eye contact or thinking about the fact that I'm face to face with her pussy.

Once I'm finished, I tell her to stand up and she begins to walk off again.

"I didn't say leave...Hold on a minute." I stand up, taking the hoodie off from the back of my chair and walking over to her. She stares up at me, blinking with confusion. I ignore her as I wrap it around her waist, dragging my hands around her for longer than necessary. I cup her face and give her a short kiss. It's not meant to mean anything other than a goodbye. I refrain myself from kissing her again and let her leave, the only feeling left of her being her pussy wrapped around my cock.

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