
chapter 6


“Really?” Claire asked, dangling the mail letters towards me while I rolled my eyes.

“what?” I asked, storming right beside her, Yanking them off her hands and tossing them into the bin.

“I've never bothered about your past; we've been friends for years, and I never for once asked you about who this secret admirer or stalker is, but you mean to tell me thirty plus letters and never for once have you read one?” Claire asked while I jerked off the keys to my drawer from her grasps.

“You are right; you have never asked, so stick to it!” I snapped in response while I felt more rage build up within me.

“Evelyn, I know it might be personal and I shouldn't meddle in your affairs, but I don't want you making choices you might regret. You don't have to respond to the mail; just go through them. It might be important.” She persuaded me, but that only got deeper on my nerves.

“For goodness sake, Claire, you are right about my business it is personal, so stick your nose out of it.” I retorted, a scoff eased through her lips while she stormed out of the room. I sighed and slouched my shoulders before tucking myself back to the chair with a confused mind.

Reluctantly, I picked up one of the letters, flipped through the contents, and then the next, and then the next, and then the entire thing until the security man had drawn me out of my thoughts.

“Mam, we are locking up.” He called my attention towards himself while a frustrated sigh eased through My lips.

I grabbed my bag and keys hastily, and confusion struck me.

My throat ran dry while Sebastian's words replayed in my head those letters haunted me, thirty-seven times he had pleaded with me to forgive him.

I was no fool; Sebastian was bitter and hateful; he spited me, rejected me, and chose marie, he certainly would come after me.

He wanted me back in the pack, to get rid of me. I was no fool to fall for a stunt like that.

My mind latched onto the idea that he might actually mean it, but he didn't. He couldn't, not after he banished me out of anger and disgust.

He didn't want me back.

He wanted me dead.

And then I felt bad for talking to Claire like that. I never should have lashed out, not when she had given me everything I wanted, especially friendship; she was always there for me.

I moved my eyes to my phone after hailing a cab; it was sixteen minutes past nine, and the date.

My heart sank in my chest.

It was my daughter's memorial, the day she had died.

I was hit with pain aching at my insides before picking myself up with a smile. She was dead now and it was all Sebastian's fault.

I highlighted from the car, and the first thing I caught sight of was two men with Claire having an argument—a heated kind of one.

I drew closer, pissed as hell, but then I stopped. My throat ran dry while my eyes landed against his.

“Daniel?” I asked, and he flashed me a smile.

"Do you know this dude?” Claire asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, he's the beta too... Sorry what I meant; he's an old friend... from my past.” I responded, clearing my throat.

“Oh, from your past. And I had argued back and forth with him; I'll leave you both to be; now they are welcome inside.” Claire Offered Passing them a bright smile.

“No, they will be gone soon; don't bother.“ I chirped in hastily, and she glanced at me and away from me suspiciously before nodding slowly and shutting the door.

“Why on earth are you here, Daniel? What do you want?” I questioned, my tone harsh and my words cold, he was the beta to the pack, right hand man; we were close when me and Sebastian had been dating; by then, it also meant he knew Sebastian's choice of mate, a change of heart, and the fact that he most certainly would reject me on my birthday.

“The alpha had sent for you,” he responded, blurting out his words senselessly. I stood dazed for a brief moment, my eyes fixed on his.

“for me?” I asked again, anger building up within me.

“He banished me! He rejected me, and now he sent you to me?” I asked, and total disbelief filled my tone.

“I'm sorry, your highness.”

“No… I'm Evelyn, just Evelyn, and I'll say this: I do not wish to see any mail, nor do I want you to appear on my doorstep randomly; you might expose me, for goodness sake! They're humans and not like us'' I retorted again, knowing certainly Claire would have lots of questions to turn to me.

“I'm sorry, but you really need to return to the pack, Evelyn; it's important And I'm afraid if you do not, the alpha would have to come for you himself.” Daniel responded.

I could sense the seriousness and desperation in his voice.

He would come for me? To kill me?.

“Fine! Let him do as he wishes, but then I don't want you lurking around, now-leave!” I snapped, Daniel parted his lips to speak, hesitated, but. I gestured for the other man to proceed towards us.

My heart raced in my chest as I watched them both leave, highlighted a Taxi and drove off.

For a moment , I was scared to death. They blended so well, taking a taxi and the like; it was almost as if they had been here for a long time , stalking me.

I darted towards the door hastily and towards my room.

“Your friends?” she asked, pulling out a cup of tea from her hands.

“They are gone, and if they return, Do not let them in, call the cops; I'll be leaving for somewhere else; I'll crash in a motel for a while, but please do not tell anyone where I am; I'll be taking some time off the office as well; I'll work from home.” I added in, tucking the bag into my hands with enough clothes folded into it.

“Evelyn, is there something I should know? Are you on the run? Is anyone coming after you? Are you safe?” Claire asked.

I leaned in to her, hugging her firmly with a smile on my lips as I pulled away.

“I'm not on the run, and I'm perfectly safe... I'll just be away for a while, that's all.” I responded before darting out the door.

Perhaps a little while might take longer, but I was a survivor, and Sebastian must never find me; for the moment he does, I will be dead.

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