
First Week (Extra)

Arsenal, 4:42 p.m.


—Are you sure you'll be all right on your own?

—Yes, Derek — I turn around on the stool, putting aside the explosive I was setting up to see him —. I feel better already.

—I'm sorry I have to go, foxy — Angelo approaches and gently strokes my cheek —. I promise to come back as soon as I can.

—For God's sake — I roll my eyes —. Stop the drama, I'm completely fine. Yes, my head hurts a little, but according to Mrs. Ewa, it's normal. It will soon pass.

—You know it's not just that that worries us — Derek adds gloomily. Yes, I know.

I haven't seen Alexei since Lev informed me, nervous as hell, that he had found out I was pregnant. That was yesterday and since then, I've done everything I can to avoid him, trying to postpone that impending burst of anger for as long as possible. Honestly, I'm scared. But I am also determined to confront him and anyone else to defend the bond with my Alphas, and the future life that is growing inside of me.

I love them, after all. And they love me, I do not doubt that. What I did not expect was the sickness that began to bother me, not to mention the moments of irritation and anxiety that I have, upsetting me by little things to the point of crying. Luckily, I have not just one, but two Alphas who can deal with my sudden mood changes and pamper me twice as much.

—I know, Derek — I smile, though I don't mean to —. But I don't feel like postponing this any longer. If Alexei is going to come and talk to me, or shout at me, I'll be waiting for him.

—And I'll kick his ass if he dares to lay a finger on you — with a threatening tone and a slight frown. That shouldn't have turned me on, but it did.

—Derek, Alexei can be stubborn and act like an idiot many times...

—Or most of the time — Angelo interrupts me with a slight mocking tone.

—Or all the fucking time — Derek sighs in disgust and I can't help but laugh.

—Anyway, he'd never dare raise a hand to me. He never has, and never will — I promise, sure of my words —. My brother may be many things, but he knows his limits.

—Well, I hope so — Derek grunts, then kisses me on the forehead —. No matter what happens, you'll call me... — Angelo nudges his side —. You will call us —. corrects himself quickly —. If you need anything at all.

—Do you promise, foxy?

—Yes, I promise — I roll my eyes, but I still smile to calm them down.

They both smile back at me. Angelo walks up to me and kisses me on the mouth. A sweet, soft, gentle kiss that expands the heat on my chest and causes me to feel like I'm floating through big, fluffy clouds. When he separates, Derek kisses me too, although it's completely different. Deep, fast, and intense, a shiver of pleasure runs through my body and I seem to be close to a volcano about to explode. A sigh escapes me when the kiss ends and I'm sure my face is flushed with excitement.

—Remember, if you need anything, anything at all, you tell us without hesitation, foxy — Angelo smiles and turns to Derek —. Did you ask him?

—Yes, but he wants to patch things up with Magnus first.

—Are you talking about the matter of me moving into your country house, Angelo? — he seems a bit embarrassed, but still nods.

—Yes, foxy. What do you think? — uncertainty taking over his features.

—I think it's a good idea — I assure him, then smiles and sighs (I think it's of relief) —. But, as Derek said, I wish I could fix things before doing it.

—I understand. I wouldn't expect anything less from you, and I don't want to be on bad terms with your brother either. We are family now, after all — his smile is widening, though I notice a slight mocking tone again.

—I would die before calling him "brother-in-law" — Derek snorts, making the quotation marks with the hands.

—Never say never, gorgeous — Angelo kisses me again, but this lasted much less than the previous one, to my disappointment —. I must go now. I love you, foxy — my face feels warm again, and the accelerated beats of my heart rumble in my ears.

—I love you, Angelo — I answer, although in a faint whisper.

—I know — smiles and turns to Derek.

They look at each other for a brief moment, and already the anticipation of what is going to come is expanding through my veins, my dick pushing against the pants. Derek holds Angelo by the nape and pulls him closer until their mouths collide. The movement takes Angelo by surprise, but he quickly adjusts and kisses back with the same ferocity. I am enthralled, watching their mouths clashing and their tongues touching, listening to the wet and obscene sounds released by the intense kiss.

Since the first time it occurred, neither of us has had any barriers to keep doing it over and over again at the slightest opportunity, and not that I am complaining. On the contrary, it's hot as hell to see them. When they break up, Derek's breathing is quick and gasping, Angelo has an expanded blush on the cheeks, neck and tips of the ears, smiling shyly. I fucking love them.

—And I love you too — Angelo whispers to Derek and I smile at the growing happiness inside me.

