

Sasha’s POV~

Waking up the next morning, I was confronted with many newspapers and articles about both my father and myself. It had basically become a day dedicated to the Hamilton’s. It would really be quite amusing if it wasn’t 9 :00 am and I wasn’t still angry about how last night played out. Each newspaper alternated between Christian and I’s date and dad and Ivy’s engagement. Ivy, I had found out was actually quite well known. I say quite purely for the fact that I had never heard of her, and because it’s too early to be humble, I know most people, if I don’t know you, you aren’t famous.

Lying down on my couch, I lifted the remote in a huff at the energy needed to lift my arm. Depressingly the only thing I at 9 :00am were the boring morning shows and tabloid programs, it’s the main reason why I don’t watch the tv in the morning, I really can’t be bothered hearing lies generated to make money for themselves. It’s sick really but what can you do.

Today though, I was interested, really in what people thought about last night. Dad’s current engagement to a women 3 years older than his own daughter because really I thought that was weird. Christian and I’s involvement with each other. According to the reporter who was talking about our date currently, I think it was assumed that I was just another notch under his belt. That was something I was definitely not happy about but I guess we are about to prove them wrong even if it is all a lie. However it did look like everyone was believing our show so my father should be happy with that I suppose.

The door opening to my apartment startled me into action. No-one has the keys to my apartment. Shit ! I’m being robbed. Grabbing the heavy light off the table next to the couch and crept to the door that lead to the entrance hallway. I could hear the steps of the perpetrator as he walked into what I assumed was the kitchen. I could feel my breaths become ragged and had to cover my mouth with my hand to slide de my loud breathing.

Is this really how I am going to die. In my apartment with the ugly metal lamp that my dad’s last wife, a Spanish model in her early thirties in need of her green card got me for a housewarming present that I hated so much I swore I wouldn’t be caught dead with it in my apartment. Now it’s in my hand. I suppose it I attack the intruders with it, I can break it but otherwise this will be how the police find me. They will probably assume that it was my prized possession.

Ready to throw the lamp away to stop the assumptions if I do die I become away of the footsteps growing to the point that they were outside the living room entrance and quickly getting closer to me. This is it, take them by surprise. Taking a deep breath, I let out a small cry as I launch myself around the corner swinging the lamp. Sensing my attack the intruder ducks as my lamp swings through the air and misses his head. Bringing it back up I attempt to hit him again only for him to grab the lamp. Having my weapon disabled I looked up to lock eyes with the man in front of me.

« Christian ?! » I gasped, standing in front of me in my apartment where he wasn’t invited. What the hell is happening ? Staring in shock I tried to comprehend what had just taken place. What on earth was he doing here ?

« Hey princess, whatcha doing over there with a metal lamp ? » Christian spoke after a minute of silence where he was clearly assessing the situation. At this point we were standing so close to one another our chests were touching and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. It was warm and kind of welcoming.

I think it was mainly my shock at the current turn of events and the warm piece of meat that was Christian Matheson. Kind of disturbing I know but you would have to blind not to admit that he was attractive, and truth be told I was attracted to him, I mean if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have slept with him in the first place. Snapping out of my shock at his words I let go of that horrid lamp and stepped back from him putting as much space possible to remove and unwelcome feelings I may have been or would be having.

However by stepping back I allowed Christian to see what I was wearing. His eyes roamed down my body where I was wearing a deep purple lace and silk Victoria secret slip that stopped a bit higher than mid-thigh. I could see from the darkening of his green eyes that he liked what he saw.

BRILLIANT IDEA !!! Maybe that’s how I make this marriage hell. First of all I refuse to get back into his bed now that I have realized how much of a dick he is, but he’s a guy, that I know for sure I mean his… I am going to stop myself right there, like I said never going there again. Anyway I am going to torture him with my looks. You know the saying : you can look but you can’t touch. He seems to me like a man who doesn’t like that saying very much.

« I have to admit princess, I’m liking what I’m seeing » he took a step towards me.

Turning around so I could give him a view of my arse, after all I did think it was my best asset, I walked towards the couch. Feeling the weight of his eyes in my bum I put more effort into my strut as I reached the couch I swear I could hear him groan. Yep that’s right buddy.

« And here I was thinking that I wasn’t good enough for your standards ? » I put the most sickly sweet voice I could.

« Don’t worry princess I wouldn’t have agreed to any of this if I don’t think you were hot » of how very sweet of him.

With a sign I turned my body on the couch to face him as he plunks himself down like he owns the place might I add. « What are you doing here Christian ? »

« Sitting ? » He almost asks me, acting as though he has no idea what I am talking about but what angers me more is the gleam of amusement in his eyes that shows he is making fun of me. Pig.

