

Sasha’s POV~

A harsh pounding in my head woke me up the next morning. I attempted to pry my eyes open and adjust to the brightness of the room. Regaining my senses I rolled over on to my back. Looking around I jumped back and had to bite my lip really hard in an attempt to stop the squeal that fought to break free in shock when I notice a very bare back lying next to me.

Swallowing the scream I was unable to recall any memories from the night before. Well shit, how the bloody hell did I get here. Not that I should be complaining, I mean from the muscles in his back it was fairly clear that I had made a good choice for my last night of freedom.

Quickly but as quietly as possible I slid of the bed and run around the room attempting to find my dress and underwear from the night before. Although my bra was proving to be a problem as it was not anywhere in the bedroom. Giving up I got dressed and left the apartment.

Getting out on the sidewalk I decided to not bother my driver and hopped in to the fist cab that would stop. 20 minutes later I was out of the city and at my mum’s house in desperate need to tell someone about my pending engagement.

Knocking on the door I hoped that my mum would be awake considering it was 8 :30 am. My mum opened the door a short time later in her dressing gown attempting to control Lola her Labrador who was barking wildly in an attempt to see who was at the door. Oops probably should have thought about her, she was notorious for waking up the whole house at absurd hours of the day.

Noticing me at her door my mother give my appearance a once over noticing my drees from the night before,messy hair and high heels hanging from my hands as I didn’t put them on in the apartment in order to leave as silently as possible. Nothing worse than having to face a guy after a one night stand, that shit just gets really awkward.

Finally meeting my eyes, completely out of character my mum smirks.

« long night ? » humour dances in her eyes.

Getting the hidden jab in her words I struggled to hold beck a laugh. Deciding to play along, it was my turn to put on a smirk and say.

« the longest, it really tired me out, you know ? » I said hoping to make my mum as uncomfortable as possible. Surprising me, my mum continued to keep eye contact with me showing no reaction to my previous statement but merely responded with.

« I know exactly what you mean, Phil does exactly the same thing to me. I have to say it may have been the reason I married him. » The smile growing on her face as my face morphed from shock to disgust.

Way to go Mum, thanks for that, If the excessive amount of alcohol from last night wasn’t causing me to feel nauseous, then that statement right there definitely has. No one wants to have to think or imagine their parents sex life, it really is quite off putting and for me having a mother who is more than happy to talk about in everyday conversation and given the number of wives my father has gone through in the last 5 years, many of them only a handful of years older than myself it is a constant battle to not have to listen or think about that. It’s really quite disgusting.

Wanting desperately to end this conversation, I slipped my way past mum into the house and down the hall into the kitchen to make myself a coffee as I had not had access to any form of caffeine this morning. While the coffee pot was working I turned around to face my mother who was looking at me while leaning against the kitchen counter. Being 5ft7 my mum stood taller than me by only 2 cm. My height really was a pain in the arse. I mean don’t most children grow taller than their parents, at least their mothers. I clearly was the excepting to that rule. Even my genetics were working against me. Aside from height, my mum and I were fairly similar we both have blonde hair and similar features. Except for our eyes, while she has hazel eyes, I somehow had been born with blue eyes.

My mum was English and had lived in London for most of her life until she met my dad when she was 20. Being completely in love with him she left her life in London and moved with my father to New York. That clearly not working out left my mum with a large amount of my fathers money in a country that wasn’t her own and instead of moving home to London like she wanted to for many years after their divorce she stayed in order to be close to a look after me, so that I wouldn’t have to move across the country and was able to see my father when he wasn’t working or sleeping with younger women.

I am really thankful to my mum for that and I grew older I definitely have a closer relationship with my mum than my dad. 5 years after my parents divorce, m mum met a surgeon named Phil and they hit it off immediately. After about a year of dating, they were married and have been happily together ever since. Although unfortunately they didn’t have any more kids after that, neither did my father which just left little old me for them to constantly spoil. Only child to divorced parents, I made the best out of the situation I suppose.

