

Sasha’a POV~

Last night’s dinner didn’t go as badly as I thought it would, to be honest although things did get pretty awkward once we sat down for dinner and Phil decided it would be a good idea to initiate conversation. Maybe it would have been better to, you know, eat in silence.

~ Flashback ~

Seated around the dining room table, the silence was almost deafening except for mums multiple attempts at small talk. Once we were on to dessert, apple crumble, my absolute favourite. When Phil put down his spoon and turned to face Christian. I had seen that look before when bringing a boyfriend home to dinner.

I, over my 23 years had only ever maybe 4 boyfriends introduced to my mum and Phil and once Phil sat them down for interrogations things got ugly. Sadly out of the 4 of them 3 I never saw again. It’s sad really, they had potential.

« So Christian, how many girlfriends have you had ? » Oh dear, he clearly doesn’t know Christian.

« Ummm… Not many sir. » Christian answered awkwardly.

I decided to answer for him if that’s the best response he could come up with.

« Christian doesn’t do girlfriends PHIL, he’s more of a hump and dump kind of man. » While Phil was used to this kind of talk from me, Christian was not, his head shot to look at me so quickly, eyes wide in shock. Mainly that I had talked smack about him, definitely making him look bad to my parents.

« Really ? » Phil didn’t sound impressed. Oops, so maybe they won’t get along.

« Yeah, he has embraced the billionaire bachelor lifestyle. » I elaborated, bugging a deeper grave

« Right so why Sasha ? what made you want to marry her so quickly if you don’t do girlfriends. » So he clearly doesn’t know about the deal either.

« Phil, now is not the time. » My mum interrupted, she clearly had some explaining to do later.

~ End of Flashback ~

Now it was Saturday, the day of the charity gala. Stella and I had been working together on the gala before I went away to Italy. It was in collaboration with a children’s cancer support organization and all money raised was going towards that.

See I have a heart the only person I don’t love like the rest of the female population’s lady parts has to be Christian Matheson. I honestly don’t get why I hate him, it’s probably the face that I am forced to be around him for the next 3 years. It really has caused quite a change in my inner monologue. My life is going down the drain so I like to talk shit about the culprit. So sue me !

For weeks now I had been working with my favorite designer on what dress I would wear. I wanted it to be sexy and bold but also classy Mariana, who has been designing all of my dresses for important events just got me so when I went to pick up the dress yesterday, I almost cried. It was a silver dress bejeweled with many thousands of Swarovski crystals so that it was bold but classy. It has a low cut front showing some cleavage so that it makes it sexy. Over all it was perfect for tonight and I knew for certain it was going to keep Christian’s eyes on me.

Around 5 :30 pm my team came around to get me ready. I had bold but classy makeup done and my hair in a loose bun at the base of my neck which allowed strands to frame my face.

Right on time, Christian arrived at my apartment letting himself in. Something tells me her got a copy of my keys because I insisted that he give me my keys back and the girl he charmed, fired. I watched her leave with a large feeling of satisfaction.

Christian was dressed in a suit with a deep red velvet jacket like the show off he was, but even I had to admit he looked good. Even Katie, my shy, reserved hair stylist was practically eye raping him and I’m not sure I was liking it. I mean it is me he is marrying and I would not like to spend the next 3 years of my life fending off straying hands, most of which I assume will be Christian’s.

Wanting to shut down the thoughts my team were having about Christian I walked up to him putting a little sway in my hips to draw his attention directly to me although his eyes didn’t find my eyes but rather something else.

« Hi darling, don’t you look dashing » I leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek.

Feeling him tense and get ready to pull away. I stopped him by grabbing his arm in a vice grip and hugging him close while I brought our cheeks together.

I could feel the effect my closeness had on him by the way Christian shivered.

« Play along sweetheart, they don’t know anything. » I whispered. From the way that his arms wrapped themselves around my waist that he understood.

Sadly, I couldn’t ignore the safe, warm feeling having his arms around me and the fact that I actually enjoyed it.

Pulling out of my vice grip, Christian grabbed my hands in his and held me at arms length to look at me.

« Thanks baby, you look hot tonight, I’m quite the lucky gentleman tonight to have you by my side. « My cheeks warmed at his compliment. God I’m just like every other girl under Christian Matheson’s spell now.

« That would be true if you were a gentleman. » I tossed at him so that he couldn’t see how he affected me. Reaching for the jewelry box on my bed side table I slipped on the large ring on my finger and left my apartment not in the least prepared for the night to come.

Arriving in front of the hotel I took a deep breath. I’m not quite sure why I was nervous I had been planning this for days.

Christian gripped my hand in my lap and smirked at my shocked face.

« Come on princess, it’s show time. »

Getting out of the car Christian put on his brightest smile to the paparazzi and waved while doing up his blazer buttons before turning and back to the car holding his hand out to me. I couldn’t help but think that he looked fine and knowing he was here with me was doing weird things to my mind and body. How on earth did I let him mess with me this much. I am not and will never be one of his groupies.

Pulling it together I placed my hand in his and stepped out of the car. The gasp from those surrounding the red carpet leading to the hotel was audible. Point one to the fake engaged couple.

Standing together on the red carpet we allowed many photos to be taken of us together so that the story would be all over the tabloids tomorrow. Christian had placed his hand around my waist and pulled me close into his warm body. Playing the in love fiancé I placed my hand on top of his. I liked how close he was, I for the first time could smell his aftershave. It was a woody scent that complimented him perfectly.

Walking in to the hotel I was pleasantly surprised by the look. Stella had really pulled through.

Waiters walked past carrying trays of champagne and I picked up 2 glasses before turning back to Christian.

« Ok so I have a lot of people to talk to so please stay out of trouble. »

« What don’t want me to join my fiancé princess ? »

« Not really so why don’t I go that way and you go that way and we all enjoy our night »

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