Chapter 5 : The August Visitor ii
(August visitor 2)
She frowned a little as she wondered about who could be at the door. She turned to the direction of the door and asked, "Yes? Who is at the door?"
A tiny voice answered.
"It is Maria, Miss."
Chloe relaxed her face and smiled.
"Oh Maria, come in. The door is not locked."
Chloe replied as she fixed her gaze on the door, expecting the chicken soup. She was quite disappointed when there was no sight of it.
"Where is the..." She was asking when Maria walked briskly towards her, saying some words incoherently.
Chloe raised her eyebrows in questioning.
"What? Is something up?"
"She is here." Maria announced in excitement. Chloe sat up and looked expectantly at Maria.
"Who? Kylie?"
Maria shook her head. "No Miss, the popular Antonia Daniels."
Like one struck by lightning, Chloe sprang up in surprise, almost spraining her ankle.
"You mean Tonia is here? You are not playing a prank on me?" Chloe asked her half-heartedly.
Maria shook her head again. "Believe me Miss. She is in the living room downstairs." She said with sincerity.
Chloe felt her heart missed a beat as Maria spoke to her. She could feel an unexplainable happiness swell inside her. "Please tell her that I will be there within a jiffy" She said and dismissed Maria with a wave of hand.
"Yes Miss" Maria bowed and left the room, closing the door behind her.
"Wow and wow! I can't believe this." She said and flung herself on her bed in excitement.
"Antonia Daniels in my home? I am so lucky." She thought to herself as she hurriedly stood up from the bed to dress up.
Antonia had never paid her a visit. They only go to restaurants if Antonia wants to meet. Antonia's visit was like a dream come true for her.
She quickly changed into a dress and brushed her hair. She could not afford look like a mess in front of her new friend.
Chloe found Antonia watching television in the living room looking elegant as usual. She was wearing a short, pleated yellow skirt. Her top was a white high neck woolen top with ruffle overlay. Her sneakers were white in colour but designed with yellow midsole and lining.
"Hi" Chloe's voice sounded across the living room.
Antonia diverted her gaze from the television to Chloe. "Oh hi! What's up?" She said with a bright smile, standing up.
Chloe laughed heartily and walked up to her. "What a pleasant surprise! What have I done to deserve this August visit?" She teased.
Antonia laughed out loud. Her laughter sounded like a soulful music to Chloe's ears. Antonia stood up and gave her a hug before sitting down. "I am so sorry I didn't inform you before coming. I just wanted to surprise you."
Chloe slowly rubbed her hands in pleasure and sat down. "And I am indeed surprised. Thanks so much for coming Tonia. I really appreciate your visit. You don't know how much this means to me. I feel greatly honoured."
Antonia's cheeks turned red. "Come on Chloe, don't flatter me. You're more like a friend and sister to me now." She told Chloe, who was beside herself with happiness.
"Wow! So she thinks of me as her friend and sister. I am so lucky. I thank my stars for bringing her to me. I love her so much." Chloe kept thinking until she heard her name.
"Uhmm?" She answered.
Antonia looked intently at her. "I guess you spaced out. I have been calling your name for some seconds now but there was no reply. I hope you are fine."
Chloe nodded and smiled. "Of course, I am."
Maria and another maid walked in and greeted Antonia before serving the duo some red wine.
"What do you care to eat?" Chloe turned to Antonia.
Antonia shook a finger. "Nothing really. I am fine."
Chloe nodded in protest. "No Tonia, you can't come to my house without being taken good care of. I insist."
Antonia insisted. "Well then, anything is fine by me."
"We will settle for the chicken soup." Chloe told Maria.
The maids nodded in understanding and left for the kitchen.
Soon, the living room was filled with sounds of giggling girls and laughter. They were talking about their fellow students.
"That day, a strong breeze blew his cap away while giving his presentation in front of us and the lecturers. He was so embarrassed and as he struggled to pick up the cap, his leg got entangled with the cord connecting his laptop to the extension box and he fell flat on his face." Chloe said and the duo roared with laughter again.
"That was so awkward. I can't imagine his embarrassment" Antonia said amidst laughter.
They kept on chatting till it was time to eat. When they were done, Antonia gave Maria her autograph at her request. Just like Chloe, Maria had always been a fan of Tonia which was the reason for her excitement when Antonia arrived at Chloe's home.
Antonia and Chloe returned to the living room to resume their chats.
"Chloe, I have been here for hours and I haven't seen any of your family members apart from your domestic workers. Did they travel?" Antonia suddenly asked, curiosity written all over her face.
Chloe smiled and replied. "Actually, my parents are away on a trip. They went to city H for vacation. You know..." Chloe winked at Antonia.
"Couple things" Antonia completed her statement and winked too.
Chloe snapped her fingers in glee.
"You got it "She said and they both laughed mirthfully.
"And well..." Chloe continued. "I have a brother and he is my only sibling. He has left home for four years now."
"Four years?" Antonia asked, wide-eyed.
Chloe nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, he travelled overseas to study at a business school. During these four years, I only saw him thrice and guess what? He will be coming home today." Chloe said with gaiety.
"Wow" Antonia hit her playfully on the shoulder. "I am sure that you miss him."
Chloe nodded vigorously and adjusted her eyeglasses.
Antonia burst out laughing. "Come on, your head might fall off your neck at this rate."
"I know right?" Chloe said and laughed too. "My brother Dylan will be back home tomorrow. I really want you to meet him." She added with a pout.
Antonia was about to give a reply when her phone beeped. It was a message. She read the message and sighed.
Antonia checked her wristwatch and shook her head. "I am so sorry Chloe, I have to leave in few minutes' time. My manager has been texting me for some minutes now. I have to go for a photo shoot and I also do not think I can meet your brother tomorrow. There's an important meeting that I have to attend" Antonia tried to explain and held Chloe's hands with fondness.
Chloe looked down disappointedly. "I really want you to meet him" She muttered in a low tone.
Antonia smiled and held her hands affectionately. "Come on Chloe. I can always meet your brother every other time."
"Really?" Chloe said with excitement. "You agree to meet my brother?"
Antonia nodded in confirmation. "Yeah but not tomorrow, maybe later in the week." Antonia said with assurance.
Chloe looked at her pleadingly. "I won't let you go unless I give you a tour of my room. I made a painting of you a long time ago and I have always wanted to see it. I am sure you will like it."
Antonia looked at her for some seconds before speaking up. "Fine, but I will be quick. You know I have somewhere to be."
Chloe nodded and stood up. "Agreed!" She said.
"By the way Chloe, you have a very nice home. I love the interior decoration and furnishings. It is so classy." Antonia commented and stood up too.
Chloe blushed hard and smiled. "Aww, that's so sweet of you. I am glad you like it." Chloe said and led the way to her room.