
Third Week (Extra)


—Know that, if I don't like the smell of that doctor, I won't let her examine me, Magnus — I pout unconsciously.

—I made sure of that — leaves a kiss on my cheek, drying the moisture out of his hair —. So stop behaving like a spoiled kitty.

—I'm not a spoiled kitty — I cross the arms over my chest and frown.

—No, but you're behaving like one — puts on a boxer shorts, sweatpants, and a simple white T-shirt. I grumble silently, not wanting to admit that he's right. But it's not my fault that my moods change every two seconds, goddamn it —. You'll like her, Xander — sits on the bed and grabs me by the waist, dragging me between his legs, with my back resting on his chest —. And if you don't, I won't force you, as much as you need the checkup. We'll find someone else, okay?

—All right — I rub against his body and purr —. I'm sorry I'm having these changes of mood, honey — I whisper and he sighs —. I just can't help it — plus I'm honestly terrified that I'm going to have to be evaluated by a doctor I don't know, at the risk of the memories coming back and making me panic.

—I understand, kitty — his hands go to my stomach, caressing me gently —. That's not important. For now, we must concentrate on your health and the baby's.

—Even if I threaten you with the Millennium Weapon? — I ask uncertainly and his rich laugh tickles my soul.

—Still — leaves a kiss on the skin of my neck that causes shivers —. Just make sure you don't aim at my head.

—I'll try — I laugh —. It all depends on how much you piss me off.

—I'll be a good wolf from now on to prevent it from happening, then.

—Good — I turn my face and kiss his chin —. I like the idea — Then he lowers the mouth to mine and I happily disconnect from my surroundings. There is only him, his lips, and the incredible love I feel through our bond.

That, and the heat that's growing in my crotch. I groan as the kiss progresses, lifting the arms and burying my fingers in his thick, soft hair.

He sighs and his tongue moves more intensely in my mouth, hands continuing the exploration in my stomach. Hot... I'm very hot. My hips move until I'm shamelessly rubbing my ass against his cock covered and I get excited to realize that he's reacting too. His fingers lock onto my nipples above the fabric of the shirt I have and squeeze, an even greater moan is liberated from my throat.

I'm starting to get painfully hard and already I feel the lubricant wetting my needed entry. I want it. I desire him. The need causing my breathing to speed up and my heart to pound inside my chest. But suddenly, Magnus abruptly ends the kiss. When I can open the eyes, puzzled by the action, there is a deep scowl on his face, eyes are an intense dark brown and he is panting heavily.

—Kitty... — rests the forehead on mine and his heavy breathing makes my sensitive lips tingle —. No... We can't.

—What? — I manage to articulate, the sting of anger pierces my side —. Why not?

—Not until we evaluate your condition — His hands go down again to my stomach —. I must be sure everything is all right.

—But, Magnus... — I snap the tongue, exasperated by the terrible heat that refuses to abandon me.

—Please, my love — and so: I melt, becoming a huge slime in his arms. I love it when he calls me that —. Understand me, I don't want to hurt any of you.

—Okay — I sigh and force my body to try and establish its normal rhythm and temperature —. But we'll ask the doctor if it's possible for you to make love to me, Magnus. I don't think I'll be able to make it through the next seven months without having you.

—Now you're willing to have a checkup? — the mockery is evident in his tone — You haven't even smelled her. How do you know you'll like her?

—There are priorities — I simply say, shrugging.

—Perverted kitty — laughs and leaves a couple more kisses on my neck —. Would you like to take a shower? It's still half an hour before she arrives.

—Okay — I try to get up, but Magnus grabs me in his arms before I can put my feet on the ground.

—Come on now, little prince — laughs as he leads me to the bathroom.

—You are being silly — I laugh too and wrap the arms around his neck, resting my cheek on his strong chest.

When we enter, he gently releases me to sit on top of the toilet, prepares to fill the bathtub with water, regulating the temperature at the tap.

Then he kneels in front of me and opens my shirt, slowly pushing each button through the buttonholes. His gaze never leaves mine, and my heart swells with the love he conveys to me. Once he slides the fabric through my arms, puts it in the laundry basket, and holds my hands, urging me to stand up.

His fingers now fall into the waistband of my pants, taking my boxer shorts as well, sliding them down my legs until I am completely naked and placing those pieces in the basket as well. He rises with an elegant movement and delicately cups my face. We look at each other in silence for a long moment, until he smiles sweetly and leaves a soft kiss on my lips.

I sigh and surrender to the wonderful sensations dancing inside me. And then I grumble when he separates from me... Again. He laughs, apparently amused by my frustration, and now I'm considering going to get my trusty Millenial Weapon. When the tub is almost full, he tests the temperature of the water and turns off the tap, then adds a couple of drops of gel, a thin layer of foam forms soon after.

—Come, kitty — extends a hand to me and I grab it without hesitation. With the toes of one of my feet, I make sure the water is warm enough before inserting the legs. He denies amused and watches me as I sit, submerged to the level of the chest —. Tilt your head back.

