
Second Week - Sickness


I don't like this. I don't like it at all.

—Alex, you're gonna cause my head to explode — Lev stops and holds me tightly by the shoulders —. Stay. Still — emphasizes every word, slowly moving the lips.

—It's easy for you to say, goddamn it — I run a hand through my hair, tugging on the locks —. It's not your partner who's puking his guts out every fucking day — I'm pretty sure I'll panic if Xander doesn't come out of the bathroom in the next ten fucking seconds. I'm gonna hyperventilate. I'll have a bloody heart attack.

—Didn't I tell you that's normal? — grunts in frustration.

—That doesn't calm me down at all, Lev — I warn, but he seems imperturbable to my bad temper and concerns.

—Well, you're going to have to get used to it — points to the center of my chest —. That's how it's going to be until he' s past the third month, so you're going to have to put on the balls I see you have hanging and stop behaving like a little boy.

—You keep talking to me like that and you'll see that... — I was about to start a threatening war with Lev again, when finally, the bathroom door opens.

My heart drops to my stomach at the sight of Xander. Dark circles under his eyes, making it obvious how exhausted he is, arms and thighs have lost volume. His movements are long and heavy, moving towards the bed, where he falls face down as if he had walked for ten miles without rest.

—Please, shut up — whining, words stifled by having the face submerged in the pillow —. There's a lousy rock band in my head. The singer has a shrill voice, plus a constipated nose. The guitar is out of balance and the drummer has a boxing match with the fucking cymbal — turns and looks at us with a frown and a bulging lower lip —. I don't need to add your screams to that show, so please... Just let me sleep in peace — I quickly sit beside him on the edge of the bed and gently stroke his hair. He closes the eyes and sighs, purring very quietly.

—I'm sorry, kitty — I lean and kiss his cheek —. Do you need anything? Are you hungry?

—No, honey — murmurs with fatigue —. I don't want to know about food, for now, what I need is sleep. If only I had the spell of the Sleeping Beauty.

—Baby boy, you can't just stop eating — Lev stands in front of us with hands on the waist —. That's not good for the baby, you have to stay strong and energetic.

—But Lev, everything I eat, I throw it up afterward. What good will that do?

—You must try anyway — Lev insists with determination —. Those symptoms will soon pass and they'll be nothing but a bad memory.

—How soon, Lev? — with effort, manages to roll over and lie on his back —. My throat is already sore and I look like a zombie.

—You don't look like a zombie, baby boy — rushes to answer —. Yes, you look a little worn out, but that's all.

—A little bit? — hope seeping into his tone of voice, and inevitably makes me want to eat him with kisses.

—A little bit — Lev smiles and winks at him.

—Okay — Xander sighs and rubs the hands over his face —. Later, I promise to go to the kitchen and eat something, but right now, I really want to sleep.

—I'll tell old Ewa to make something extra delicious — bows over Xander and leaves a kiss on his cheek. «They're just friends, Alexei. Just friends».

—Thank you, Lev — my partner smiles before Lev leaves the bedroom.

—Rest, kitty — I kiss his mouth with the greatest tenderness and love my body can offer him —. I'll be back later.

—No — he's clinging to my shirt as I'm about to get up —. Stay with me until I fall asleep, Magnus. Please.

No army armed with mutant elephants and laser-beamed gorillas would prevent that. With subtle, smooth movements to avoid disturbing him, I make my way to lie next to him.

He immediately places the head on my chest, rubbing the cheek in a circular motion. Sighs happily and the purrs appear again.

With an arm around his waist, I attract him even more, and with the other, I hold his hand, which rests gently on my stomach. Our fingers automatically intertwine.

—I will call a doctor to examine you more thoroughly — I murmur, trying not to disturb the peaceful aura that has been created around us —. I need to know that you are not in any danger.

—Don't exaggerate, honey — laughs softly and the sound soothes my nerves —. I'm fine, Lev said the sickness will pass.

—Yes, but still.

—I don't like doctors — whispers and I can sense his discomfort in the abrupt tension in his extremities —. The memories that come to mind whenever I think of one, aren't very pleasant.

—I know, kitty, but it's necessary — I press my lips on his forehead, prolonging the kiss for a few seconds —. We have to make sure that the baby grows healthy and without problems, and that you assimilate the changes properly.

—If throwing up my guts every day is an indication that I am "assimilating" them... — making the gesture with his free hand —. Then I'm on the right track — ironizes and I pinch his waist —. Magnus!

—Then don't fuck with me, you know what I mean — laughs again, ending with a resigned sigh.

—Please, kitty. Do it for me, okay? — looks up and watches me. I look back at him with the same intensity, until he gives up and nods.

—Okay — reluctantly —. But it has to be a woman, and Omega, and she must also smell good, like cookies or marshmallows — with an exaggerated pout that makes me laugh.

—I will take your demands into account, prince — I leave another kiss on his forehead —. And just so you know, I wouldn't dare to bring an Alpha.

—Is someone jealous? — smiles, batting the long eyelashes.

—I only protect what's mine — I snort.

—Oh, yeah, honey. Completely yours — and he kisses me. His hand stops holding mine to bury in my hair, drawing me closer.

I happily indulge him and allow every one of my feelings to flow to him without any filter or impediment. My heart rumbles quickly and strongly in my chest, I caress him as much as possible with my open hands, absorbing his warmth and impregnating myself in his being. «I love you, Xander King», I whisper through our bond and feel his smile during the kiss.

«I love you too, Alexei Magnus», he answers right away and now I'm the one smiling.

