
Sudden shock

Today was the most hectic day, the shop was filled with people. Customers came in, ordered then other came and the process repeated, Jisoo took orders while I prepared and served them to the customers.

The whole day, I served and served and served. There was no time for break and rest. Even in the rush I accidentally slipped a glass of juice on someone. Luckily, he didn't make a scene and went away.

I felt very embarrassed.. Jisoo didn't know about this and even if she knew it wouldn't be much trouble but I myself was very angry at myself.

I carefully completed my work afterwards and now finally it was 7.00 pm in the evening and it was time to close the shop, the sky had started to become dark and two or three customers who were in the shop also left now leaving me and JIsoo unnie behind.

I still had to clean the tables so I quickly cleaned them while Jisoo unnie calculated today's earing. I was quickly down with it. Whereas Jisoo unnie was still busy calculating so ai decided to change in my clothes so I could leave.

Besides it was getting very late and the condition these days were horrible. I changed in my clothes and rushed back to her. She was finally done now so I went to her and told her about my departure.

She looked at me and then on the clock hanged up on the wall. It was really pretty late as her face quickly turned dark,

"Yea its already night, you should go. be careful, it's not safe outside anymore, so walk straight home. She warned me, I nodded then left.

There weren't much people outside, The roads were almost deserted. I was walking to my home as I had already missed the bus while strolling through the empty streets I was thinking about that mafia, there were different rumors about the group.

The leader was considered a merciless monster, who had no mercy for anyone, no remorse nothing. It was famous about him being insane, who had no sympathy for human lives, he loved killing. Allot of these scary thoughts sent a cold chill down my spine. I felt goosebumps around my body.

I didn't really believe on such rumors but he was still a mafia so I had to be careful. Walking alone at this hour was already not safe for girls. I started to walk faster as it was getting really dark now and one was outside cuz of the mafia gang...I decided to take a shortcut home which proved to be the worst decision of my life.

As I took a turn and started to walk in the alley way, I felt that someone following, My mind started to alarm me, my whole body became cold because of fear, I didn't turn around and kept walking me and ignored the person behind me. I started to to speedup as I no longer felt safe...

I felt that person right behind me, my breath started to become uneven. I felt my insides twisting, It felt so scary that I was about to start run but before i could run someone held my shoulder from back, I let out a huge shrill scream and quickly turned ready to hit him. I turned around and raised my purset to hit him before i could he stopped me and said,

"please don't hit me, you dropped your purse I just wanted to return it to you". I took a breath of relief and angrily stared at the guy, he had really terrified me badly. I sighed and spoke,

"oh sorry i thought you were some bad guy, who was gonna kidnap me or something..."i laughed nervously. The boy didn't stay long after returning my purse and he had started to walk away while i took a deep breath and also started to walk, after some time. I reached my home.

When i returned home i felt like someone had been here but everything was fine. I didn't know but I was feeling strange, since that guy left. I regretted inviting him but i shrugged the thoughts away and went inside. After getting inside i threw my purse on the couch and walked straight to my room,

I took my clothes in the washroom and washed my hands after that I changed into my comfy pjs then got out of my room. My stomach started to grumble as I hadn't eaten anything since morning,

I took some snacks from the kitchen and went to the lounge. I turned on the tv to watch something. There was news channel opened. The media was saying that they found a dead body in the alley near my house, I felt a huge shock inside me like a bolt of lightening had fell right over my head. It was the alley way from where i passed before and met that guy. I felt petrified, This murder was also done by that brutal mafia group, JK's people had murdered another guy and right in my neighbourhood.. Yes people know him as jk.

Suddenly i saw something on the tv that scared the hell out of me....i saw....

To be continued......

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