

Sasha’s POV~

I stare at my father in anger the shock finally starting to wear off as I consider the fact that i have to marry a complete and utter stranger. What on earth had gotten in to him. To be fair, I can’t say ‘who was he and where did he take my father’ because this is totally something my father would do for the advancement of his company. I just never thought I would see the day that he would actually consider me his next move.

« You can’t be serious I mean you are actually going to force me to marry some stranger on the off chance that it will help you steal their company I mean seriously dad I’m not doing… »

« You will do what you are told Sasha I don’t care what you think about this » my father interrupted my rant

« He’s name is Christian Matheson and he is the son of the current CEO. He’s 27 years old, the oldest of 3 siblings and he owns a nightclub downtown. There he’s no longer a stranger to you » my father states clearly proud of diminishing my argument.

I stared at him in shock, he’s serious, like he’s not actually going to be talked out of this. Oh my god I’m actually screwed.

Taking a deep breath and sitting up in my seat to compose myself. I looked at my father who was staring me down expecting obedience. Well has he got something coming I am after all his daughter and I never do something I don’t want to do.

« Father, I know that this is something you want but there had to be another way to achieve this I mean it’s me giving away my life. I don’t want to marry someone I have never met I mean I want to find someone that means something to me and then consider it. I refuse to marry him for you I don’t care. « I said looking directly into my father’s eyes to show him I am serious.

Dismissing my speech my father simply said.

« Then say goodbye to your inheritance »

Well that got me to pause. When he knew he had my undivided attention, he continued.

« You refuse my request and you can kiss you perfect little life goodbye. You refuse me and I will cut you off. No inheritance. No CEO position. Nothing. Do not think I am not serious because you will marry this boy weather you so it willingly or not. »

At the end of his words I was left mouth wide open and at some point during his speech I had jumped out of my seat in fury.

Not sure how to respond to his comments I had no response. Taking my silence as my agreement, my father dismissed me from his office.

« my office tomorrow at 10 :00am, you will be there Sasha or so help you god. » He ended our conversation with a threat so that I would understand.

Still in my stunned silence, I picked up my bag and turned to leave. Upon reaching the door my father stops me one more time.

« oh and Sasha we won’t be telling anyone about this little development will we ? » He speaks to me the threat hidden in his question.

Immediately shaking my head I quickly open the door and rush to the elevator desperate to leave that conversation in the past and texting my driver on the way down I can feel my hands shaking in shock.

My life is officially over !

Waiting in the foyer of the Hamilton Inc. Building I decide to google the man I was to marry. Millions of articles pop up under my search. He clearly gets around and the tabloids love him. Many of which I clicked on involved him with multiple different women, many of his relationships lasting on a week. Well aren’t I just the luckiest little lady in the world. My husband to be is a man whore. Fuck my life !

Arriving home a short time later I entered my apartment across the city in a sort of daze and still very much in shock at the events that transpired earlier. Plonking myself on the couch I came to the realisation that my father was taking away all of my freedom. That was very much a sobering moment.

Feeling defiant I stood up from my seat on the couch and grabbing my phone in order to text my two best friends Bethany and Stella asking them if they want to go out because one, I have not seen them in weeks considering I was partying it up in Italy, Milan to be specific and two, I desperately need to forget the past 2 hours of today.

By the time both of the girls arrived at my apartment I was dressed and finishing my make up with a simple but sexy nude lipstick. I have found no guy wants to make out with you if your wearing a bold lipstick in fear it will get on their face, I mean how can they make out with other girls like the dogs they are if they have some other girls lipstick on them. Wow this arranged marriage stuff has make me a scrooge. Slipping on some heels I stood in front of the floor to wall mirror and assessed my choice. I was wearing a black mini dress with long sleeves that had the shoulders cut out at the top.

Walking into my living room I was bowled over by my very excited 6ft best friend Bethany almost causing me to fall backwards on to my arse . Beth and I had been friends since kindergarten and we stuck together all through middle and high school. Beth is tall unlike me, has blond hair and is currently making her way as a model. I’d like to say I wasn’t jealous. I met Stella in high school after she moved from California in freshman year. We hit it off right away and have been best friends since. Stella is about my height with short brown hair. Disputed Stella’s families successful business she has found her calling as a writer and is really good at it.

After making sure we had everything we hopped in to the car and told my driver to head to the closest night club. On the ride over we all discussed about what had happened while I was away and the hot Italian guys I encountered yet I kept the fact that I was getting married a secret because my father threatened me if I didn’t and I was trying really hard not to think about it.

Upon entering the night club the first act of the night we decide to order 3 shots each. Downing them we made our way to the dance floor.

Halfway through the night I made my way back to the bar to order drinks for the girls. Being a tiny bit tipsy my shoes were being an absolute pain in my arse. Grabbing on to the countertop I lean against the man next to me before I fall face first.

Turning around I come face to face with a really hot guy. I mean like really hot. Jesus. He has dark brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes. Although the frown on his face and the smell of alcohol on his breath tells me I won’t be seeing the gorgeous full lips smile. Wow the alcohol is really getting to me.

Deciding that this was my last night to free and single I put on my best smile and leaned over to the guy.

« So, what drink are you buying me ? » I spoke in a low voice close to his ear, screw personal space, you have to go to great lengths to get what you want. This spiked his interest and he turned to face me.

« Only if you tell me your name » he whispered in my ear his lips brushing against my ear lob causing a shiver to run down my spine.

« Stella » saying the fist thing that comes to mind without giving away my real identity. Unfortunately I ended up giving away my best friends name. I knew I was number one friend for a reason.

« You ? » I asked him.

Finally after staring at me for a second he turns to the bartender to order our drinks before turning to me and bringing his face close to mine and smirking he says,

« Chris, my name’s Chris. «

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