The kiss goes on for a couple more seconds, then slowly decreases in speed until finally, our lips separate. Xander rests his cheek on my chest again and so we last for a long time in each other's arms. I realize that he has fallen asleep when his breathing is slow and relaxed. I move very carefully, resting his head on the pillow and covering his body with the sheet.

I freeze when I notice that he is moving, but then I sigh of relief once he is done adjusting to his comfort.

I grab my shoes and, as I leave the bedroom, doing my best to close the door without making any more noise, I put them on. I take the phone out of my pants pocket and send a quick message to Lev to meet me in my office. He doesn't reply, but when I arrive, he's waiting for me on the wall by the door, even though he's not alone.

—How are you holding up, partner? — Yaakov holds me in a tight embrace and I have to admit, I'm glad to feel his support now.

—Good, I guess — I nod to them to enter the office. As I do so, I take a seat behind my desk and they occupy the chairs in front of me. It doesn't take long for Yaakov to get a pack of cigarettes out of his vest and light one.

—Did he take too long to fall asleep? — Lev questions.

—No, which is a relief — I stick my back to the chair and sigh —. He looks exhausted, and his lack of appetite worries me.

—I told you it's normal, Alex — rolling the eyes —. What do you expect? It's not all rainbows and carols. Pregnancies are complicated and tedious, especially if it's a first-time one.

—I know, I fucking know — I burst with frustration —. But that doesn't mean I won't be worried about him, Lev. He's my partner, if he suffers, I suffer too.

—For now, we can help him get as comfortable as possible, Magnus — Yaakov intervenes, takes a puff on the cigar and deposits the ashes in the ashtray —. And put food in his stomach, even if he throws it back shortly afterward.

—Lev, do you know a specialist who can come and check him out? — he is silent for a few seconds, with a distant expression.

—Yes, I know one. He works near...

—No man — I interrupted him quickly —. It must be a woman.

—Are you kidding? — my cousin mocks.

—Does it look like I do?

—For the Moon... — Lev mumbles, pissed off —. Really?

—Totally — I assure him —. Besides, Xander wants it to be an Omega. Ah! — I add as I recall —. And to smell like cookies or marshmallows, or some other sweet shit like that.

—What the...? — he doesn't even finish the sentence when Yaakov laughs out loud, grabbing his stomach with the hand that's not holding the cigarette —. I don't know anyone who meets those ridiculous demands, Alex.

—Well, I'll leave that job to you then.

—I've never heard of anything like this. Do you really don't want Xander to be treated by a man? — Yaakov leans over the chair to look at me closely —. Even though he knows it's his job?

—Well, Mr. Smarty-Pants. Put yourself in my place: Would you accept that another man, whom you have never seen before, puts his hands on your partner's skin and gets to see what only you are allowed to see? — the smile immediately fades from his face —. Exactly — I point at him with a triumphant smile.

—Alphas — Lev says annoyingly, rolling the eyes again —. I can find a doctor and I can even make sure it's an Omega, Alex. But what if she doesn't have a sweet smell? I just discard her and that's it?

—Hey, don't shoot the messenger — I raise the hands in the air —. That particular demand is from Xander. If you have something to complain about, be sure to do it with him.

—And subject me to his terrifying hormonal changes? — shrieks in horror —. I'll search for that imaginary bloody doctor in the farthest corners of the planet — Yaak and I laugh, Lev jumps up and heads for the door.

—Anything else to add to your Sim*? — Yaakov asks mockingly, preparing to follow Lev —. Use the opportunity now, before he leaves — I act as if I were thinking diligently about some other demand. I thought of joking and telling that she must have purple hair or a tattoo of a bird on her right cheek, but seeing Lev's expression of annoyance linked with panic, I decided to quit in the end.

—No, that's all — I smile and he sighs with relief.

—Thanks to heaven — Lev puts a hand on his chest —. I swear the soul almost escaped through my mouth.

—Stop being so dramatic, Lev — I laugh, he turns and looks at me.

—Dramatic? — grunts and I can smell his fury floating in the air —. You're gonna make me do a search like that, just because you don't want a male doctor touching Xander. And I'm the dramatic one?

—Well... — I'm interrupted before I can continue.

—You know what? Don't answer that — raising a hand in my direction, stopping me. Then a mischievous smile appears on his face. I swallow thick, that's never a good sign —. I'll see you. When my baby boy feels better, you'll be the one suffering.

—Okay, I have no idea what you mean, but now I'm curious. So... — Yaakov crosses the arms on his chest —. What do you mean?

—Old Ewa told me that the Margays tend to get a little... Demanding, during pregnancy — Lev lifts the chin and it's he who smiles in triumph now —. Do you know what name he gave to the frying pan used to threaten you the day you found out that Fred is also pregnant?

—Uh... — I'm perfectly aware of the fat drop of sweat that's slipping down my neck at the moment —. Nice and harmless frying pan with which I'll never hit my beloved and handsome Magnus? — I answer uncertainly, with a grimace. Lev has the nerve to laugh, as he opens the door.

—I'm going to have so much fun with your suffering, Alex — declares, before exiting without looking back. Yaakov and I watch each other in silence. He, the traitor, making great efforts to contain the laughter that threatens to explode. His lips are trembling and cheeks have turned red.

And I, imagining countless situations where I'm being beaten and punished by the overwhelming force of a small, explosive Xander, with a frying pan flying in the direction of my nose. Yaakov, without saying another word, turns around, opens the door again, and pretends to leave.

—Where are you going? — I snarl and he stops.

—To find out the name of that frying pan — the door to my office is closed and through it, I can hear my cousin's laughter. While I can just sit here, praying that Lev's warnings won't come true.

*The Sims is a social simulation video game where you can create characters (called Sims) with the option to modify their appearance, muscles, size, and even professional skills.

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