
Third Week - Sweet Smelling Omega


—Honey? — his question coming out in a faint whisper tickles the skin on my neck. I make a sound in protest, even with my eyes closed, but Xander puts his little hands on my chest and starts to shake me —. Hey, honey — raising the voice a notch this time —. Wake up.

—Give me five... — I babble and squirm in the sheets until I'm lying on my stomach. I hear his giggling and then, I feel something pressing on my back. It takes me a few moments to realize that he has climbed on top of me, with the legs on either side of my body.

—Five what? — mocks, biting my shoulder as a joke —. Come on, Magnus. You said I should wake you up as soon as I did. Well, I just did, so get up, big guy — spanks my left buttock.

—I take it back — I growl —. Now let me sleep.

—Are you sure? You said today's meeting was pretty important — biting me again —. Do you want me to go in your place? — those were the magic words to scare away the dream I had and make my eyes open wide.

—No way — I turn around again, with him sitting at my stomach level —. You need to rest, so you'll stay here again.

—But, Magnus... — sighs and crosses the arms —. I've felt much better. I can't stand being stuck here anymore. Besides the fact that it's boring, I'm alone because you're working.

—I know, kitty — I wrap the hands around his waist and with the thumbs, I draw circles on his skin —. I want to spend more time with you, truly. But the Puerto Rico thing is taking longer than we thought.

—Can I at least go out with Lev? — sighs again —. Fred told me they were going downtown today and I really want to go, honey. Please, okay? — putting the palms together and pouting.

—What about your sickness?

—I'm much better. Little by little, I'm feeling more energetic — assures me with determination.

—What about the vomiting and the dizziness? — I ask with concern.

—Now they are few. Mostly in the mornings, but they disappear quickly.

—Well, it's... — I confirm the time on the clock on the nightstand —. Seven-fifteen. Are you feeling okay?

—Yes — deflecting the eyes.

—Xander — I warn him.

—I am fine! — squeals and folds the arms across his chest again —. I'm a little nauseous, but nothing I can't handle, Magnus.

—But what if it gets worse? I don't want you running around and something might happen to you — I sit and put the hands behind his back, caressing him slowly —. Kitty, you must take care of yourself. You know very well that your pregnancy is not something we thought could happen. I don't want to risk you trying to get your life back on track without first ensuring that you can. That's why I want you to be checked out by a specialist.

—I understand — resting the hands on my shoulders and sighing —. But I don't want to be alone. Can Derek at least stay here with me?

—Won't he go with Fred and Lev? — I ask puzzled... And honestly, a little annoyed.

—No, Nikon and Adrik will. They want to take advantage and buy some clothes too — his gaze becomes sharp and accusatory —. Don't tell me you're jealous, Magnus.

—What? — I snort —. Of course not.

—And the fact that you're sticking the fingers so hard in my ass doesn't mean anything? — ironizes with a sideways smile.

I frown after realizing he's right. At some point, my hands fell from his back to his ass, and I'm squeezing him like trying to tattoo my fingerprints on his buttocks. I let him go quickly and proceed to pat his back again. He laughs and denies, amused.

—Come on, honey. Derek is happily coupled now, you have no reason to be jealous of him — caresses my cheek —. Or anyone else. I'm only yours — leaves a sweet kiss in my mouth, causing a sigh to escape.

—I just don't like someone other than me putting hands on you — I draw him closer and sink my face into his neck, inhaling deeply his scent.

—Nobody's gonna put hands on me, dummy — laughs —. He'll just keep me company, we'll talk about nonsense or maybe watch some movies until you get back. Okay? — As much as I don't like the idea, I end up accepting. I nod, still with my face in his skin, as I make a path of wet kisses to his lips.

He shudders and a groan is generated in his throat at the moment when my tongue invades and massages his. The kiss is slow, sweet, and delicate. I assure myself to hold him as close to me as possible, absorbing the heat as I continue to taste him. His lips move to the rhythm of mine, and at some point, his hands have gone up to gently cup my face.

Mine, on the other side, touch as much skin as I can reach, taking advantage of the fact that he only wears a boxer and one of my shirts, which is three times his size. Slowly, the kiss ends and we are both struggling to breathe. Xander with a beautiful blush on the neck, cheeks and the tips of the ears.

—I want you to be sure to notify me if anything happens — I kiss the tip of his nose and he smiles —. I need you to let me know you're okay.

