Chapter 6: The man in the painting
(The man in the painting)
"Wow! It's so colourful and eye-catching." Antonia said as soon as they entered. She slowly walked around the room, admiring the interior designs.
"Thanks" Chloe said, smiling. "Come on Tonia, let's go to my makeshift art room. I want to show you some of my artworks."
Antonia spotted a red leather jacket hanging behind Chloe's closet. "That jacket is mainly used by men. Do you own it?" She asked her, pointing at it.
Chloe's eyes blinked nervously. "Well... It is for my brother. I intentionally hung it there. It reminds me of him everytime." She lied.
Antonia nodded in understanding. Before she could say another word, Chloe said. "Come on, we don't have much time. You said you are going for a photo shoot." She reminded Antonia.
Antonia was gobsmacked when she saw a collection of her photos pasted on a board and fixed on the wall. Above the board was her names painted in bold letters and in white. There was a red love emoji drawn right after the names.
"Wow... You're really a top fan." Antonia commented in surprise. Chloe took a glance at her and giggled.
Antonia moved closer to her and together, they began to check out Chloe's artworks. Antonia was amazed at the level of intelligence and perfectness displayed by Chloe. She had never seen paintings as beautifully done as Chloe's.
"I knew it" Antonia muttered as she held a canvas of a blue-eyed cat.
Chloe turned to look at her. "You knew what?"
Antonia looked at her and smiled. "That something is really special about you. Your artworks are so unique. You must definitely be the best in your department." Antonia placed her hand round Chloe's shoulders. "Your professionalism surprises me. I mean...girl you are awesome. Chloe, please keep it up. I am so proud of you."
Chloe kept gazing at Tonia as she expressed her wonder. Apart from Dylan, no one had ever encouraged her in this way, not even her parents. Her parents were quite skeptical about her choice of career when she was about to apply to Minefair university. They wanted her to study business administration just like her brother or at least study law.
"You can just study law and become an esquire." They would tell her.
"You know, painting and drawing is just an hobby." They nagged.
"No, it isn't. It is a form of expression. I mean I can express my feelings, emotions and beliefs through it." She would retort.
Chloe's eyes welled with tears."Thank you Tonia. Actually, you are the second person that has ever encouraged me to follow my heart. I feel more motivated to do better. Thanks a lot Tonia." Chloe said with gratitude.
Antonia flashed her bright smile and gently wiped her tears. "Come on Chloe, you are such a cry baby"
Chloe nodded sheepishly and smiled.
Antonia moved closer to her and mischievously whispered in her ears. "Who is the first person?"
"Hmm?" Chloe asked, confused.
"I mean the first person who encouraged you."
"Oh!" Chloe widened her eyes in understanding. "It's not what you are thinking."
"And what am I thinking?" Antonia asked with false innocence.
Chloe smiled and shook her head. "Well ... nevermind. It is my brother, Dylan."
Antonia moved to another canvas and slowly moved her fingers across the surface in silent admiration. "You two seem close."
Chloe nodded in agreement. "You are right. We are practically best friends."
Antonia looked at Chloe with admiration. "Lucky you, I wish I had a sibling like you." She said with a sigh.
Chloe held her hands with affection. "Well... you have me now."
Antonia smiled and nodded. "I know right?" She said and they both laughed.
"You promised to show me a painting of me." Antonia said.
"Yeah, I did. It's right above your head." Chloe replied, pointing at the wall behind Antonia.
Antonia turned around and facing her was a beautiful canvas. She was the one in the painting. Tonia had never seen a painting as beautiful as that. One could see that Chloe had put a great deal of effort into the artwork. Every little detail of the painting was neatly done.
Chloe had recreated a picture of Tonia. The picture was taken on the night that Tonia was given an award as the best model of the year. It was so beautiful.
Antonia gasped in surprise and covered her mouth. Chloe smiled and pointed to it. "You like it?" She wanted to know.
"What!" Antonia exclaimed. "Like is an understatement. I love it!"
Chloe rubbed her hands together. It has always been an habit of hers. She rubs her hands together when she gets excited about something.
"I'm glad you like it." She said as she watched Antonia check out the painting with great admiration.
