

Sasha’s POV~

Tonight marked the beginning of our relationship in the public eye. As my father had planned we were to attend dinner at some fancy restaurant and sell that we were attracted to each other and going even further that we were in love. What a load of absolute bullshit.

Therefore here I am seated in front of my vanity doing my hair and makeup it make myself look like a woman worthy of Christian Matheson’s attention or whatever crap he texted me earlier when he had the decency to tell me what I should wear. Safe to say I am not wearing it.

Currently I was not at all ready with an hour and a half to go before I was to be at the restaurant, I was sitting in a silk and lace robe with my hair wet. Getting started I began curling my hair and allowing it to hang in lose waves, I think my hair was a bad omen for the night due to the fact that it was not at all doing what it was supposed to and took twice as long to the point that I was so frustrated I wanted to rip it off my head. If this was any indication about how the night was to go I was not at all interested in going. Finally I moved on to my makeup. Doing a smoky eye that made my eyes pop and a nude lip.

Feeling satisfied with my work and thankful that my attempts to create a smoky eye did not turn me into a panda, I headed into my way to large yet doesn’t-actually-fit-all-of-my-clothes-because-I-have-a-shopping-issue-and-I-know-it-but-am-not-going-to-do-anything-about-it closet to find the dress I was going to wear.

With about 15 minutes left before I had to leave I stumbled across a dress I had bought years ago yet I had never actually worn. It was a black midi halter neck dress with a slit up both sides and a hole in the middle of the dress going from the high cuff around my neck to my belly button. It was sexy I thought and I liked it wall the more because it was the opposite of the instructions Christian had given me. In his text he insisted on something different and I knew that my defiance would piss him off. Sasha : 1, Christian : 0.

The car pulled up at the restaurant about 10 minutes late and from the outside I could see Christian sitting at the table in the middle of the room where everybody could see. My father clearly wants this relationship between us to be public. I think it’s because if everyone is talking about us then everyone is talking about Hamilton Inc. That little self-serving bitch. I honestly wouldn’t put anything past him tonight. To be truthful I wouldn’t put it past him to actually be there in the restaurant to keep an eye on us. This past week has really changed my opinion of my father.

Coming through the door, I was greeted by a young waiter.

« Hello ma’am, welcome to The Eastern Balcony, do you have a booking or table for 1 tonight ? » Refraining from rolling my eyes at her jab, accidental or on purpose I couldn’t tell and responded.

« Yeah, I am meeting someone here, Christian Matheson, I’m not sure what he put the booking under. »

That sufficiently shut her up as she looked at me with wide eyes before fumbling with the computer screen in front of her.

« This way ma’am, please follow me to your table » she lead me through the maze of tables and I couldn’t help but wish I could ask her to take me to the wrong table to save me the night of pain that awaits me.

Noticing me approach, Christian stood to greet me, the anger at my tardiness evident on his face, although his anger didn’t stop him from giving me the once over. I watched his eyes roam over my body from top to bottom and I took a small feeling of satisfaction in seeing the look in his eyes. It might not have been what he wanted but I don’t think he minds so much now. Leaning in to kiss me he spoke.

« Sweetheart, you’re late. »

« Yes well the traffic was a nightmare tonight, cars everywhere. » I attempted to make up an excuse. Clearly not at all believing me, he turned to look out the window of the restaurant where the main road outside was empty, not a car in sight. Well I tried although this definitely made him even more irritated knowing that I lied to him. Shrugging my shoulders I took a seat not waiting for him to pull the chair out for me even though he doesn’t seem gentlemanly enough to even consider it.

« You’re not dressed how I thought you would be either » so maybe he does mind. This guy really is a mystery to me.

« Yes well I couldn’t find a dress slutty enough to match the rest of your girlfriends, I’m afraid that I’m just too high for your standards. » I replied with a smirk.

« Well if what you say is true then I wouldn’t date you and you’re making this unbelievable to the public try a little harder would you. » If I had known that my clothing would cause this kind of reaction I would do it more often, I didn’t realise someone could be so annoyed having to sit with a pretty girl. As you can see I’m not particularly humble, I guess we have more things in common than I thought. Well damn that’s not good.

« If our track history is any indication that can’t be true. » I huffed under my breath but loud enough for him to hear.

« Excuse me, what’s that supposed to mean ? » Now I had angered him. May as well keep digging my grave.

« It clearly didn’t stop you the night at the club, so maybe you would date me. Not so unbelievable now is it ? » I say up and rested my arms on the table while looking in to his eyes with that statement. Well take that !