Places a hand on my neck and holds me while I descend on my back, until my hair gets wet. I close the eyes, my body relaxing and losing tension in the muscles. Soon after, I sit resting on my back at the edge of the tub.

—I'll leave you alone now — bends over and kisses my forehead, then stands up —. Take as much time as you need.

—Thank you, honey — I smile. I see him leave, closing the door gently behind him. I concentrate on enjoying the relaxing sensation of the warmth of the water hugging my muscles.

I sigh and close the eyes. I don't know how long I stay like this, but when I open them again, the water is cold and my fingertips have wrinkled. I crumple the nose and stand up, drops sliding down my body back into the tub. I get a towel and wrap it around me. With another towel I dry my hair as best I can and leave it hanging on one of the bars on the wall.

When I come out, there's no one in the bedroom. I frown, but ignore it and head to the closet to put on a couple of clothes. I finish dressing and the door opens. Magnus enters with both hands inside the trouser pockets and looks at me with amusement.

—Did you enjoy the bath?

—Shut up — trying to hide the embarrassing laughter from my lips.

—Come on, kitty. The doctor's already here — gestures towards the door.

—Oh, she's been here long? — I walk in his direction and he takes out a hand to hold mine.

—Fifteen minutes, more or less.

—Fifteen minutes?! — I scream in shock —. Fuck, I didn't think I'd fall asleep for that long.

—Calm down, kitty — we exit the room —. She took the opportunity to check on Fred. You can't imagine what she found out.

—Is everything all right? — worry building up in my chest.

—Yes, everything's fine. Better than fine — smiles, then we turn into one of the corridors, until we are in front of a big white door —. This is Lev's lab.

—Lab? — I ask in amazement. I didn't know he had one.

—After he arrived at The Mansion, demanded one be built. I must admit it was quite advantageous, there was no need to send the wounded men to a hospital, we could treat them here at once.

—Oh, wow — I see him put a hand on the doorknob —. I'll be sure to hang around The Mansion more often, maybe I'll get to discover some secrets.

—I dare you — laughs and opens the door. In front of me, a huge, completely polished laboratory expands.

With large counters full of medical utensils, shelves filled with bottles of various colored liquids, a large and sophisticated table with different monitors surrounding it. My nose wrinkles for the second time in the day when the smell of medicine reaches my nostrils. I hold my stomach with the free hand when I feel the nausea attacking me again.

I take several deep breaths, trying to get used to it and not giving back the food that I have so successfully kept in my stomach. Inside the lab are Angelo, with Fred sitting on his lap, and Derek next to them. They seem to be very self-absorbed, talking, and laughing from time to time.

Next to the big gurney is Lev chatting animatedly with a woman. She is thin, white-skinned, shorter than him, with long brown hair tied in a tail, and she is wearing a large white medical gown. On the other side, sitting on some stools, are Nikon, Yaakov, and Adrik. The two Alphas seem to be arguing about something, the Omega just rolls the eyes in disgust occasionally.

—Finally, you're here — Lev squeals and points to the stretcher —. Come on, baby boy. I want to see how your future mini-me is growing inside you — suddenly, I get very nervous. I squeeze my belly harder, unsure whether to move or not. Thoughts that I don't know this woman and that she might harm my baby torment me, and I unconsciously back away.

—What is wrong? — Magnus asks worriedly.

—Magnus — my trembling voice —. I don't want to. I'm afraid — lets go of my hand and surrounds my body, hugging and rubbing my back.

—Easy, kitty — kisses my forehead —. I promise nothing bad will happen to you. She already checked Fred, remember? — grabs my face and makes me stare at him, a sweet smile is drawn on his lips —. It'll be all right, but if it becomes too much for you at any time, just say so and I'll stop it, okay?

—Will you? — relief by reducing the tension in my shoulders.

—I promise — strokes my cheeks with the thumbs —. I'll be by your side the whole time.

—Okay — I nod —. I trust you, Magnus. Stay close to me.

—Always — assures me with determination and I believe him, feeling my heart about to burst. He takes my hand again and we both walk towards Lev and the doctor. She turns to us and smiles when we are close enough. I realize she smells like apple pie. At least I like her scent.

—Hello, Xander — stretches out a hand and I, still nervous, shyly shake it —. My name is Larissa, I'll be examining you today.

—Hi — I try to smile at her, but I think it's more of a grimace —. What do you need me to do?

—Lie down on the stretcher, I'll give you directions as we go along — turns around and, from a metal table, picks up a pair of white gloves and puts them on. I move forward, but as soon as I take a step, Magnus carries and places me carefully on the stretcher, leaves a kiss on my forehead with sweetness, and sits down next to me, holding my hand. I want to eat him with kisses —. Well, first, I'll take a small blood sample, Xander — obtains a long, thin strip of latex and wraps it around my arm, squeezing it a little.

With her index and middle fingers, gently touches the area until she feels the vein. Then picks a syringe and directs it into my arm.

