

Sasha’s POV :

Leaving my mother’s house I headed back to my apartment. My father expected me to be at his office before 12.00 pm. It was currently 11 :45am. With no hope of getting there in time, I entered my apartment and walked into the kitchen to find a bottle of water. Considering that I was going to be late and that after today I probably would be bound by contract to marry what’s his face my life would be over and therefore I decided to go all out. May as well be quite late instead of only a couple of minutes and panting like a dog.

Slipping into a flower patterned knee length dress with three quarter length sleeves and some heels before cleaning away the make up on my face from the night before and reapplying some concealer and eye make up before adding a soft pink lipstick. Slipping on my sunglasses I texted my driver to be ready to pick me up. With that is shut my apartment door and prepared myself to face the cavalry. By this point it was 12 :15pm.

Arriving at my father’s level, I stepped through the elevator doors and walked directly to the meeting room, upon opening the door I looked around the room where 3 men were sitting. My father was seated at the head of the table, the scowl on his face made it evident I was not in anyway in his good books for making him wait. Funnily enough I was kind of happy to know that I has reserved a permanent spot of his naughty list. Although my father was in now way as nice as Santa Claus which is quite ironic if you think about it.

On my fathers right side was a older looking man who despite his age and greying hair still was pretty easy on the eye. Based on who was meant to be in this meeting I gathered that this man was Henry Matheson. He was sitting patiently in his chair with a hopeful glint in his eye. I could see that his hope was most definitely in vain mostly because I know that my father plans to take has company right from under his nose. This cause a sense of guilt to roll around in the pit of my stomach.

Next to who I assumed was Henry Matheson was a younger guy with his head down as he played a game on his phone. This was clearly the infamous playboy by the name of Christian Matheson.

At the sound of my entrance all 3 men heads snapped up but only 2 of them glared at me. Unfortunately those 2 were my father and Christian the 2 men I actually have to deal with in my life. Upon looking directly at Christian Matheson’s face I was struck with a sense of Déjà vu yet I could not for the life of me remember where I had seen at face from. Finally I settled for thinking that he only appeared familiar from the articles my mum and I had been looking at all morning.

Putting on my most convincing sickly sweet smile and lifted my chin before walking fully into the room and to the seat next to my father.

« So very sorry that I’m late I got a little caught up with some other matters that require my utmost attention. » I said in order to cover up my tardiness. The look on my father’s face told me that he wasn’t buying any of my bullshit but I didn’t let it show on my face that I knew I was in trouble.

« well we thankyou for getting here when you did Sasha, I’m sure whatever you were wasting you time with clearly was very important to you. Now that you have graced us with you ever important presence we can get this meeting underway. » my father spoke as I quickly seated myself as to not anger him anymore. Knowing my father’s no existent fuse I held my tongue so to not respond with a snarky comment.

Standing up my father walked around the entire length of the 12 seating glass meeting table in I assume a way to threaten both of the Mathesons before beginning to speak.

« I assume you know why I have called you here today and in doing so are agreeing to the deal in return for me providing you with a loan to return your company to the multi-billion dollar business it once was. »

Henry Matheson who was nodding thought the entire time began to open his mouth as if to speak, however my father continued not even acknowledging that henry had intended to speak.

« I gather that you are fully aware of the price of my help, it’s that your son will be required to marry my daughter for the span of 3 years. Now I know neither of you know each other and neither of you want to be married at this stage of your life but quite frankly, I do not care. All it comes down to is if you are willing to what your families require of you »

Throughout the entire time my father was speaking I followed his moving figure around the room for a minute before focusing my attention on the immaculately clean table. After a while I could feel someone staring directly at me and at the moment that the marriage was mentioned and my father dropped the bomb that I would be forced to be married to this looney for 3 YEARS I lifted my eyes and they locked with the angry smouldering dark brown eyes that were Christian Matheson.

While I was looking directly into his eyes everything my father was saying blended into one and faded away. Finally tearing his eyes away from mine, Christian turned to my father and anger filled his eyes as he addressed him.

« why do you want me to marry her anyway ? » I couldn’t help but be offended by the tone in his voice when he spoke abut me. Well he might be a pretty face but he has made it fairly clear that he is has an ugly personality.

Not at all pleased by the question my father turned and stared down Christian attempting to scare him into standing down. For some satisfying reason it wasn’t working on Christian like it would on any other man including the guys father who was nudging his on in order to get him to apologise for his outburst.

« You will find kid, that I am not required to explain anything to you, the marriage is my condition and I advise you to take me up on my offer if you want to save your company and I don’t see any other offers being rolled your way now boy, do you ? » My father effectively shut him down as Christian’s resolve fell and he sat back in his seat.

Again feeling satisfied that his ego took a rather large beating I couldn’t help but feel confused that I was supporting my dad’s ability to kick other people in the arse.

« And besides you don’t have to sleep with her it’s merely all for show » my father said. Wow dad way to throw that out there and make it awkward for everyone. At that very instant Christian turned to look directly at me a smirk lace firmly on his lips, his eyes held something I could quite understand and what I could only describe as someone who knew something I didn’t, either way it was a look I didn’t like.

Just to add another nail to my already locked coffin my father continued « If you are unable to keep it in your pants for these next years because quite frankly you lay a finger on my daughter you will pay, you are more than welcomed to find comfort elsewhere as long as it is discrete and does not in anyway tarnish her image. » Oh dear God !!!

Another 20 or so minutes later the meeting was concluding and I was finally included in conversation.

« We need to make this look like a proper courting and so tomorrow you will be going out for dinner, be civil and for the love of god, act like you are in love. I for a second feel like you don’t like each other and the funds to your company stop and Anastasia you know your terms. » My father said looking directly at me to make sure I know exactly what he meant. Don’t worry father, your message has been well and truly received.

For about the first time this meeting henry Matheson contributed vocally. « similarly on Saturday… » only to be interrupted by me.

« I’m busy Saturday, I have a fundraising gala that I must attend » and then just to annoy my father I added « shame »

« then Christian will just have to attend with you, it can be your first appearance as a couple, well done Sasha, valuable idea »

I’m not sure what was more surprising to me : the fact that my father gave me credit and praised me in public or that I now had to go to a fundraiser with Christian. The one thing I had been looking forward to for the past 2 weeks has become something I am seriously dreading. Just to make me feel even worse if not angry, Christian looked as smug as a cat that got the cream all because he new he was ruining my night.

At the conclusion of the meeting, we all stood up and headed to the door. Henry Matheson exited first a kind and sympathetic smile on his face. Ready to exit second I was pushed out of the way by Christian who brushed his hand along my lower back causing tingles to radiate up my back. Becoming flushed I turned to face him and as he walked past, he whispered in to my ear.

« thanks for last night » his voice deepened considerably and heat danced in his eyes as I looked at him in confusion and shock.

Leaving me standing there attempting to understand what he meant, Christian strode confidently down the hallway, buttoning up his blazer jacket. Realisation hit as Christian turned around and smiled at me triumphantly as the elevator doors shut.

Letting out a frustrated groan I wiped my hands down my face. He was the guy from the night before. That explains the familiarity. I know exactly how to pick them don’t I ?

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