—Yeah — Derek looks back at him with a shuddering intensity —. And I love you.

—Well — Angelo smiles and winks —. Take care of our two babies while I'm gone.

—You got it — Derek promises firmly.

—Hey, I'm not a baby! — I cross the arms over my chest, a slight pinch of discomfort digging into my side.

—Of course not, foxy — Angelo mocks, practically running for the exit, leaving Derek and me alone. Derek laughs, but when he notices my expression, which I'm sure is nothing like a baby's, the smirk immediately fades.

—I... Uh... — begins to back off —. I must go to... You know, with Grigor... — signs for the exit —. And I'm sure Jackson will too... Or maybe Vasily — clears his throat when a hand lands on the handle —. You know how they are, baby. They can't do this or that if I'm not on top of them — I grunt, he opens the eyes wide in shock —. Fuck, that sounded better in my head. You know what? I will see you later.

And as fast as a soul being chased by the devil, he goes, leaving me wanting to finish setting up the explosive and put a surprise in the toilet. The rest of the afternoon goes smoothly. My stomach was behaving a bit strangely, but I was able to successfully keep lunch inside my body. The headache did bother me for a while, but I ignored it as best I could and focused on my work.

Late that night, I answered a message from Angelo and was ready to go to the bedroom I'm now sharing with Derek.

That is, until suddenly, the door opens and the person I least expected to see right now appears, covering most of the threshold. Alexei looks good, better than I expected. His body doesn't appear tense, has a relaxed and calm complexion.

He's standing there, watching me. His face doesn't reflect any of the emotions and that makes me even more nervous. I drop the tools I was holding on the counter and turn slowly to face him. It is not until then that I perceive a movement out of the corner of my eye behind him, revealing that he is accompanied.

—Honey, move — Xander pushes him and, when he succeeds in getting in front of him, pinches his cheek playfully —. You wouldn't let me see him.

—It's not my fault that you're a tiny kitty — laughs and Xander glances at him.

—And I'm not to blame that you're built like a tank — rotates towards me and a smile lights up his face —. Fred! — screams and runs to me. We both hugged for a long time, transmitting without words how much we needed each other. I must admit I'm relieved to have him here, and the fact that Alexei doesn't seem to be as angry as I thought, only adds to the feeling —. How are you? — whispers in my ear, still not backing off.

—As good as I could be — I whisper back and he laughs softly.

—Do you have the sickness, too?

—Yes — I sigh —. It's quite annoying.

—You don't say, this morning I almost threw up a lung — laughs —. Magnus was close to going mad in fright.

—He seems... Happy — I tell him before I can help it.

—He is. For our future baby... — pauses so he can get far enough away to look me in the eyes, with a sweet smile on the lips —. And for yours as well.

—Really? — I ask uncertainly, he nods in reply.

—Stop plotting against me — my brother's deep, low voice startles us both, bursting the bubble created around us and interrupting our conversation based on whispers. Xander sighs and rolls the eyes, but when he turns to face my brother, he does so with a smile.

—Believe me, if I wanted to conspire against you, you wouldn't even know about it.

—I want to believe that's not a threat — Alexei grunts with a frown, accompanied by a cautious glance.

—Behave yourself — Xander warns —. So you won't get a chance to find out — winks and turns to leave a kiss on my cheek —. You and I will talk later.

—You're going? — I shriek in a high-pitched alarm.

—Yes. Mrs. Ewa has some tasty jasmine tea for me — approaches my brother and kisses him —. Mark my words, Magnus. Behave yourself.

—Yes, sir — Alexei mocks in a mutter as Xander heads for the exit.

—I heard that! — Xander shouts at him before closing the door, enveloping Alexei and me in an uncomfortable silence.

I don't know if I should be the one to start the conversation. I mean, he was supposed to find out about my pregnancy through my own words and not from some incident of Mrs. Ewa's loose lips.

I should have told him as soon as I discovered it, but I was afraid of his reaction. That was the only reason I kept silent, apart from the fact that my partners would be affected, though they insisted time and again that they were capable of dealing with it.

But I didn't want them to have to. What would make me completely happy is for my whole family to be together, accepting each other, without hatred or resentment. As difficult as it may seem at the moment.

—I thought you wouldn't be here — starts and I nervously rub my hands on the fabric of my pants.

—Uh... I didn't want to stay in my room — I murmur and look away at the work table —. I needed to distract myself from the illness somehow — I watch with feigned interest a red wire intertwined with a yellow one.

