As a dead silence settled between us, I watched the rain fall outside, wetting passers-by and flooding the streets. I then heard my teacher speak to me:
"So, did you understand my lesson today?
- Yes it was quite simple. "
During all the holidays, my mother had forced me to advance in the program, so her course was simple since I had already done it at home.
- "If you don't understand one of my lessons, you can tell me about it, I can help you.
- Don't worry, during the holidays I made a little progress on the program.
- Oh ! So you are a hard worker! I can't say the same thing, I'm a big lazy man!"
We are caught in a fit of laughter that only stopped when I remembered who I was with. So I pull myself together and get serious again. I saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes at my change of attitude, so he continued to talk.
-"You know, when we're not in high school, you can talk to me normally and even use familiar terms with me, I don't mind." He said with a smile from ear to ear.
- "I will try but I promise you nothing. One, because I am quite shy and two because you remain a teacher for me.
- Then try and I encourage you to do your best to talk to me as if I were not your teacher but an ordinary man.
- Excuse me but if I take you for a normal man then I would think that you are either a madman, or a psychopath or a pedophile.
- Ah... Yes, you're right, but you must at least call me then." He said that while scratching the back of his neck as a sign of embarrassment which made me smile slightly which quickly disappeared before he noticed it.
-"If I'm familiar with you, I must at least know your first name.
- Yes ! Of course! My name is Matheo.
- Like my big brother! What a coincidence!
- Surprisingly, and how old is he?
- He's 20 and you?
- I am 23 years old.
- That's young for a teacher, isn't it?
- Yes it's true but I was the youngest of my class.
- Ah, it's my stop, I'm getting off.
- Me too it's mine, we continue walking together? “He said to me with a smile that I could not translate. And there I began to wonder if he was not really a pedophile. But he was so cute trying to make me laugh that my doubts flew away and part of the wall I had built.