
Second Month - First Week: Grumpy Alpha

Alexei & Xander's bedroom. 8:32 a.m.


—That's enough, Magnus — I punch his chest —. Stop being so grumpy — if I thought before that there was no possibility in this world that my Alpha was even more grumpy than he already is... Well, I was wrong.

Ever since he found out that Fred is pregnant (which, by the way, was a big surprise for me too), he hasn't stopped grumbling and protesting about the slightest thing. I'm afraid that the frown among his eyebrows will become permanent and ruin his beautiful face.

Yesterday, I had to juggle and practically threaten him with a frying pan (I found that to be a good tactic, I'll call it: The Millennial Weapon), so he wouldn't go out like a raging bull to demand answers from his brother, and maybe break a few bones from Angelo and Derek.

Because of him, the sickness came back to haunt me, and it took that to finally convince him to return to the bedroom with me. I wish that was the end of the story, but no. Though he's been very kind and attentive to me, I don't have to be a fortune-teller or an empath to know that he's still pissed off. I understand that this is a delicate situation, no one would expect, or at least I don't, this to happen.

But it's done, there's no turning back now. Now all that remains is to hope that his partners can make a proper agreement and that they will take care of and protect him as Fred deserves.

I just pray that they don't make trouble for each other once the baby is born. Magnus has been awake for some time now, very quiet, but now and then, a sigh that finishes in a grunt escapes from his lips, and I know perfectly well the thoughts that wander through his mind.

After going to the bathroom and washing up, I thought he would leave, but to my relief, he came back and lay in bed again. I curled up on top of him, with my cheek resting at the level of his heart, and we have been like this for a couple of minutes now, in silence. Until I couldn't take it anymore.

—Xander — breathes and releases the air slowly —. I don't wanna talk about it now.

—And when do you intend to do it? — I cross the hands on his chest, resting my chin on top so I can watch him —. Or rather, with whom? I don't want you to go out in a rage and start terrorizing everyone, Magnus.

—Well, I'm not exactly happy at the moment — the frown's reappearing —. You can't wait for me to agree to all this, Xander. That's not how it works.

—And why not? He's your brother, Magnus. You should be happy for him, grateful that it wasn't someone random or that he did it just to annoy you — my tone is a little stronger than I intended, but I can't help it. He just looks away and the muscles in his jaw tighten —. He did it with his partners, it's the result of their love for each other, just like you and me. Or isn't it? — He doesn't answer, staring at the window, with an absent gaze —. Magnus — I murmur, but he still doesn't want to face me —. Honey, look at me.

With a hand on his cheek, I gently guide, turning his face until our gazes connect again. I send calming waves through our bond and purr. I know he loves it when I do this and if it helps him feel better, I will do it all day if necessary.

—You know I'm right — my thumb caresses his cheek gently —. We talked about this last time, remember? — looks down and nods slowly —. Fred's a grown-up now, honey. He must make his own decisions, commit mistakes and learn to correct them. It's not your job to decide for him, but it is to support, love, and be there for him when he needs you.

His hand rises and strokes my hair with sweetness, the fingers massaging my scalp and it is completely delicious. This time I'm purring with pure satisfaction. He bends over and kisses me, nice and slow. His breath mingling with mine, our tongues moving in sync as we savor one another. By the time we part, I am somewhat dazed and gasping for breath.

—I don't pretend to be grumpy like you say, all the time — I laugh quietly, he smiles, and that relieves the tension between the two of us —. It's just that... I don't know — sighs with regret —. Since I was a child, I learned to take care of and defend myself as best I could, often risking my safety. But after Fredek came into my life, everything changed — pauses, insecure, but still continues —. I had a new purpose, a goal. Now I had someone to protect, to watch over his well-being, and to make sure he didn't miss anything. I guess I have a hard time accepting that he doesn't need me now.