« Cut the bullshit Christian, I mean what are you doing in my house ? » I spoke each word as if he were a child knowing it was getting on his nerves.

« Your dad told me I had to be here » he responded leaning back with an indifferent shrug. Now I was confused, my dad, what the heck was he up to.

« How did you get in then, no one has keys to my apartment but me and my mum, did you talk to my mum ? Now I was starting to panic, he can’t be talking with my mum without me, neither can be trusted.

« Relax princess, I persuaded the receptionist to the building, you should really get better security, she was willing to hand your key out to the next handsome guy that flirted with her. » That is definitely something I will be doing.

« Ok then we know how your here, now we need to establish why, why Christian are you here at 9 :30am and why did you just let yourself in. There is a knocking system, you know, where you knock, ask to come in and I let you in, not walk in like you own the place. » He chuckled at my attempts to reprimand him.

« I came to see my fiancé. Is that a crime now days ? «

« You’re not my fiancé, at least according to the public, see I’m just another notch in your belt » I responded bitterly while pointing to the TV screen which conveniently was showing pictures of us leaving the restaurant hand in hand.

« Ahhhh, but princess that’s why I am here, your father has decided that when we go to the gala tomorrow we are to be engaged. » His face went from amused to annoyed as he spoke, I’ll assume it is because he has to be engaged to me. Sucks to be us I suppose.

« Fine but for the love of god will you stop calling me that. » I had been slowly coming to terms with the fact that I would have to marry him. His newfound nickname for me on the other hand, it was about to make me rip my hair out. He definitely knew how to get on my nerves.

« No princess stays. Anyway, this i suppose is for you. » He pulled a small velvet box out of his jacket pocket. For some unknown reason my breath hitched. This was an arranged marriage, yet it still was the first time a guy had ever given me an engagement ring so somehow it did feel special.

Opening the box, I was actually blown away. If he has chosen this for me then he definitely got good taste. The ring was a large emerald cut diamond with 2 smaller diamonds either side of it on the band. It was actually stunning.

« It’s beautiful, did you choose it ? » I had to know if he actually did because if that was the case he may have some redeeming qualities. Vain I know.

« ummm… no actually my mum helped, » he looked down at the floor in embarrassment. Well at least his mum has great taste.

« Thank you Christian it’s lovely. »

Before Christian could reply my phone buzzed loudly next to me, picking it up i saw that it was my mum.

Hey Sash,

How was dinner last night, we should have dinner tonight, bring Christian,

I would love to meet him.

I’ll cook, your favourite.

Mum xx

Oh no… Taking a deep breath I turned to look at Christian.

« So… are you busy tonight ? »

9 hours later, Christian had come back to pick me up so that we would be able to head over to my mums house for dinner with her and Phil. Seeing my dad while I was with Christian was ok because he forced us both into this, but with my mum even though she knows about this arranged marriage i still felt as though we were deceiving her. Either way i was for the first time ever since my parents’ divorce was not looking forward to seeing my mother. It was a weird feeling that i honestly didn’t like. This business deal was really messing up my life.

I was dressed in a long sleeved black top, with a patterned wrap around midi skirt. Slipping on some heels I walked out to the kitchen where Christian was riffling around in the fridge. Please make yourself at home.

« You know we are going for dinner. » I interrupted his searching, scaring him which caused him to jump and hit his big head on the roof of the kitchen. Turning around Christian scowled at me before walking towards the front door.

Arriving at my mum’s house, Christian stood outside the door in a rather good looking suit. Is it just me or does every time I see him he looks better and better. I have serious problems. Before i could even knock on the front door, it swung open with my mum standing there smiling like the Cheshire cat. Completely ignoring me she addressed Christian who was standing behind me.

« You must be Christian Matheson, I’ve heard plenty about you, although I have to admit they do not do you justice. » Alright if that is how she is going to play it.

« Yes Mrs Anderson, it’s a pleasure to meet you, you have a very lovely house i must say « Suck up.

« Oh thank you, your too kind, come i’ll give you a tour » my mother replied pulling Christian by the forearm around me. Walking away, pulling Christian by the arm into the house. While engaging Christian in conversation my mother turned back to me who was still standing in the middle of the doorway and mouthed ‘wow he’s gorgeous’ before winking at me. Why does everyone love this guy ? I will never understand.

Taking a deep breath i stepped inside and walked towards the kitchen where i could hear people talking. Tonight was going to be a long night…

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