
Chapter 2

I walk casually back into the base, pleased that I got another job done, but it seems that I'm alone in that aspect of happiness.

As I turn the corner leading into the debriefing room, a hand stretches out and grabs hold of my upper arm, bringing me to a complete halt.

I stop myself from reacting on instinct, whereas, usually I would be up in arms, alarmed that someone would dare intrude into my personal space.

Instead, I frown, facing the man before me that dared to make himself an obstacle in my path. "What is it, Matthews?" I query, disinterested as I address him rudely.

"He wants you to see him before you attend the debrief of the mission. He's not happy," Matthews informs me.

I glare up at him, unfazed.

He inspects me threateningly with his gray eyes as he raises a single yet prodding brow my way, "What did you do this time, Mica?" he demands, aware that something is up.

I may have killed the guy that they wanted to bring in for questioning.

"I don't believe that it's any of your business, Dag," I reply back forwardly, purposely using his first name like he'd done with me.

He narrows his eyes at me for the lack of respect for authority but allows me to get away with it nonetheless. I have a rep for acting unprofessionally, hence why Dag isn't in the least bit surprised by my backchatting.

Dag clamps down harder onto my arm as he takes a daring step closer. "Don't push me, Mayors. You know better than to do so."

When I first transferred here, I had undergone severe training where I learned to fend and fight. I was given many partners who all left me. The leader of this organization, Liam Arden, came to the valid conclusion that I am lone wolf meant for solitude. I am better off on my own. I don't play well with others. That's what all surmised by my rebellious nature. However, there came one who was determined to tame me, and to this day he's still trying.

Dag Matthews

We've never gotten along, but out there on the field, we are partners. I hate to admit it, but we work well together.

However, on this recent mission, Dag had been ordered to stay behind and clear up some loose strings. It was private and I was authorized to do the mission without him. I ended up with Jack as my replacement partner.

I hate to admit it, but I need Dag with me out there. He's one of the few I trust - that doesn't make him any less of a complete jackass.

I glance down at the tight grip he still has on my arm. "I only push when forced to push. You of all people should know that, Dag," I grit out before ripping my arm out his hold. "Now if you'll excuse me...I have a meeting to survive," I tell him before storming off in the direction of my leader's office, the very mastermind behind it all.

I don't bother knocking and waltz in instead like per usual. I take a seat before him as he takes his sweet time in addressing me:

"What in the hell were you thinking?! Going against protocol like that!"

"Well hello to you too, Sir," I mumble, aware that I'm in trouble again. Fortunately, I'm no stranger to punishments and sit-outs from field ops.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes today, Mayors."

I shut my mouth after hearing his tone of voice.

I know when to stop. I never backchat my ultimate superior, Liam Arden. He is the head of this agency, Vigilante 2.08.

I watch him cautiously, patiently awaiting my punishment that no doubt will be given me.

"You can't keep doing this, Mayors."

"But I got the job done," I reply back timidly, trying to justify my actions.

His dark eyes narrow in on me with an intent gaze as he suddenly shifts in his seat and leans forward, his elbows now resting on the desk before us, "You put your partners at risk - my employees. I'm liable for them. I'm liable for you. Your first priority is your partner, and the second is following protocol - my orders. Only then, and only then, do you get the job done. The job isn't done if you are putting my people at risk."

"Understood Sir."

"For your sake, I hope so," he says quietly.

I know Liam well enough to know that it's not a warning, but a threat, especially if I kill someone who needs to be brought in for questioning.

"You've not been yourself these past couple months," he states calmly.

I sense where this is going, "I only messed up because Dag wasn't with me. I can assure you that I'm fine. It won't happen again."

Liam's brown eyes glint furiously at my statement, "Then you're either too dependent on Matthews or you've lost sight of what it is you're fighting for."

The last part of what he say drives me into a corner of frustration as I clutch my hands into fists, reliving the past, feeling the flashback weigh heavily upon my shoulders. "I know exactly what I fight for every day. I've never stopped fighting since the night she died. Sir, you know that."

"Yes," he nods, agreeing for the most part, "but I've seen the drastic change in you since you first arrived at Vigilante 2.08. Your focus has shifted. I'm afraid that you're losing yourself."

I hold my breath again as I contemplate his words, processing it all. I remain silent, refraining from lashing out. It will do me no good and merely prove Liam's theory.

Liam doesn't stop there, "It's why I've come to the decision to enforce strict disciplinary procedures on you. You've made the Cerberus Program. Mayors, you're going back to phase one, learning to become the ultimate vigilante."

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