
Second Week (Extra)


Today I feel a bit more energetic, at least I haven't returned my breakfast yet, and that's already a great achievement. The nausea has refused to desist, however. Which is a real pain in the ass. It makes my moods go down and I want to destroy everything in my path, no matter how weak I am most of the time. I have to admit, Magnus has been incredibly nice to me.

I know how nervous and worried he gets when sickness plays tricks on me, so he always tries to take care of me, to be on the lookout for whatever I might need. But what I want now is to be pampered.

Excessive and abundant pampering. I want him to fill my face with kisses, to hold me in those strong arms, to whisper in my ear many corny things (including how beautiful he considers me, even though I feel like a grieving soul) and to love me... Only as he knows how.

And now comes the bad part: I can't get much out of it since, being the head of such an organization, he spends most of the day working, leaving Cooky, me, and our growing baby with a desire for affection. I haven't been able to work because, every time I need to get out of bed, it takes all my energy, and the simple fact that I can move to the bathroom in our bedroom is a victory for me.

Besides, Magnus doesn't want to. I insisted that he get me a laptop so I could assist him with whatever is needed. I'm good with numbers, I could be useful in accounting or something, but he simply refused.

Well, fuck it. I have to find a way to distract myself quickly, or soon something very bad will happen. I should have that frying pan brought to me. But for my (and Magnus') fortune, someone remembered my poor existence.

—Can I come in? — Fred requests, poking his head through the door.

—Sure, Fred. Don't be silly, you don't have to ask permission — I lean on my hands and I can hardly sit up, supporting the back on the bed. If it's like this now, I don't even want to imagine how it will be when my belly is about to explode. I sigh as Fred walks into the room.

—But I' m not alone. I've brought company — opens the door further and that's when I notice Lev behind him —. Or shall I say, that company has stuck to me like a leech.

—When will be the day when someone properly appreciates my presence? — Lev rolls the eyes and they both approach, sitting on the bed as well.

—Of course we appreciate you being with us, Lev — I assure him, taking one of his hands in mine —. We like to joke with you, that's all.

—I know, duh! — ironizes with a chuckle —. Otherwise, I'd have kicked your asses a long time ago.

—Instead, you talk nonstop until our ears almost bleed — Fred laughs at the feigned expression of annoyance on Lev's face.

—You've never complained before, moron — pulls the middle finger out.

—Mrs. Ewa made me open the eyes — Fred adds solemnly.

—That shameless old woman — Lev mumbles to himself.

—How are you feeling today, Xander? — Fred asks, turning his attention to me now —. Lev told me you weren't in good shape yesterday.

—Don't you see me? — I point to my face —. I have the appearance of a zombie, I look terrible — I sigh and lie down on the pillows —. But I must admit I'm a little better today.

—You appear better, baby boy — Lev encourages me —. The dark circles under your eyes are almost gone. Did you get a good sleep last night?

—After Magnus arrived, yes — I place the hands on my still flat stomach and trace circles with my fingers —. He had to stay late at the office yesterday, sorting something out with Angelo.

—The Puerto Rico thing? — I nod in response.

It seems that both Alphas are planning to move one of the headquarters there, to set up a new base in Puerto Rico and expand their range of operation. I was surprised at first when Magnus told me about it and said "We" instead of "I".

That means that he is now accepting Angelo as part of not only the organization, but also the family. I don't know if it'll be the same with Derek, though. I imagine time will tell.

Right now, I'm happy with the way things are progressing. Magnus has changed a lot since the day I was brought to The Mansion.

He's much more receptive to ideas and suggestions now, he doesn't lose patience so quickly and accepts explanations before acting out. He shows me more and more what a great man he is, despite the work he has chosen to do.

—But will they have to travel there? — Lev is curious.

—I hope not — I admit, biting my lower lip with nerves —. I don't want Magnus...

—Alexei — Fred corrects me.

—... To leave now — I continue, pretending I didn't hear him —. I need a lot of attention right now.

—Aww — Lev is cooing, putting a hand on his heart, bulging the lips —. Does the baby want some cuddles? — with a squeaky voice that causes me to grit my teeth —. I offer myself, come into my arms.

