
Chapter 3

I shake my head profusely at the word 'Cerberus', well aware of the name only spoken behind closed doors. I've heard the rumors. Only the worst of the worst are sent there. I can't be that far gone.

Am I?

I swallow hesitantly, trying to get my voice back. "That's not fair. I always do my job," I retort bitterly, genuinely terrified of going there, of joining the Cerberus Program.

"And now I'm doing mine."

His mind is made. No one changes Liam Arden's mind. I've come to learn that on numerous occasions.

I either comply with his will or he drops me from the agency.

However, I need vengeance.

I can't afford to be kicked out. Giving up has never been an option for me. I've come too far to stumble at one word - Cerberus.

"Liam, please," I resort to begging, ashamed and vulnerable in the moment.

Most that make Cerberus are never seen or heard of again, simply because they drop out - or so we're told. The few that do graduate the Cerberus Program are silent and only speak when spoken too. It's almost as if they've been brainwashed to not reveal anything or express any emotion, as if their mindset has been altered.

One can't help but wonder what atrocities go on in that section.

"I'll change. I'll do better. Just please, Liam..." I trail off in astonishment when his brown eyes soften a fraction.

His eyes normally only express the usual emotionless, detached stare that we all seemed to share 'round here.

"I can't be part of that," I continue to plead, sensing that Liam's resolve is dying.

He says nothing an watches me for a second or two before speaking, "Two years ago, a fierce yet determined woman walked into my agency with a sense of purpose. She knew what she wanted and she was more than prepared to work for it, but now all I see in her place is a misguided, temperamental woman seeking worth."

I take offense in his words and scowl. "You don't know me. You have no idea what I'm capable of," I grind out, now annoyed.

To my surprise, he nods. "You are right and that's the problem."

I fall silent and wait for him to elaborate.

"You bear too many grudges and you hold too much anger. You're headed down a very dark path. I'm afraid that you won't be able to return from it."

I cross my arms over my chest as I raise a curious brow, "Speaking from experience?"

His dark eyes harden at my words as he sets his walls back up in place. "Pack your things, Mayors. You're leaving tonight," he orders coldly as he returns to the paperwork before him.

I pushed him too far this time. I was out of line.

"What about Dag? What about my mission? What about me?" I question in panic, not bothering to hide my fear any longer. There's no point in doing so. Liam can read people better than he can read books.

He doesn't bother looking up from his work as he answers, "Agent Matthews will be assigned a new partner until we reenlist you. He's not the one who has issues with others. That was you, in case you forgot. As for your mission, it cannot be your priority until you are under control again, until you regain what you lost. I don't see fire in your eyes anymore. All I see is ash, the remains of a burnt out flame."

By all means, refrain from sugarcoating it.

A frown sets itself deep in my expression when I realize that Liam purposely left out the answer to my last question. Maybe his silence was my answer...

As if sensing my thought patterns, Liam's head snaps up as his dark unnerving eyes find mine.

I blink, awaiting for a response that could save me from the depths of hell and despair - the Cerberus program.

He breathes out whilst those unruly dark and dangerous eyes focus on me solely, "You will still be under my command at Cerberus. You will merely have a new division leader, my second in Vigilante 2.08. She leads Cerberus."

"But what if I can't handle the program? Then what will happen to me? I've heard the stories. No one survives Cerberus," I protest in desperation.

Liam's eyes flash black as he frowns, "If no one survives it, then how am I still here?"

I don't reply, stunned at his insinuation. So the rumors about Liam Arden hold truth after all? He just confirmed it.

He vaguely explains, "My father was the founder of this agency. He enrolled me into Cerberus as the first test subject. I was his guinea pig and now I'm head of his agency. The wheel always turns. Our greatest fears teach us our greatest lessons."

If the rumors are all true, then that means that Dag was right. Liam Arden is some kind of legend. He took on a whole rogue agency single-handedly and made it out alive with the evidence needed to destroy them.

Liam doesn't often talk about himself. He's always been some kind of a mystery. The fact that he's telling me this is a shock in itself.

I take the risk of asking more, "You worked Project Shadow, didn't you? You were the one who took out the rogue team all on your own?"

