
Chapter 3

!ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ!

I open my apartment door and I'm greeted by my dog. His tail smacks against my leg as he turns around in circles by my feet.

"Hello, mate." I say enthusiastically as I pat him on the head before walking off towards the kitchen. The sound of his paws against the laminate floor follows me.

I walk into my kitchen and grab a cold bottle of water from the fridge before walking back in the direction I came from, only this time going towards my bedroom. Harley, my dog, jumps up onto my bed and lays down, his tail thumping against the sheets.

"Down." I say to him, pointing at the floor. He follows my command well, so I feed him a treat and give his ears a rub. I watch him as he walks off towards his bed and gets comfortable there. I take my time before going into my bathroom. I shut the door and lock it, even though no one else lives here besides me.

I slip my shirt off and pants so I'm left in my underwear before flicking the shower on. I stare at myself in the mirror as I wait for the water to warm up. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a small hint of yellow in the reflection of the mirror and as I turn my head, I come to realise it's the post-it from earlier.

Fuck, I forgot about that.

I grab my pants and pull the note out before running my eyes over the digits. The thoughts of calling her tonight run through my head.

I shake the thought away and strip down till I'm left wearing nothing. I jump into the warm shower, wash my hair and then my body. During it all, the thoughts of Elaine come back and soon they escalate and my minds running free. My head races to thinking about her in the shower with me, on her knees, sucking me off. And before I can stop myself, my hands on my cock, softly pumping up and down my thick length. I close my eyes and put my free hand against the wall of the shower, increasing my rhythm's pace. My heads falls down between either one of my shoulder, facing where my hand comes in contact with my dick and my soft pants fill the silent room.

"Elaine..." I moan her name, pumping my cock harder. I imagine it's her hand and not mine, and that's what knocks me over the edge. I let out a groan as I come undone, watching my cum squirt against the tiles of my shower.

A small sigh leaves my mouth as I try to catch my breathe again and I turn my head to stare at the yellow piece of paper sitting on the bathroom counter. I debate whether I should call or text her, but I agree on texting as she's probably asleep.

I wash down my shower before getting out and drying myself down. The sound of the lock goes as I push the door open to be greeted by a wagging tailed dog again. I would bend down and give him some love, but I'm wearing nothing but a towel...

I walk towards my dresser and drag my phone of the smooth wooden top. I drop my towel somewhere on the floor of my room and slide myself into bed with the paper in hand. I go in to type her number. I copy every digit before hitting the "message" button.

11:45pm: Me: Hi, It's Zion.

I stare at my phone, waiting for the little bubble to come up, but it doesn't. I look at the clock on my wall, It's been a minute...

What am I doing?...

I let out a rough sigh and chuck my phone onto the other side of my bed. I pull my duvet cover up till it covers my naked body and close my eyes to fall asleep.


I wake up to the feel of something large jumping onto my body and my eyes dart open only to see my dog. The sound of my alarm rings from somewhere on my bed, but I'm unable to move with a huge fucking dog on my lap. I give him a good amount of attention before calling him to get off the bed and as he does, I reach for my phone. I click "Stop" and the alarm screen goes away, revealing a message from Elaine.

I check the time before opening her message.


2:48AM: Elaine: Hey.

2:50AM: Elaine: I can't sleep, are you up?

2:51AM: Elaine: No? Ughhhh.

Bloody hell.

I laugh slightly at her exaggeration before stopping myself. I shouldn't be laughing, not even smiling.

I push myself out of bed, ignoring her messages. We will get to speak later on campus.

I get myself ready and dressed in a navy blue suit and then head out the door after feeding the dog and giving him a quick kiss on the head.


As I pull up to the staff parking, I'm greeted by one of the female teachers.

"Hello, Mr. Madisette." She smiles, flicking her blonde hair behind one of her shoulders. I give her a greeting nod and walk off in the direction of my work building, but the sound of her heels clicking against the tarmac follows me before getting louder and louder. I let out a sigh, only one I can hear as I  see her pull up next to me.

"Can I help you, Madalyn?" I ask, my voice flat. I hope it gives her a good fucking hint.

"I was wondering if you could pop into my class today? Help out some of the students...maybe stay aft-"

"I'll see if I can come in for a couple minutes. My schedule is busy." I mutter, cutting her off.

"Thank you, you know you could always stay after." I see her head look up at me from the corner of my eyes, but I ignore her odd smirk.

I speed up my pace in walking and when I get to the door of the Social Studies building, I shut the door on her. When she opens it for herself and shouts my name, I reply with an awkward smile.

"Sorry, I thought you'd stopped following me.." I shout.

I rush myself towards my classroom, locking the door behind me and I wait for class to begin.

About 25 minutes go by before students start walking in, and I find myself staring at the door, waiting for Elaine. I quickly look away, focusing on my computer screen and open the assignment for today's lesson.

I'm then left with nothing to do, so I look around the room to see if I could do something. I spot Kayla and another girl sitting in one corner of the room, but It's not Elaine. She's ginger with freckles that run across her nose and cheeks.  She's wearing glasses, but it's still definitely not who I'm looking for. I choose to go check whether Elaine has marked herself in this morning at the front desk and as I pull up her profile, I'm met with the word "ABSENT".


I ignore it for the time being and begin the lesson. I can't be caught up with Elaine every second of the day is what I say to myself for the rest of the hour.

"Open the assignment, complete it. You can ask me for help at any time, or you have the books at the front of the room." I say above all the chatter. Soon everyone falls silent and a couple of them get up and scan the bookshelf before sitting back down, But Elaine never walks through the door. And her profile never updates.


As the class packs up, I call Kayla over.

"What?" She asks, staring at me and than scanning my desk.

"I didnt ask for you." I nod at the other girl, telling her to shoo. Her eyes bulge out for a good second before she turns around and walks out the class without saying a word. I look back at Kayla to see her eyebrow raised.

"What then?" She asks again, crossing her arms.

"Where's Elaine?" I question her.

"Why do you want to know?" She raises her eyebrow further.

"Stop raising your eyebrow. You look stupid. And she still needs to complete her assignment, even if she's ill."

"You don't have to lie to me, I already know. But, shes sleeping in. She will be in next period I think." She shrugs.

She knows? Elaine told her? I didnt know she would already be telling people...I'm absolutely fucked.

"Right, okay. Thank you. Tell her she needs to finish her assignment." I sigh, pulling myself up out of my chair.

"Text her that. I won't be seeing her till tonight." She mutters as she leaves the room, waving her hand goodbye.


I pull my phone from my pocket and open our messages. I type out a quick text before sliding my phone into my back pocket and grabbing my cup from my desk. I lock my door on the way out.

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