—No! — I stop him, pushing his cheek with one hand, when I notice he wants to pounce on me —. I need HIS cuddles — emphasizing —. Don't be offended, Lev. But for Magnus, there's no replacement.

—Alexei — Fred mumbles again, sighing with resignation.

—I'd be angry with you, but I know you're right — Lev nods solemnly, though he slaps my hand off his cheek —. But don't ever touch my face again, baby boy. I won't be so condescending next time.

—And now that I realize it, aren't you sick too? — I ask Fred —. You look perfectly fine.

—Of course I do, but not as strong as yours, it seems — gestures at my face —. I don't look like that yet.

—Fuck you, asshole! — I pinch his thigh —. I don't look that bad!

—Ouch, it was a joke! — strokes the affected area —. How aggressive... — mumbles.

—Fred, I'm asking you not to make jokes like that right now — I warn with a firm tone —. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but at one point I feel happy, then suddenly I want to cry until my eyes dry up, and then I want to grab the pillows and take all the stuffing out of them out of anger — I cover my face and whine —. I don't know what's wrong with me!

—I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but it will only get worse in the next seven months — I discover my face, my eyes are wet —. But it is normal, you should not feel helpless, we will be here for you — Lev smiles and that relieves my sorrow.

—I understand you, Xander — Fred puts a hand on my shoulder —. Yesterday, I threw a shoe at Derek's head for hinting that my butt looked fatter — the three of us burst out laughing, Cooky gets scared and runs away from the bed.

—It's a good reminder. I won't mention the obvious changes in your bodies a few months from now — Lev hides his crotch with both hands —. I appreciate my manhood very much, and I don't want to lose it now, or in the future. So stay away from my balls.

—Not in my wildest dreams — Fred wrinkles the nose in disgust and I laugh even harder —.

You can be sure I wouldn't go near them of my own free will.

—You won't be thinking about that if I make fun of you when you gain weight and walk around like a penguin — Lev snorts —. If you don't try to hit me with one of your limbs, you'll do it with that flying shoe Derek was lucky, note the sarcasm, to say hello up close.

—Okay, you're right about that — Fred agrees and we're laughing again and I have to struggle to breathe —. But the object of my threats is not so lethal. Xander's are deadly — says, opening wide the eyes.


—Alexei, damn it! — Fred grunts, interrupting me again, and an annoying spike sticks in the back of my head due to his insistence. «It's Fred», I repeat myself like a mantra over and over. «Besides, it was your fault for not listening to him». Damn hormones.

—Alexei — I mumble, correcting myself —. He's a big man, he can take a good punch.

—And what a punch, baby boy! — Lev adds, laughing out loud —. I still remember how you lost your temper in the kitchen and tried to hit him with the frying pan.

—Did you try to hit Alexei with a frying pan? — Fred squeals in amazement.

—Didn't you know? — Lev asks in surprise —. What weapon were you referring to then?

—To the lamp, not to a fucking frying pan! — turns to me with eyes open wide —. Why did you try to hit my brother with something like that?

—That was the day he found out you were pregnant, too. He started grunting and getting mad...

—Which is not uncommon — Lev intervenes and Fred slowly nods in agreement.

—Well, yeah — I can't help but agree too —. The fact is, he wouldn't listen to reason and I started to get angry. We yelled at each other for a long time, so when I couldn't take it anymore, I blindly grabbed the first thing I found, which

turned out to be a frying pan. And, well... — I look away, ashamed —. I throw it to him — I end up in a whisper.

—What I would have given to see that — Fred mumbles to himself, but we managed to hear it perfectly —. Did you hit him?

—No — I smile —. He was able to dodge it in time.

—Although, just barely — Lev snorts —. But he got the job done. After that, Alex was very surprised, frozen in place for quite a while.

—It wasn't what he expected, but yes. The Millennial Weapon did its job — I said, lifting the chin proudly and crossing the arms over my chest.

—The Millennial Weapon? — Fred asks puzzled and a little amused.

—The frying pan — I explain, gesturing as if I were swatting away a fly with my hand.