Due to my mum and I’s close bond she knows that whenever I show up at her house at odd hours of the day that I needed to talk to her about something important and that I wanted advice, and so here she was waiting, leaning against the counter waiting for me to start talking. Knowing how capable my father is of ruining people and companies who don’t take his threats seriously I still knew that I would be able to confide in my mum. Secretly I was hoping that she would take my side and angrily call my father up to stop his ridiculous plan. I think secretly my father still has a soft spot for my mother and she, therefore is always able to talk him out of his crazy plans that somehow effect me. Although after yesterdays talk with him I’m not even sure that my mother’s opinion could persuade him, but you know desperate time call for desperate measures and I was most definitely desperate.

« I’m getting married » I said with a sigh.

Surprise flickered across my mother’s face. Most likely because I had never told her I was dating someone, let alone that I had committed my self to something serious. My mother knows about my nights out and my inability to commit to one guy. I don’t think she likes it as it reminds her a lot of my father’s actions but she keeps it to herself and never treats me badly because of it. Masking her surprise my mother doesn’t say anything knowing that their is more to my story, probably because I was so excited to tell her all about my news. See the sarcasm there I am so excited about marrying a billionaire playboy !

« Dad has found me an arranged marriage » I elaborated.

Knowing what the next question would be I continued talking avoiding the confused look on my mum’s face.

« It’s to Christian Matheson, dad has concocted some kind of plan in order to take control of their company and the only way he sees it’s going to work is if I marry the son of the current CEO . he says he wants to ‘crush the competition » I mock my father, completely fed up with his ideas even though I only found out about it yesterday, its been running around my mind nagging me for the last 24 hours.

Finally turning to my mother I waited for her response. Expecting her to lose her shit in the nicest possible way because she claims she is a lady, I was actually slightly disappointed to see her take a deep breath and get ready to respond in a calm state when really all I want is for her to be as mad and annoyed as me. I’m not going to like the answer he is going to give me am I ?

« Ok, » was all she said

« WHAT ! what do you mean ok . Did you hear a word of what came out of my mouth. I. AM. GTTING. MARRIED ! I’m not ok with this I mean I’m 23 years old, I don’t even know the guy and from what I’ve read he doesn’t seem to be all that great a guy. I’m pretty sure he as slept with all of the American female population and that’s not just in New York City ! » her answer had officially tipped me off the edge.

Holding up 2 fingers, my mum silenced me and continued where she had left off. « I say ok because I am accepting what was said. You and I both know your father and everything for him is about business and that damned company I mean it has ruined all 5 of his marriages so what do you expect. Secondly this boy you are marrying, he can’t be all bad. I think I may have met his parents years ago, when I was still with your father in the early days and they didn’t seem all that bad, they were lovely and therefore I think they would most likely have raise a pleasant well mannered son, if not he may be a little rough around the edges but otherwise be glad it isn’t some 45 year old 3 time divorcee like your father, then maybe you could have something big to complain about. »

I was ready to interrupt her when she again raised her hand to silence me before continuing.

« And like you said you have never met him so I think the only way to know that he is an okay is to meet him, besides you don’t want your father to be angry with you because that will do you no good, I know this is not the answer you want but its probably the one you need to hear. »

Happy with her lecture my mum nodded her head once and looked at me waiting for my response only I didn’t have one. I was in shock not only had she squashed all of my arguments for the fist time ever in my existence had I seen her choose not to fight my fathers actions but accept them. Jeez the world has gone to hell, well mine as at least.

Thinking for a moment about what my mother said I started to realise some of the truth in what she said. Taking a deep breath I let it out with my decision made.

« ok maybe you are sort of right, » not wanting to give my mother the ego boost seeing as hers was as big and any other.

« It won’t be that bad I mean he is attractive enough so I won’t have to look at an ugly face everyday and it wont be forever right I mean we can get a divorce after my father has what he wants and then I can move on with my life and find a good guy like you found Phil ? « I say to her slowly becoming more comfortable with the change of events as I try to convince myself that is will have turn out for the best.

Nodding my mother agree with me. Then putting on a sneaky smile before trying to tease me.

« come on lets go google this spunk and see if we can find some dirt on him in order to make this relationship interesting. » she laughed leaving the kitchen to find her laptop. Feeling lighter than I had an hour ago I laughed as I followed her out of the kitchen. If I have to be married to this dick I may as well make his like a living hell I mean it is to save his business after all even if my father plans to take it anyway. Who am I kidding that’s not my problem.

This was going to be good…

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