The pain and desolation in his voice makes my heart suffer. When I met Magnus, I never imagined that behind all that tough exterior and dangerous mob boss, there would be someone so sweet and protective, longing and pining for the family that was denied to him and his brother since childhood.

I can't deal with or change anything about his past, but I can make sure that I create a better, brighter future, where he is as happy as possible, surrounded by as much love as ever. And now, as his seed is blossoming within me, that future is becoming more and more solid, and achievable.

—My love, just because Fred's going to start a family now, doesn't mean you're not going to be a part of it. He loves and appreciates you, and I doubt very much that this means that he won't need you anymore — I lean over and leave a kiss on his mouth —. On the contrary. That baby will need a caring uncle to give snacks, behind the parents' back — laughs and in one quick motion, turns us over until I'm lying on my back with him on top. Proceeds to kiss my entire face, ears, neck, and part of my chest, tickling me —. Stop it! — I say breathlessly, tapping him on his strong shoulders, trying to push him off —. My lungs are giving up!

—I love you — kisses me on both cheeks —. I love you, Xander King — now on the forehead —. I love you, kitty — and on the tip of my nose —. I love you, my love — his gaze causes the heat to spread across my chest, and finally, he kisses my mouth.

It is overwhelming, every particle of my body reacts to his touches, his caresses and I feel as if our souls could merge. It's perfect. The love he gives me without measures, conditions, or protests, is incredible. I also offer him everything of me, what I once protected from others, what many wanted to take by force, what I treasured with mistrust. Everything is his.

His lips are separated from mine and although our limbs are all tangled up together, I feel I need him even closer. To possess him and have him possess me, to give myself to him in a thousand possible ways. However, I believe that I will always want more, I can never get enough of Alexei Magnus.


I didn't imagine that my love for Xander could increase, but I see that I was wrong once again. Every time I think I love him enough, he does or says something incredible and my chest swells with pride and admiration. It's perfect. He's perfect. When I first met him, I never expected that behind that stealthy and ingenious hacker (who caused me so many headaches at first), there would be such an understanding, warm and loving being.

Asking life for the love that no one could ever give him and, being brutally honest, I didn't think I would be able to either. But then again, I was mistaken. It will sound cliché, but if he asks me to pull down the Moon, I will do it without hesitation, even for a second.

For the first time, I've allowed myself to give my heart to someone, and I'm sure Xander is the right person and the perfect Omega to take care of it.

—You should eat something, kitty — I rub his nose with mine —. Now you'll need to eat for two — laughs and moves away a little so I can watch him.

—Will you love me even when I'm fat? — pouting, bulging his lower lip —. With my swollen ankles, my chubby cheeks, and only able to wear clothes three times my size?

—I'll love you even if you look like a big balloon and I have to roll you all over when you can' t walk — pinches me, but his laugh gives away that he's not angry.

—Hey, I don't want to get that fat!

—Unfortunately, that's not for you to decide, kitty — I put a hand on his belly and I can't help but imagine what he'll be like in a few months —. You won't be able to deny food once the baby starts demanding it. I'll have to be careful myself, you might want to take a piece out of me.

—Yuck — grimaces and I laugh at how ridiculous he seems —. I'm sorry, I don't like raw meat — I think he could tell how absurd that sounded coming from a carnivorous being like him because clarifies —. I may be a cat, but that doesn't mean I'm a walking stereotype, spitting out fur balls or catching mice, Magnus — rolling the eyes, then wrinkling the nose —. That's disgusting.

—You'll like it if the baby demands it, you'll see.

—That won't happen — says sure —. It'll be a good baby, it won't make its daddy eat things he doesn't like or look disgusting.

—Shouldn't you be the mommy? — his eyes are half-closed, and somehow, I know I screwed up.

—I hope that was a joke, Alexei — oh, oh. He called me by my first name. Yeah, I screwed up.

—Yes? — I ask uncertainly, an alarm bell ringing in my head, roaring, "Stop, you idiot!", but it's too late.

—I'm a man, not a woman!

—But, kitty...