—I'll be lying down all day, Magnus — rolls the eyes, but the smile on his face doesn't disappear —. The only danger I can get into is falling out of bed.

—But still... — interrupts me by placing a finger on my lips.

—Nothing will happen, honey. So stop worrying — removes the finger and kisses me —. Just come back quickly, okay? I need you here with me.

—I promise, kitty — I kiss him once more and he slowly moves away from me, lying on his back again. I get up and go to the bathroom, where after brushing my teeth, I take a long, warm shower that helps me relax and ease the tension in my muscles.

I hope to resolve this issue of the new facility in Puerto Rico soon. I feel that I have not been able to take advantage of the time with Xander now when we have finally been freed from the dangerous situation that threatened us. Even though he hasn't asked me to, he still deserves it. And I want to make sure that he doesn't regret his decision to stay with me.

When I complete my shower, I turn off the tap and quickly dry my body, tying the towel around my waist. I exit the bathroom and Xander is still lying down, but with an open book in his hands and a concentrated expression, his eyes wander through the paragraphs. I smile and enter the closet, where I proceed to dress in one of my black suits.

—Your phone's vibrating, honey — pointing to the table at the side of the bed.

—Who is it? — I slide the shirt over my shoulders. He drops the book and grabs the device, watching the screen.

—Angelo — informs —. But it's a message, not a call.

—Can you read it for me? — I choose a tie.

—It's blocked — says, with a frown —. What's the password?



—No — I laugh —. The password is " Kitty".

—Seriously? — amazed and yet marveled, I nod in response —. Magnus, that's adorable — I avert the eyes fast so that he can't catch the ridiculous smile that has been created on my face —. He says he's waiting in your office — tells me soon after —. And don't forget about the Borisov contract.

—Tell him I'll be right there — I'll put on my jacket.

—And the magic word? — scolds me.

—Please, kitty — I mustn't forget that if I want to prolong my life.

—Done — leaves the phone and stretches lazily —. Be sure to eat something this time. No matter how busy you are, Magnus. You don't want my wrath to be unleashed — pointing an accusing finger at me.

—God forbid it, kitty — I snort, approaching him.

—I'm serious — pouting, I kneel next to him —. You have no right to demand that I take care of myself if you don't do it too — point to Xander. Zero for Alexei.

—You're right — I lift his shirt to chest level, exposing his belly —. I'll do everything you ask me to do without a complaint.

—Good — smiles and caresses my hair sweetly —. I'll be looking forward to your return.

—Me too, my love — I smile and kiss his stomach —. And you, my baby... — I kiss him again —. Don't make Daddy feel too bad today.

—We'll both try to be good.

—I hope so — I kiss the skin again and then lean over his face to kiss his mouth —. I love you, kitty — whisper and kiss him some more.

—I love you too, honey — resting the forehead on mine —. Come back quickly, please.

—I promise — I require all of my willpower to part from him, but I finally do.

I grab my phone, the Borisov contract, and exit the bedroom, expecting to keep my promise and return as fast as possible to be by my Omega. When I get to my office, my mood has dropped a bit, but I don't let that influence my work. So I take a deep breath and the fire of determination burns in my eyes when I meet Angelo.

—Good morning, Magnus — gets up from the couch and shakes my hand —. How is Xander today?

—Much better — I can't help but feel a bit of relief about it —. Little by little he seems to regain vitality.

—That's good — smiles and tells me to sit down next to him —. Fred is recovering too, but he doesn't seem to have been so affected.

—That's what Xander told me. And honestly, I'm worried.

—Why is that? — confused, leaning in to see me up close.

—Xander had an accident some years ago and, according to the doctors who treated him that time, lost the possibility of procreation — I feel like a dagger is sticking in my side, anger boiling to torment me —. I'm worried that those scars will influence his condition now and become risky for him.

—I see — nods solemnly —. I understand your concern, Magnus. A pregnancy can be complicated, but if it's under circumstances like Xander's, well... — grimaces and looks away —. It's best to take every precaution imaginable.

—Yeah — that's all I can think of to say at the moment —. We'd better concentrate on our work for now. I don't want to leave too late today — I open the Borisov contract and start scanning it.

—Great — smiles and we both focus on the task. Hours go by and few words are exchanged, immersed in a sea of papers.