I look away and squeeze the jaw, waiting for the puncture, which by the time it comes, the pain makes me gasp. Though I'm immediately embarrassed. But I couldn't help it, I truly detest pain.

Any kind of pain turns me into a complete crybaby. Magnus squeezes my hand and kisses my knuckles, managing to distract me. As she extracts the blood, removes the latex band and watches the syringe container fill. In the end, hands it over to Lev for proper storage. To conclude, adjusts a round bandage to prevent further bleeding.

—You did well, Xander — placing a gloved hand on my shoulder —. Relax, that was the only painful thing you had to face. Now I'm going to proceed with an ultrasound, okay?

—Yes — I take a peek at Magnus and he nods at me with a smile. The doctor spins and pulls up a base with a monitor on it, which has a keyboard attached with commands very different from what I usually use.

—I'll lift your shirt and put some gel on your stomach — says, holding a bottle with a spiked lid —. It will be a little cold — warns me before pouring the thick liquid on my skin. It makes me shiver as it expands in my belly with the transducer probe, covered with plastic, connected to the monitor —. Okay, now let's take the first look at this baby.

Her circular movements are getting smaller and smaller, trying to get a better view of my baby. The images on the screen are all in gray, some in dark tones and others much lighter. I try to concentrate and identify which of those blurry spots is my baby, but no matter how hard I try, I can't figure it out.

—There — the doctor informs us shortly after, leaving the probe still on top of a specific spot on my belly —. Oh, wow.

—What? — I whisper, starting to get scared —. Is everything okay? Is something wrong with my baby? — she's silent for a long moment. At this point, I'm just one step away from tearing out my hair because of the fear and frustration.

—No, everything is perfect — smiles and a heavy sigh of relief escapes my lips —. They're babies, though.

—What?! — we all shouted, including Magnus, who stared at the screen in astonishment.

—Yes — Larissa laughs and points to two tiny, darker spots on the monitor —. See here? — I nod and take a closer view, and I realize that everyone is surrounding the table, staring at the distorted image —. Those two spots? — now we all nod —. That means there are two babies you're expecting. Each one in his gestational sac.

—Oh, my God. Magnus... — I look at his face, only to discover that his eyes are crystal clear.

—It's... Beautiful — whispers, just as a thin tear slips down his cheek —. It's perfect, kitty — his admiration ends up making the tears I was struggling to hold back, finally flow out. Sobs shake my shoulders, I notice the drops sliding down my face.

For God's sake... We're going to have two babies. I'm so happy. I can't describe the deep emotion growing inside me. Magnus leans over and kisses me, I can feel the saltiness of our combined tears and I couldn't care less.

—Are they growing up properly? — asks, addressing the doctor —. Xander's been feeling pretty bad lately. I'm worried it's because something's wrong.

—I can see some scar tissue around, but it's pretty insignificant to represent a problem — the doctor keeps pointing a finger at the monitor as she explains the situation —. The symptoms increase when it's two babies, so, normally, the sickness it's greater.

Eventually she removes the probe from my stomach and uses a towel to wipe off the remaining gel. As soon as she finishes, Magnus has me sit down and hugs me, whispering in my ear how excited he is about the new announcement.

—You don't have to worry for now, your babies are in perfect condition, corresponding to the eleven weeks of gestation — she takes off the gloves and throws them away —. Now, Xander — tells me to get out of the chair —. We will finish your exam by taking your measurements and weight, you need to follow up and monitor them as your pregnancy progresses.

—Okay — Magnus holds my waist and lays me down with one smooth motion on the floor. With the hands, he sweeps the moisture from my cheeks and kisses me on the lips.

—If I thought you couldn't make me happier before... — stops and smiles at me, the expression illuminating his beautiful face —. I was terribly wrong, my love.

—Magnus... — hiccups are still beating me, struggling to stop crying.

—Don't cry — whispers on my lips —. Let's concentrate on finishing your exam, and then we'll go to our bedroom, where I'll give you lots and lots of pampering.

—I like that — I smile and he kisses me again.

—We'll have to build a nursery — Lev shouts, clapping excitedly, bursting our bubble —. With the three Fred will have and the two of you, it will be absolutely necessary.

—Are you expecting three?! — I open my eyes so wide that I imagine my eyebrows are about to reach the birth of my hair —. Really?!

—Yes, Xander — Fred mumbles, and his eyes crystallize. Angelo and Derek each place a hand on his belly, with huge smiles on their faces —. One for each, I guess — laughs.

—That nursery will have to be pretty fucking big, Lev — Nikon nods solemnly, arms crossed over his chest. A bustle of voices are created around us, but I only have eyes for Magnus.

Through the bond I can feel his emotion, happiness, admiration, and the incredible amount of love he transmits to me. His hand goes up and with the index finger, points to his chest, at heart level.

I smile as I watch him begin to make our gesture, feeling the tears appear again. Then, pointing to mine, also at heart level, extends the palm to feel my accelerated heartbeat and smiles. A beautiful and brilliant smile that causes me to sigh.

—I love you too, my love.

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