—Did you name it? — Fred laughs, infecting Lev and me in the process.

—Well, yes — wiping the little tears, caused by laughter, from my eyes —. It's not every day you can achieve such an effect on a man like Alexei. It was so effective that I thought it was worth giving such a weapon of destruction a worthy name — I laugh softly again when I remember how stunned he was after my reaction —. Fuck, I'm even thinking of keeping one here, just in case.

—Maybe I should follow your example — Fred suggests, a mischievous smile drawn on his face —. I mean, with Angelo I don't have any problems, his role is talking to solve the conflicts. But Derek... — sighs —. Sometimes he provokes me to strangle him, maybe if I get my own Millennial Weapon, I can control him too.

—Light us up, Xander King! — Lev shouts, raising the arms in the air with a dramatic tone —. Show us what weapons we could bless to appease the fury of our Alphas!

I've never laughed so hard in my life. The three of us are squirming on top of the bed, holding our stomachs, and trying to get air into our lungs. And so, between jokes and laughter, we spend the afternoon. I could never be more grateful that people like Fred and Lev entered my life, as well as the rest of the members of The Gang, Derek, Angelo, and my Alpha: Alexei.

I never experienced what it was like to have a family, having lost mine at such a young age. But I know now, with complete certainty, that they all represent family to me. And I couldn't be happier.


—So, if there's nothing more to discuss... — Angelo sighs exhausted and gets up —. I'd like to go and rest, gentlemen.

—That makes two of us — I follow his gesture and we both head for the exit of my office —. Anyway, we've already established and discussed the most important thing, tomorrow we'll fix the missing details.

—Just as we must decide who will go to Puerto Rico — Yaakov opens the door and lets us through first. Angelo and I stop and exchange a complicit glance. Yaakov finishes closing the door and when turns around, his expression is suspicious —. You're going to send me, aren't you? — sighs resignedly.

—You're the best candidate, Yaakov — Angelo puts a hand on his shoulder —. We trust you won't let us down.

—And you're the only one of the three who doesn't have his seed growing in his Omega — I put my hand on his other shoulder —. I'm sorry, man. Angelo and I can't move from here right now. Can you imagine how Fred and Xander will react? — The three of us shiver.

—Please don't traumatize me — Yaakov hugs himself like he's cold —. Just tell me when and I'll set it up.

—Tomorrow we'll discuss that — Angelo walks away, Yaak and I follow him —. That's enough business for today, gentlemen.

—I agree. It's late enough and I haven't seen Xander for most of the day.

—What a catastrophe — my cousin mocks and I hit him on the side.

—Magnus, do you have the Borisov contract? — Angelo interrupting our childish game.

—Shit — I run a hand through my hair, frustrated —. No, I forgot it in my bedroom.

—You're forgetting a lot of things lately. Is it age? — Yaakov laughs when I growl at him.

—Even if I'm one hundred and eighty, I'll have the pleasure of kicking your ass without any trouble.

—Please... — Angelo sighs with resignation —. Let's go get the contract, shall we?

We headed towards my bedroom. My head hurts a little, we were so focused on the whole Puerto Rico thing, we didn't eat anything. We just had a few glasses of whiskey, and that didn't help at all. My stomach is taking its toll now. For every step I take, I feel it growling louder. I check the time on my phone and realize that it's still early. I could tell Xander and order Mrs. Ewa to send food to our room.

Yes, that sounds like a very good idea, but when we finally enter, my small plan goes straight to the toilet. He's asleep. The sheets cover his body almost completely, leaving only his beautiful closed eyes and his shiny locks of blond hair on the surface. Not only that draws my attention, though. Lev and Fred are asleep with him, surrounding his flanks.

—They look beautiful — Yaakov whispers with a smile, capturing my line of thought.

—I couldn't agree more — Angelo accepts in the same tone, with bright eyes and a loving expression.

—Yes — I accept, watching hypnotized the perfect picture in front of us. My heart rumbles in my chest with strength as I feel the warmth seizing me. If I had doubts before, with what my eyes capture at this moment, they have been buried and forgotten.

It's right here, where I confirm once again that... I am home.

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