

Mafia's Secret: His Euphoria


WARNING: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT!!! Audrey Nathan, twenty years old, notorious hacker since the age of ten. She's the most scouted hacker in the whole of the continent and probably worldwide, but no one could get to her. Different Mafia organisations have been searching for her but she's as slippery as an eel. Luck left her side for a few minutes when she got caught in the two Biggest Mafia organisations' fight and was shot. Jordan Van Arthur, leader of Lone Wolves found a frail redhead in his penthouse fighting for her life, clutching to a lilac tote bag. "No.. no hospital, please... a..." She fell conscious. **** Jordan Van Arthur is the leader of Lone Wolves, His best friend Conan Raymond and His lover, Eve William colluded and betrayed him making him lose his most successful project to his rival gang White Tigers, Sebastian Cornell. Audrey Nathan came into his life like a warm ray of sunshine on those cold and hopeless days, Ignited emotions that he thought were lost forever and even retrieved what was his without fear that such a dangerous move could cost her life. "I am not used to being this loved, but you have loved me selflessly..... Your happiness should be my priority too" Audrey choked out, her heart overflowing with love, the tinkling feeling felt too much for her that she got scared it will all go away as usual. *** "Nghnn... Jord... I want you.....all of you" Audrey moaned out, her eyes hooded with lust, she didn't care if his shadow crew could hear her, she wanted him in her, home where he belongs. "I got you mama" Jordan's voice always dripping with lust just like his lips were dripping off her juices.....


Falling For My Stepbrother


"Can you move back please?" I whispered but the wall of muscles invading my personal space didn't budge. Why did he look so hot doing nothing and everything? Lucian leaned down and pinched my chin up with his thumb stroking the soft flesh. His black orbs lock on my shimmering blue ones. "You kept looking, staring and eye-fucking me. I can give you what you want, again" His deep voice sent waves of shivers down my spine. I could feel his other hand trailing down my waist, thrumming me like I was s violin, my core dripped with wetness at the thought of what happened the last time we got so close. Feeling lust for my new stepbrother should be the last thing on my mind but I couldn't get him off my head. *** Violet hated her mother for changing husbands as she deemed fit. Begrudged, she parked up her bags and moved from one mansion to another. The new mansion was bigger than the last as usual but the new stepfather looked familiar. Violet couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Lucian, the school's most handsome and popular boy introducing himself as her stepbrother! Lucian found himself getting addicted to his new stepsister, a feeling he found strange. He was used to having a girl once and never going back but not Violet. He always slips back to her bed.