"I took this picture three years ago. It was at an awards night." Antonia commented.
"Yeah" Chloe agreed. "I painted it two weeks after that day. I mean, it took me fourteen days to draw and paint it."
"Wow! Two weeks! The result of the painting is worth it. I can't believe you've been a fan of mine for three years now."
Chloe shook her index finger in disagreement. "Nope, I have been a top fan since you got into limelight."
"Aww, that is so sweet of you. I am glad to meet my top fan." Antonia teased, smiling sweetly.
"And I am glad to be acknowledged as your top fan." Chloe played along and chuckled.
Antonia's eyes suddenly darted to the next frame that was hung beside hers. Her vision became hazy for some seconds but she struggled to control herself. Her throat went dry and she swallowed hard.
Pointing to the painting, she stuttered. "Chloe, who...who is that... that guy in the painting?"
Chloe noticed Tonia stutter and became confused. "Tonia, you sound weird. Is anything wrong?" She asked, watching Tonia with worry.
Tonia kept her eyes glued to the painting on the wall while she talked. "No Chloe, I am okay. I just want to know who that is." She said, pointing to the painting again.
Chloe became relaxed and smiled, staring at the painting with great admiration. "That is my brother Dylan, the one I told you about. I painted him right after painting yours. You can't imagine how..."
Antonia was no more listening to Chloe. Her mind was on the painting.
Chloe noticed that she was out of it again. She gently tapped her shoulder again, making Antonia to startle. "Tonia, are you sure you are fine? You seem out of it." She asked with concern.
Antonia shook her head and grinned. "Nothing love, I just like the painting. That's all." She managed to say.
Chloe covered her mouth and giggled like a baby. "Thanks. Let me tell you little about his schooling. He flew out with some of his friends to study business administration at a top business school." Chloe said and moved a little closer to Antonia and quietly said, "Candies University"
Antonia widened her eyes on hearing Chloe's words. "Candies? Wow! That's so superb. Candies is way more standard and meticulous than Minefair university. It's specially created for the geniuses in the business world. "I had always wanted to..." Her phone rang, interrupting the conversation. Her mouth twitched on seeing the caller. "It's my manager" She whispered to Chloe and picked the call.
"Hi Morgan, I'm so sorry. I was in the middle of something. What! Twenty five minutes? Alright, I promise to be with you before then." She said and hung up.
Antonia looked up at Chloe and smiled. "Chloe, I think I have to go now. The photo shoot session is in twenty five minutes' time."
Antonia noticed Chloe's reluctance and hugged her. "Come on Chloe, remember that I was about leave the other time, you were the one who asked me to come upstairs. I have to hurry to the studio now or else, Morgan will give me an earful."
Chloe was still not willing. "But promise that you will meet my brother any other day."
Antonia looked at the man in the painting and felt her heart missed a beat again. She had never felt that way before. She suddenly became nervous at the thought of meeting him. She turned to Chloe and nervously smiled. "Okay, I promise. Just pick a date and I will come."
"Really?" Chloe looked at her in half- doubt.
"I promise" Antonia said with sincerity.
Chloe accompanied Antonia to the car garage.
"Thanks so much for the visit. Today was fun filled, all thanks to you." Chloe said with sincerity, giving Tonia a tight hug. She caught a whiff of Antonia's sweet smelling perfume and it felt so good.
Antonia returned to hug and smiled. "You're welcome love, thanks for the accommodation, I enjoyed the day."
"Aww" Chloe blushed. "When are we seeing next?"
Antonia thought for a while before replying. "Maybe next Tuesday, I won't come to school on Monday. " She told her.
Chloe nodded in understanding. "Bye" She waved at Tonia as she watched her climb into her car.
"Bye, see ya" Tonia waved too and smiled, her bright dimples revealing. She ignited the engine and speedily drove out of the compound.
"Careful" Chloe shouted after her. "Such a sweet soul. I wonder why her bodyguards aren't with her today. She must have played a fast one on them" She thought to herself and laughed.
"Now, let's go and prepare for Dylan's surprise welcome party." She muttered and entered the house, hoping like a child.