

"Get help, or I'll make sure you don't get to see tomorrow." he growled at me as he got up. He was bending and had his hand on his abdomen. My body started quaking. I gulped the saliva in my mouth and stared at him as my breath paced up. Without waiting for another second. I turned on my heel and sccuried away through the empty street.

With unsteady legs I kept running. Fear was crawling under my skin. He was injured, no he was shot. I thought. Someone must be behind him.

A body trembled as I thought of the consequences which could be of them seeing me with their target. I had gotten myself in a big mess. It was dark and I couldn't see him anywhere near me. I kept turning my head to see but there was no sign of him. He must have lost me or he hadn't even ran after me. He didn't look in that state either.

Slowly My feet came to halt and I took deel breath in as I slowly staggered through the street someone caught my hand and pulled me to a narrow alley.

It was him, he stared at me as his hand covered arm and other was on my neck, wrapped around it. Ready to strangle me to death.

"If you want to live, do as I say." he mumbled. Even though being shot he had a lot od energy and he didn't looke like he'll pass out anytime soon. I hysterically shook my head on his words and he started to pull me away. He was heading straight. My apartment was also in that direction. I followed him.

"Tell me, which building?" he asked. His voice was weak, it was my chance to run but I couldn't. The way he had clutched on my hand yelled how energetic he was.

I slowly wiped the sweat from my forehead, "the one at the corner." I stuttered. Quickly he started to pull me with him. The street was empty there was nobody outside nor I could scream for help though he was injured but he had a lot of energy in him.

I couldn't take the risk of putting myself in his hands. I just kept following him. He was soon in the building. His hand was tightly grasped around mine. He kept walking and walking without talking.

He was going to take a trunk when I pulled his arm and he turned to me. I quickly cleared my throat and looked at him,

"My apartment in on the 3rd floor..." I murmured. He had stopped for a moment looking at me. I felt his eyes dark and scary so I quickly looked away. My heart pounded in my chest.

He had started to walk again and didn't stop till he reach my apartment. We both stood there silent. His enormous body covered the whole door, I couldn't squeeze in to open it. He was looking at me, I pulled out my keys. I was reluctant about handing him the keys but I had no other options.

Quickly he himself yanked them away and opened the door. Before he could step in he pushed me inside and looked the door behind him.

The keys were still in his hand, he was now shoving them in hia pocket. My eyes stared his every movement.

"Give me your phone." he demanded. I was left speechless as I stared at him, he was asking for my phone. I was locked with someone unkown and now he was asking for my phone.

"Why?" I stammered, I couldn't help but feel scared. "I don't like repeating myself twice." he growled. I flinched and quickly pulled out my phone and pushed it in his hand.

He had moved away from me going deeper in the apartment. There he immediately took his shirt off and pushed his body on the sofa.

I screamed on his sudden action but seemed to care the least. He was groaning in pain. With weak steps I moved to him. There was the true reason of his pain.

The blood had covered his back and there was a deep hole in his skin. I quickly closed my eyes as I saw that wound. There was no way I could bear it. He had his eyes closed too.

"Get alcohol and tweezers quick." he yelled in pain. I was shaking so bad that I didn't know what to do. Everything was tense. He was bleeding and the wound looked quite serious.

My mind had stopped working. I couldn't think od anything else except of standing in front of him still. I was forced to move when he yelled at me again.

"I don't think you love your life." he yelled again startling him. With my trembling body I hysterically shook my head and rushed inside to get the first aid kit. I jad everything in it.

Quickly I handed it to him but he blankly stared at me with his jaw clenched,

" Are you stupid? Get these out and treat my wound." he shouted. He wanted me to treat him when I was the worst candidate for this. My hands shook more badly as I reached for the first aid. The bleeding was getting more worse now and I had to do it quick so I immediately pulled a cotton ball out and used iodine to wipe his wound.

It was definitely the worse thing I had ever seen. From the top I could see something stuck in it then it hit my mind. He must have been shot.

The bullet seemed to be in his body and it was obviously poisonous. I thought. I bit my lip in nervousness, knowing nothing. I pulled my hands away and said,

"there's a bullet in your back, I don't know what to do you need a doctor." I informed but he was admitted on getting treated at my place. He had his phone in his hand now, which looked like he was calling something after a while the call was answered and he gave his phone to me.

You need to dip the tweezers in alcohol to sterilise it. A manly voice came. I was shaken badly but I had to save him. I quickly pulled out the tweezers and dipped them in alcohol.

I'm done, i said as I took out the tweezers. The person on the other side began to talk again.

"Quite carefully you need to pull the bullet out. It's dangerous for him as it's been there for a while now. But you just need to pull it out so get it done." the person spoke.

I took a deep breath in as he told me to pull it out. My heart hammered in my chest as it was about to explode. With a big stone on my heart I reached to his back and moved the tweezers to his wound.

I hesitate for a while then mustered the courage to help him. Quickly I shoved the tweezers in and there was a loud scream enough to make me tremble and the tweezers almost fell but thankfully I had them in my hand strongly.

I pulled the bullet out with all my might but the huge screams of the man had caused my whole soul to tremble.

It was done but I couldn't shrug off the scary feeling. I was still in the past trauma when I heard his voice again,

"You now need to put a cotton ball dipped in iodine in the wound and get it dressed." this was the only thing I understood. Right that moment the call was ended and the pain stayed there growling in pain.

I should've putted ice on the wound I thought. I quickly jumped up and rushed to the fridge. Quickly I pulled n ice bag out and took it to him. He had his eyes shut in pain so I placed the ice bag on his bag so he could feel less pain.

It had worked quite fine. He looked better. I started to dip the cotton ball in the iodine when I thought of distracting him.

I slowly mumbled, "what's your name?" I asked but he didn't answer.

I chewed on my lip nervously and thought for a while then spoke again.

"I'm Rachel. I live here with my brother he's out with his friends. He's much younger than you though." I told him but he didn't show any interest which had made me shut my mouth immediately. I began to work again. Quickly I dressed his wound. The bleeding had stopped which was quite a blessing.

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