
And he left

It was night when I had left him on the sofa. He had his eyes clothes and there was no movement in him. I felt he had died but his chest rose up and down as he took breaths.

I took a sigh of relief and thought of cooking food. It was late and we both needed food especially him. .

I went towards the kitchen and started cooking, i didn't know what he liked so i cooked various kind of meals. I had specially cooked soup for him to feel a bit good as it was always good at the time of sicken. When I served the food on the table and made my way to him, I saw him sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hand. I called him, but there was no response.

"Hey, you come eat." I said as I didn't know how to address him. He should've tols me his name I thought. I was about to leave when he said,

"I have a name it's Jungkook." he coldly spoke. I had to stop and turn. Aftee giving him a quick glance, i nodded and said

"Come dinner's ready." I smiled and lead him to the dinner table..He was walking behind me. I smiled and let him sit first then I also sat in front of him. He looked at me and then at the dishes,

"Do you usually eat this much?" his face was serious, in fact he looked concerned...I felt a bit offended but didn't express it...

"i didn't know what you liked so...I prepared a lot..." I couldn't speak further and looked down. I felt nervous and bit angry.

He nodded and spoke, "you could have asked me, you know?" he was now looking at me, he was now getting on my nerves..

"be grateful and eat I cooked food for you and you...Just eat and don't we don't speak while eating." I started stuffing food in my mouth angrily...

I heard him chuckle and then he spoke, "okay-okay relax...I'll eat."

I rolled my eyes and kept to eating after I finished I left him in the dining room and went to the lounge. I took blankets and covers from my room and walked to the lounge. I started to make his bed when he came...and said.

Jungkook: what are you doing?

Yn: oh your here I'm making your bed....

Jungkook: your gonna make me sleep here?

Yn: yea whats wrong with it?

Jungkook: I'm injured how can you do this to an injured man. I'm not gonna sleep here.

fine I'll sleep can sleep in my room but don't touch anything. Let me get my stuff from there.

I entered my room and locked my things which had money and my important things and i took my pillow and my stuffed toys with me then walked outside, he looked at me and I indicated him to go....i took him to the room and warned him not to touch anything.

I didn't let him lock the door and then went to the lounge to sleep there. It was a tiring day so I immediately dozed off.

It was early in the morning, when I suddenly woke up by some sound. I was still half asleep when I got up and rubbed my eyes. A sudden pain started to sting me in my neck. It was so bad, I started to rub it slowly. My mind was completely shut.

I had a awful night and the were the consequences of it. My neck was stiff and it was giving me intense pain.

I slowly got up and stretched the arms out. I was so tired, I was still rubbing my eyes to get my vision clear.

Right at that moment i suddenly remembered about the guy jungkook. He was still in my room whereas I was sulking over my sleep. I quickly rushed to my room and when I saw the door closed, my heart skipped a beat.

I bargged inside the room, really to yell and shout but the room was empty. The bed was as smooth as ever. There was so sign of anyone.

My heart was pounding insanely in my heart. I slowly moved to my cupboard and opened it, everything seemed to be in its place but the main this was locker. It unlocked it with the key and it was the moment when I felt relieved.

Everything was in its place nothing was stolen and everything was fine, oh I couldn't explain how relieved I was. I slowly strolled out of the room feeling relaxed but then again curiosity hit me, where was the guy.

I walked out of the room a bit confused. He left so soon, without a note or a word. He was quick... I sighed relaxing myself because it wasn't my problem to think about it.

I went to the kitchen and sat on the chair. It was still early in the morning. I had to keep myself fresh so I could work properly with peace.

As I sat on the chair I saw a note sticked on the table. I frowned and pulled it off. I slowly started to read, writing wasn't very neat which gave me a bit trouble to read a bit.

Dont worry i didn't steal anything i was getting late and you were asleep didn't wanted to wake you up so i just left this note. Thankyou for taking care of me.


I blinked my eyes, I felt a bit embarrassed by the first sentence. I had to be a bit careful and in a rush I might have said something stupid. I closed my eyes tightly as the embarrassment inside me was at its peak.

I had to take a few deep breaths and glass of water to wash it down. It was too much for me, I wasn't regretting getting him here but the biggest regret was the words I had said to him and I couldn't even remember.

I left the note on the table and went to the lounge where I easily sat on the couch to watch some news. It had become my most watched channel since some crimes had taken place in my city.

Everyone had started to become extra careful. Kidnapping, killing and stealing were most common. Past week 3 shops were robbed and now this week right on its starting on Monday a body was found near the trashcan. It was completely mauled, face was so ruined that no normal person could easily look at it.

Today same news of the murder was on the news, the police was taking serious action to find the killer. Everyone in the town felt extremely scared and unsafe. Some also had left their houses just for safety reasons.

The murder had shaken me to the core as it was something very brutal. Taking a life wasn't a simple thing. I thought.

To be continued

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