He huffed out a laugh, understanding my meaning but not taking the bait. Well Mr hotshot can take the higher road, I’ll have to try harder than that then.

« Why is it then almost every time I see you, you’re wearing black then ? »

« That would be because being forced to marry you has caused the end of my life, I’m in mourning for my loss of freedom. »

« Wow, how unfortunate » amusement shone in his eyes. He actually thought I was joking.

After our orders were taken, Christian relaxed in his seat and turned to talk to me.

« We need to discuss how this is going to work, because I like my life the way it is and I’m not in the mood to compromise for a marriage. » Likewise buddy.

« I’m a guy I have needs that need to be filled and I can’t disappoint the many ladies of this fine city am I ? » Oh he is so full of shit, the more time I spend with this dick head the more I wonder really what women see I him. It really must be his money, but oops, guess he doesn’t have that anymore. Wow that was brutal, he really does bring out the worst in me.

After a moment of silence I spoke. « you know what, I really could care less who or what you date, I mean this is clearly not going to be a normal marriage. However I do have a reputation to uphold and if you happen to ruin mine because you can’t keep your rendezvous a secret then I will divorce you, deal be damned. » He was silent for a moment before nodding his head in agreement with my words.

« And here I thought we were going to be friends » he’s lost his mind I don’t want to be anything to him.

« Oh honey, we’re not gonna be friends » I said while picking up my glass of wine with a sugary sweet smile letting him know that this was the end of the conversation.

Halfway through dinner, both Christian and I had been eating our mains in silence when I noticed a shadow become cast over our table. It’s a sign !! Lifting my head I looked to see my father standing at the table with a tall beautiful blonde girl on his arm. I KNEW IT ! I knew my father would come tonight to keep us in check. I’m glad to know I’m not that crazy.

« Father, fancy seeing you here tonight, at the same restaurant, at the same time… » I started making it clear to him that I did not appreciate his being here.

« Coincidence I’m sure, I merely was bringing my beautiful date here for a nice dinner, I hear the chicken here is to die for. »

« I wouldn’t know, I’m having pasta. » My annoyance growing. Next to my father, his date cleared her that gaining his attention.

« This is your daughter ? » She asked him before turning to me.

« Hi Sasha, I’m Ivy, your father has told me all about you. » She smiled brightly. She was beautiful, young probably only 26 or so, tall probably 5ft 10’, long blonde hair, curled perfectly, blue eyes and large, bright smile. She was wearing a short red leather looking dress and nude heels. The outfit made her look like she had legs for days, this was something that Christian had wanted me to wear, now seeing her I was starting to regret not based on the way that Christian looked at her, not that is bothered me in any way, I think. Clearly a model and every guys dream and judging by the way my father was looking down at her ask she spoke to me he was no exception. Sadly I think I am meeting wife 6. Which is a pity because could do so much better than my father.

« Yes I am, but I’m afraid I haven’t heard anything about you » looking directly at my faster at that point. « How long have you been dating my father ? »

« About 6 months » she laughed. Oh Jesus that’s the longest my father has dated someone without proposing.

« Well we best leave you two to it then » my father ended our conversation leading Ivy away.

Suddenly my appetite gone I looked down at my plate although I heard Christian mutter under his breath

« Why the hell am I jealous of him, I don’t get how he does it ! » Which brought a small smile to my face.

After my father’s appearance Christian and I lapsed back into silence and I was lost in thought when many of the people in the restaurant gasped, looking up my eyes focused on my father on bender knee proposing to Ivy. Tossing my head back I groaned in frustration. Trust my father to do something like this. Noticing my reaction Christian laughed at me but cleared his throat upon seeing me glare at him. How the hell could this night get any worse.

« Yes of course I will » Ivy squealed. Welcome to the large, dysfunctional and mainly divorced Hamilton family. Crap.

Leaning over Christian spoke to me for the fist time in a while. « I don’t have to do that do I ? »

Sighing I shut off any further chances for embarrassment « please God no. »

Please let me die.

Leaving my fathers and his audience, we both left the restaurant. Exciting the door I could see a man across the road camera in hand, really I mean I thought I had seen it all tonight, apparently I was wrong. Taking a deep breath I reached for Christian’s hand and gripped tight when he turned around to pull his hand out.

« Stop there are paparazzi across the road, didn’t you tell me to make this believable, now hold my god damned hand. » Understanding he turned and continued walking to the car.

I need this night to be over already…

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