—But kitty, nothing! — sits suddenly and almost his knee salutes my nose —. I may be pregnant, but I'm still a man. I don't know if you got the memo, but I don't have a vagina, Magnus. I have a penis and a pair of balls too, just like you — crossing the arms over his chest —. Well, maybe not that big. But still!

—Shit — I run a hand over my forehead and sit too —. I didn't mean to offend you, I just thought that's how things worked.

—Well, now you see it's not! Our baby won't know me as the mommy, Magnus. I will be a daddy, just like you — gets out of bed and paralyzes me with the weight of his gaze —. You've hurt my pride, I can't believe you said that.

And then, all of a sudden, his eyes become wet. He starts crying, and I swear by all the deities on the planet, those were the biggest tears I've ever seen him produce, making me feel like a fucking insensitive bastard. Hiccups abandon his lips, and shoulders are shaken by sobbing.

«What. The. Fuck?», is my first thought. I have no idea what's going on. One minute he's extremely upset, and now, he's crying his eyes out. I stand up and confront him, not knowing what to do. I raise the hands, but I'm unsure where to put them, I think I'm going to panic.

—Hug me, you idiot! — screams through the sea of tears and I immediately put my arms around him, pulling him towards my body. Okay, I've heard some stories about hormonal changes during pregnancy, and if this is just a taste of what I'm going to have over the next nine months... Mother Moon, please, help me.

My palms go up and down his back as I make sounds, trying to calm him down. Little by little, it seems to be working and, despite his hands remaining motionless at the sides, I don't leave his side, taking his forehead leaning on my chest as the only sign that he wants me here at this moment.

—I'm sorry, kitty — I'm attempting to sound confident and assertive, but I truly feel like I'm walking through a minefield. Which is illogical, I know. I've killed men three times his size and armed to the teeth without even breaking a sweat —. I didn't think that would bother you.

—You're an idiot, Magnus — turns the face until his cheek rests on my skin —. Don't stop hugging me — mumbles and sighs deeply.

—Do you feel better now? — sighs again and nods. That's when his hands finally reach up and lock onto my back, holding me back. I almost sigh of relief, but I'm afraid that might piss him off too —. Do you want to go eat now? — nods again and I slowly separate. His cheeks are wet and I gently push away the wet trace with my fingertips. He smiles and I nod back, bend, and kiss him on the mouth —. Let's go.

I whisper and hold his hand, guiding him towards the door.

—Magnus, wait — I freeze instantly and slowly turn around to see him. When I do, he's got a big frown, covering his stomach with the free hand —. I don't feel very... — he doesn't finish what was going to say when he releases me, and as fast as a bullet, shoots out in the direction of the bathroom.

Worried, I follow him and when I enter, he is kneeling on the toilet, vomiting his guts. I quickly drop by his side, rubbing his back and whispering reassuring words. When he's done, flushes the toilet and sits on the floor, resting the back on my chest and the head on my shoulder. Breathes heavily and shakes.

—I hate this — mumbles with regret.

—And I hate to see you like this, kitty — I kiss his hair and help him up.

—Give me a few minutes — pushes me towards the exit and closes the door behind me.

—Let me know if you need anything! — I yell, loud enough to make sure he hears me. I lean my back against the wall next to the door and wait. I hear several muffled noises, but nothing that alarms me. A few minutes later, he comes out, looking dazed and tired.

—I want to sleep for three days straight — pouts and comes over, I immediately surround him in a tight hug.

—I wish I could help you — I raise his face and kiss his lips. They taste like mint, he just brushed his teeth.

—I need you to love me a lot to be able to bear this.

—Kitty, you don't even have to ask for that — I kiss him again and he smiles —. My love for you is indispensable, available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

—Good, because I need huge doses of love now — rubs the cheek on my chest and starts purring. I love it when he does that —. I'm completely addicted to your love — I laugh and press him harder against me, if that's even possible.

—So do I, kitty. So do I.

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