"My past is mine. Project Shadow was a long time ago. It's not to be spoke of. You know this," Liam replies back solemnly, averting his eyes for the briefest of moments.

Nevertheless, I get my answer.

Seeing that Liam has his mind set, I stand up and push my chair in, silently coming to terms with Cerberus.

I can do this. For my sister. I have to do this.

"I'll get my things," I say quietly, preparing to leave.

I'm done begging.

His last words stop me, "I would never deliberately put my people in harm's way. Have courage. Will power is a powerful driving force."

Inwardly, I find myself grateful. Liam is nothing like his father was and this agency is no longer as it was - corrupt.


I place the little of what I own into my backpack and glance around the room for a final time.

"You're leaving then? Your story over so soon?"

I look up to see a muscular frame leaning against my door with strong arms crossed over his defined chest. He's well conditioned just like everyone around here.

He's scowling, as always, yet his gray eyes glint in concern under the bright light of the room.

I see through him.

I shake my head. "My story has just begun. Arden enrolled me into Cerberus." I sigh aloud, making my fears known to him. "I leave tonight."

Dag raises an eyebrow without his usual condescending frown intact. "What?" he asks, clearly caught off guard as he removes his arm off of my door frame and steps forward, inviting himself in. "Are you insane? No one makes Cerberus."

"I don't have a choice, Dag. What Liam wants, he gets," I answer, refusing to meet his gaze as I zip my backpack closed. I have little belongings, but everything I need.

Dag blinks, confused, as he comes to stand in front of me.

I raise my eyebrow at him in turn.

His confusion is soon replaced with determination, or so says the speck of gold igniting his gray eyes. "Drop out," he suddenly commands. "Mica, you have to drop out."

"Can't do that."

I thought about it, but I know that quitting is not an option for me. I won't rest until my sister's killers are dead. Liam knows it too. He understands my cause - the reason behind my vindictive attitude - hence him sending me to Cerberus. He used me persistence to his advantage. He exploited my weakness.

Dag, on the other hand, doesn't get it. No one but Liam knows my story. "Why?" he asks, just like as predicted.

"I need to finish my mission," I answer vaguely, truthful nonetheless.

"You'd rather go to hell than just drop out of the agency?" Dag states more than questions, aware of my answer. "If your mission is that important to you, your only cause must be vendetta. It's why you're so determined."

He hit the nail right on the head...

I decide to pull an 'Arden,' "My past is mine."

Agent Mathews seems anything but impressed with my answer but listens anyway.

"Besides," I add, "you and I both know that there is no leaving this place. Liam would never allow it. I drop out, he drops a bomb on me. This place is our future now. You and I both know that."

A contemplative expression takes over Dag's features as he thinks it over. "You're not going to stop, are you?" he asks.

I shake my head, adamant in my decision.

Then, without another word, Dag is gone.


A tight knot stirs in my stomach as I unfasten my seat belt from within the airplane. I glance out the window to see that I'm far from home - if I could even call it that.

The plane has just landed several kilometers out from our main base - Vigilante 2.08. Cerberus is located further away for obvious reasons, one being the secrecy of it all.

The knot keeps churning the more I think about Cerberus. To say that I'm terrified would be an understatement.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I barely acknowledge the cool hand tugging at my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

I pull my eyes away from the window to face her. "No," I answer truthfully, her blue eyes holding me captive.

I'm not ready at all.

She offers me a reluctant smile as she removes her hand from my shoulder, seemingly satisfied in hearing my answer. "It's always the ones who think they aren't ready that find they are more than capable," she says as she steps off the private plane with me following close behind.

I freeze, surveying the area in apprehension with fear plastered all over my features.

"Come," she orders, noticing that I had stiffened.

She is Liam's second command, in charge of all things Cerberus. It's her chosen field and she has been known to excel in all dark tactics.

Trace McCore

I visibly swallow before forcing my legs to move, taking in a deep breath of the fresh crisp evening. It's almost soothing, almost.

Trace lifts her head slightly and motions to the massive intimidating building ahead of us, "Welcome to Project Cerberus."

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