At noon, I receive a message from Xander, warning me that if I skip lunch, I will be subjected to the force of his "Millennial Weapon". I have no idea what that is, and I don't want to find out either. So I rush to tell him that I didn't plan to do it and shortly after that, I ask Mrs. Ewa to make lunch for Angelo and me.

Yaak has been in Puerto Rico for two days and the reports he has given us are very promising. Angelo and I can't help but get excited about the idea, and now our motivation has greatly increased. By mid-afternoon, my eyes are burning and the headache is creating twinges in my brain. I sigh in exhaustion and collapse on the couch.

—Should we call it a day? — Angelo suggests, massaging his neck with a frown —. We've made good progress, I think we can afford to postpone everything until tomorrow.

—Yes. Plus, what Yaak told us is pretty good. It was a smart idea after all.

—Do you think that...? — he was going to proceed, but the sound of my phone interrupted.

I gesture to him and he nods, through the screen, I confirm it's Lev calling me. I press the green button to answer it.

—Enlighten me.

—"Alex, I've finally found someone who meets all your ridiculous requirements" — I sit upright rapidly, with eyes wide open.


—"Oh, yeah. It's a woman, Omega, and she smells like apple pie. That's sweet enough, right?" — I hear Fred's voice in the background, but I can't quite make out what he's saying.

—Sweet enough, yeah.

—"Also, I looked up her profile online and she has very good references. She specializes in risky pregnancies and male omegas".

—Damn it, Lev. That's perfect. Did you talk to her?

—"Yes. She said she can go to The Mansion this weekend. But, let me tell you, it won't be cheap".

—So? I'm not interested in that at all. Do you think I can't afford it?

—"Well, excuse me. Oh, Great Lord Almighty. Just thought you'd like to know" — suddenly, I hear a loud bang and a noise that makes my ear pop off the horn a bit. Then a struggle until eventually silence.

—"Alex?" — Fred sounds like he's run a marathon, panting heavily across the line.

—Fred? What happened?

—"Lev wouldn't let me speak, so I had to resort to physical force" — in the background, the scream of "Damn hormones!" echoes in Lev's shrill voice —. "Are you with Angelo?"

—Yes, he's here — I give him a sideways glance and he returns one with curiosity and confusion.

—"Good. Tell him that I will take advantage of this and also be attended by that doctor. She smells great, plus she gave me a lollipop before I left, it was cherry and very tasty. Her name is Larissa. I think Xander will like her".

I smile helplessly. This Fred reminds me a lot of the energetic and lively young boy from years ago, before Yurik died. Nostalgia invades me and I feel a great heat flooding my body.

I can't believe he grew up so fast.

I'm pretty sure it's thanks to Xander that Fred and I are slowly getting back to the way we were before things got cold and distant between us. Just one more thing to add to the list of my love for him.

—All right, Fred. I'll tell him.

—"Good. And tell him that we're on our way back to The Mansion now, that he can't forget to kiss Derek and that I love him. Very much, Alex. Yeah?".

—I'm sure you can tell him all that once you get here, and please, don't ever tell me again that he and Derek kiss. For my mental health, Fred. I'm begging you — one look at Angelo confirms how embarrassed he is. His gaze falls on his hands, where the fingers play with each other nervously.

—"I knew you wouldn't" — laughs —. "It's all right, Alex. I'll hang up now before Lev plucks out my eyes. And, Alex?".


—"I love you" — says in a low whisper that I find it hard to hear. I feel like my heart right now could explode from the joy I'm feeling.

—And I love you, little one —I don't have to see him to know he's smiling. After all, I'm doing it too.

—"Okay. See you" — the call ends and I'm left with the device in my ear a few seconds later, listening to the constant beeping.

—Is everything all right? — Angelo questions quietly, he still seems embarrassed by Fred's statement.

—Yes, everything's fine — I lock the screen and put the device in my coat —. It seems they've finally found a specialist.

—That's great, Magnus — says enthusiastically.

—Fred claims he wants to be treated by her too.

—Even better — nods —. That way we both make sure everything goes well with our partners and the babies.

—You're not going to make me tell you the rest, are you? — I accuse him, with a grimace and a begging look at the same time.

—Uh... No — looks away again and a blush spreads across his cheeks —. I can figure it out.

—Good — I sigh of relief —. Now let's go, we'll continue with everything tomorrow.


I can't wait to find out if my precious Omega and my baby are safe and sound.

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