
Sunny day

The news was actually quite normal today, which was good. It felt good. I got up from the couch ready to make something to eat. As I got up my eyes went to the window from where the bright sunlight was peering inside.

A wave of happiness flew through me. I looked outside the window, the weather was very beautiful, I felt relieved. The rainy days were finally gone. It was actually very good, the cold was too much for me to bear.

The beautiful weather had freshen me up, I slowly made my way to the kitchen and started to cut some vegetables while listening to news,I had turned the volume up.

The anchors again started to speak about that mafia group, I was busy in cutting the vegetables so I didn't listen to it much.

The crime was growing at high rate in jjung...I felt worried about my brother as he wasn't home yet. This thought abruptly kicked in me, a cold shiver of terror dlew past me. Horrifying me to the core.

I quickly rushed outside to get ny phone which was lying on the table. I couldn't shrug the feeling of fear building up inside me. My heart started to pound inside my chest. As I reached the lounge, I heard the reporter say that they have got some blur pictures of some of the members.

I quickly straightened up and started at the TV. I was so absorbed in the news that suddenly a picture appeared on the screen. It happend so quick that i couldn't understand, it was gone in a blink of eyes,i felt the face familiar, they again showed the image but right at that moment there was blackout...The abrupt power outage made me shake a bit..

The power also had to turn out at much a moment, I felt annoyed and got up from the sofa, stomping my foot on the ground.

"at least spare some electricity to us poor during this serious time of danger but no why would they? They just care about money!" i spoke angrily while moving away from the lounge.

Saying this i went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for me quickly, I cooked eggs and bacon then toasted pieces of bread. This was my usual breakfast, though it was boring but I liked it very much.

The daily routine had made me very exhausted and I never wanted to cook anything but something easy.

My whole life was filled with struggle and hectic routines. I had no life of my own and sometimes it felt really unfair. Life sometimes gives man burden more than it's capacity, I felt defeated but I couldn't give up, I was bound to work. I had someone relying on me, I couldn't let him suffer like me...

I ate breakfast blankly and drank a glass of milk. I had a harsh life but I had meal, wasn't it enough? I thought, some inner voice came and said No. I felt a stinging pain in my heart, I was alone..I had no one, I felt empty....tears started to build in my eyes...but I wiped them away and started to put the dishes away. It wasn't like I had someone who could wipe them for me.

After getting my clothes from closet, I went inside the washroom to take a quick shower. Soon after it, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. My hair were still wet, as I didn't have the time to dry them, I quickly rushed to the closet to get the my clothes of thr day. I took my clothes and started to wear them.

I stepped outside of ny room and did a bit of makeup. After getting ready, I looked at the clock. I still had time so I decided to clean the house a bit. I cleaned the lounge and then finally got outside. Ready for work.

Today was extremely fine day, I felt happy. I worked in a cafe, it was runned by my childhood best friend Jisoo. She and I had been very close...she was the only one on my back. All the time she had always taken care of me in worse times, the only real family after my brother I had was her.

As I walked out of the house, I double checked if the locked on the door was strong or not, I also checked the backdoor it was locked too, Because of that mafia gang everyone had to be extra careful. I took a bus to the cafe becuase of the intense pain in my legs and neck which increased after each second.

After half an hour, I reached the cafe. I got off the bus and made my way tot he shop. IT was afew shops away from the bus stopped. I was right near the shop when I saw her with the most beautiful smile plastered on her face, she was the purest angel I knew, I adored her..her beauty, her style everything about her was amazing.

I ranned to her and threw my arms around her neck, I spoke happily,

"hello boss, did you miss my cute face?" I pouted. She chuckled and pulled my check making me whine a bit, I rubbed my checks and looked at her,

"you need to stop calling me boss you chubby baby and where were you?she asked, I blinked my eyes and spoke after thinking, "sorry unnie, I over slept." I scratched back of my neck and smiled.

She nodded in reply and then patted my back, "oh its okay com'on lets go inside. we have lots of work to do, okay? lets get working" I nodded and walked behind her.

Today felt unusually fine, I was quite happy which was new because most of the days I felt very gloomy. It felt like today was my lucky day but I was soon proved wrong when I started to work,


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