—Did it work?

—A little — I smiled, though I felt my lips tremble —. I did not vomit, but I had an unbearable headache.

—I see — and so, the silence falls again. It's one of the most uncomfortable situations I've ever been in. He also appears a bit clumsy about it and in a way, that's a relief to me —. So...

—I'm sorry, Alexei — I go ahead and he looks surprised, but quickly composes himself by setting a neutral expression —. I know I should have told you, but I was a little afraid of your reaction.

—Yes, I know — offers, after a brief pause.

—Do you know? — amazement reflected in my voice.

—Yes, Xander made sure to make it clear how grumpy I can be — a sweet smile accompanies his distant semblance, I imagine he's thinking about his partner —. And I must apologize too.

—You must? — I babble so eloquently, my jaws unclench.

—Did one of your circuits break down or something? — asks mockingly, and I show him the middle finger before crossing the arms on my chest.

—That's not a very promising apology.

—Yeah, well, you're not making it easy for me — running a hand over the back of his head before staring at me again —. What I mean is... I know you're a grown-up now, Fredek. You're perfectly capable of making your own decisions, you have the right to choose your life and who you spend it with, to make mistakes and be mature enough to correct them, without my influence in any way.

By the time he finishes talking, my eyes are wide open as well as my mouth, my lungs seem to have forgotten their job and I'm almost sure I'm watching him as if he had sprouted three heads that spit fire and acid at the same time. Oh, my... Just, wow. I never would have imagined that all those words would come out of Alexei, not now or in the future, near or far.

—Oh... — I wanted to respond with something better, but that one word was what my brain was able to process.

—Yes — laughs —. Oh.

—Wow, Alex — I slowly release the air I was holding in, and a faint smile curls up my lips —. That sounded suspiciously like Xander.

Averts the eyes and a slight blush lights up his cheeks. If I didn't know my brother, I'd be sure he was embarrassed, but that can't be. Alexei never blushes. "Blushing" doesn't even exist in his vocabulary. Well, that seems to have changed.

—Yeah, well. Let's say I used some of his words.

—Some of them? — I respond with a gentle accusation.

—Well, most of them.

—Sure? — I insist.

—Almost all of them — confesses mumbling, frowning, and throwing imaginary knives with his eyes.

—Do you want me to ask Xander?

—Fuck. Yeah, okay. Those were the exact words he used to convince me, okay? — grunts in disgust —. Shit, give me a break.

—You're right, I'm sorry — looking down at my hands —. I'm sorry for everything, Alex. But like I told you before... — I return my eyes to his, now with determination and firmness —. I love them and I do not doubt that they love me. They make me happy and I make them happy as well.

—How did they take your pregnancy? — asks cautiously, but I know him well enough to detect the slight margin of danger in his voice.

—As I told you, we are happy — I guarantee it, and the tension in his shoulders disappears —. Angelo wants Derek and me to move into his country house.

—What? — asks in amazement.

—Yes, he says that now that I'm expecting, it would be better if the three of us were together — my hands unconsciously falling on my still flat belly —. And I accepted.

—Wow — his voice fades and his expression becomes sore —. Are you sure?

—Yes, Alex — I smile —. Now that I've found my partners, I must be by their side.

—I know that, but I didn't think it would be inconvenient for them to stay here. The Mansion is quite large, after all.

—You mean you're willing to let Angelo move in here? — I shriek unstoppably, my voice coming out ridiculously high as I jump off the stool. Wow, this day is full of surprises.

—Yes. Why? — his frown deepening —. Is that a problem for you?

—Are you crazy? — I come closer, my eyes a little blurred —. Of course not, Alex. That's all I want. Would you allow it? — he shortens the distance between us and squeezes me with the arms. I lean into his embrace and press my cheek on his shoulder, letting the tears flow freely.

—All I want is for you to be happy, Fred — his low, sweet voice —. And if I have to deal with the unbearable of Derek and the pain in the ass of Angelo, I will do it without hesitation.

—Hey! — I punch him in the arm and his chest flutters with laughter.

—I couldn't bear to have you walk away from me, Fred — caresses my hair softly —. You're my little brother and you always will be. No matter how old or how many babies you have.

Tears run down my cheeks, wetting the fabric of his suit. Although this time they are of genuine and warm happiness. We hugged for a long time and little by little the crying stops.

—Do you know something? — I murmur in the skin of his neck.


—I'm really glad Xander cracked your security system — laughs again and sighs.

—Believe me, so I am.

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