My body suddenly rises. My chest is heavy and my forehead is hot. Like every night, a nightmare shoots through my mind. The comforter, pushed back by my movement of panic, just hides my bruised body. This body which, like my mind, is rolled. My carcass falls back on the mattress in a great sigh of weariness. Would I never be at peace?
I stare at my ceiling darkened by night. I start to wander to avoid thinking about what I have just experienced. Yet that damn white sky reminds me that I'm no longer in my house deep in the woods. I'm with the Alpha Supreme. At the mention of my host, magnificent blue eyes appear on this plastered ceiling. My face comes to wrinkle to reveal a vertical bar on my forehead. I get up suddenly, irritated by this meeting a few hours earlier.
The number 7 followed by a 2 then a 4, confirms to me that this day will be long with only three hours of sleep. As if I had a choice? I never managed to get back to sleep after one of my nighttime turbulences.
Wanting to occupy my mind to avoid thinking about the supreme, I examine my room for the first time. It's so classic, soulless. A large bed draped in white, two rectangular windows, a dark wooden desk, a gigantic wardrobe, a useless bedside table. I understand why I hadn't been interested in this piece until now; it is irrelevant.
With no enthusiasm, I move towards the famous "gigantic wardrobe" which has housed my clothes for several days. I take two or three things inside and on the same limp and weary momentum, I head for the bathroom. Like my bedroom, nothing is thrilling about this place. I enter the shower after having formed a small pile of my clothes, then these are quickly replaced by wide black pants and a cropped top of the same color following a scrupulous shower (media). I then come to comb my black-blue hair and once all this boring morning routine, I look at myself in the mirror. Only comment to make: my reflection still disgusts me as much. I turn my back and very quickly leave this stuffy place. In search of air, I go to one of the windows.
The ledge welcomes me without my giving it a choice, and my gaze is directed towards the forest. In a restful calm, I admire the leaves moving and then falling. Everyone ends up on the ground, exhausted from hanging on too much.
My eyes close slowly to let my brain be lulled into silence. The soft dawn breeze sometimes tries to caress my hair and it's pleasant.
Suddenly, a wolf crashes into my door and enters my room at full speed. In a state of alert, I descend from the window instantly. The auburn tornado stops right in front of me. Before she realizes that I mounted it in reflex to an enemy intrusion, I let my guard down. Our eyes meet, she looks at me, confident. We gauge each other and I recognize the wolf from last night. Her asshole boyfriend's behavior comes to mind and my eyes squint. His interruption moved into my room, amplifies my anger and I feel that she is beginning to regret her sensational entrance. She looks away, unsettled by my obsidian eyes. The latter come to rest on my clock and I realize that it is already 8:45 am. Before I wonder how time could pass so quickly, a soft voice is heard:
"I wanted to apologize for Brett, Tenebris...I know it's none of your business and you don't care, but he's going through a tough time." He lost his childhood friend a month ago and it's driving him out of control and constantly on edge. Well, that's all I had to say to you. I wanted you to know..."
I don't answer, torn between the desire to try to understand her situation and simply to be hermetic to any justification. Quickly, I decide to do nothing. The wolf, after having made a smile, leaves towards the exit. As she was about to walk through the door, I finally decided to take a step forward:
" What's your name ?
- Happy! And you, she asks me with a big smile. »
She hurries to come back to me and her joy is incomparable. I have the impression that she is not aware that this kind of outpouring annoys me. To get rid of her more quickly, I play her game mischievously:
“Tenebris. I don't know if you noticed, but I recently arrived.
- I think I saw you yesterday, you're so discreet! Come on new one, we have to go to lunch now. »
She replies casually, ironically, as if nothing had happened. I admit that at this moment, she tears me a very slight smile. I understand much better the expression "communicative enthusiasm", without hesitation, it was invented for her. I nod and follow her down the hall.
During the trip, we chat lightly, to tell the truth, she talks about everything and especially nothing, while I answer from time to time a "yes" or a "no". Even in this harmless situation, I'm like a wild beast, my muscles tense for fear that something will happen. Without forgetting that the danger could come from her, betrayals await every relationship.
After an interminable monologue, we arrive in the dining room and I see that he is there. The one I didn't want to see again. I notice that he is chatting with Ezéquiel and I take this opportunity not to meet his gaze. Our eyes have already contemplated each other too much. Indifference is the only thing to do.
The Alpha can afford a castle, he is the ruler of these lands and yet he is not damned to buy a bigger table; I'm upset, I only have one place left not far from him. I go backwards to sit next to the person who is perhaps the least hateful here, that is to say Ezéquiel. The latter gives me a nice "hello" and I answer him a simple "you too". In other circumstances, I would not have answered him, but it is clear that he is less unbearable than the others. However, I sense that he is disappointed by my answer, despite his beaming smile. He must surely be happy to find his brother after more than a month of departure.
The meal becomes super long. Really extremely long. I have no desire to discuss with Joy even less with other people and even less with Idys. Then at the very bottom of this mental hierarchy, sits the Alpha. When I notice that everyone has finally finished this infernal meal, I feel that the leader of this little comedy troupe speaks:
“In an hour, I want you all in the North Lounge. Do not be late. »
As Ezéquiel is my neighbor, I manage to intercept a gesture of reprimand coming from him for Arden after the end of the sentence; kind of weird. But to be honest, I saw that detail, only because I immediately looked away when the Alpha spoke. I keep staring at the floor, even when everyone else gets up, still in shock. Alpha's jerk's voice still rings in my mind. Is it even possible to have such an effect on a person with such simple words? I just looked at my body traversed by innumerable sweet shivers to know that in two sentences, it reached me abnormally. Annoyed by my excessive reaction, in a silence, I get up and leave.