

Naya slowly opened her eyes, her lips parting slightly as she breathed out and looked around. The light from the small cracks of the window allowed her to know the sun was up and that the skies were clear, opposite to her situation. Fortunately, Kael, the monster in human skin, wasn’t around. 

Naya let out a small sigh of relief at the thought. Her entire body felt awful, the bruises and marks on her flesh stung whenever air hit them. But these were the things that occupied the least in her head. 

She had to leave this place. Immediately. 

Her mission couldn’t be dragged on any longer. If her calculation was right, three days had already passed. The royal heir would leave the territory in two days. 

Two days left. 

Naya clenched her teeth and forced herself to move, the chains around her feet creating a metallic dangling sound. It was quickly followed by a whimper from her own mouth. She glanced down, seeing the purple bruises that Kael left on her legs. It was as if he had purposely left them there, on that spot, so Naya would be reminded of him if she ever tried to escape again. 

Naya gritted her teeth and balled her fists. If only she had been more careful that time, she would’ve already escaped. 

Even if Kael was making her nights a living hell, Naya was still a fighter. She was trained to fight and raised to die with a purpose. 

Her purpose now was to kill that royal heir, but she was captured by Kael. As far as she knew, he was the same age as Naya, but his strength and power revealed too much of his full-blooded alpha nature. In addition, he was the rumored insane alpha prince. 

He was known to be the only full-blooded alpha with a strange, unhinged behavior nobody knew and understood the origin of. Rumors said that during Blood Moon, he would visit enemy camps at night and kill their warriors, eating their flesh and drinking their blood, like a real beast with no sanity left in him. His eyes would turn deep red whenever he was elated from a newfound toy, glowing whenever he watched people suffering and screaming in pain before him as he tortured them until they broke. 

In other words, he was a crazy maniac psychopath. 

Even with all the training and agility Naya possessed, they were nothing against someone like Kael. He was powerful as a full-blood alpha and unpredictable as a person. 

Still, Naya couldn’t give up. 

She had to leave this place quickly before the next full moon arrived. She had to find that royal heir, slay him, and take his head to her father. She had to do it fast and with no hesitation. 

Naya hit the floor with her fist, her entire person shaking as she glared at the door with her eyes turning red. She pushed the floor with her trembling hands, gritting her teeth as she muttered in silence, “I will find you and kill you…” 

No matter what, that royal heir must die and she would make sure of it. 

Naya looked around and concentrated on her surroundings next. As far as she remembered, Kael’s pack house stood far from the other pack houses. Naya confirmed it when she was dragged into this pack house a few days ago, and again when she tried to escape and was captured and locked up. 

Taking slow and deep breaths, she closed her eyes, feeling the afternoon air that seeped through the cracks of the window nearby. Her senses were heightened whenever she tried to meditate. Her wolf wouldn’t be around until full moon arrived and nobody would come to rescue her, thus, she had to rely on herself to escape, and if she wanted to make it possible, she had to do it fast before Kael noticed her missing. 

Within the silence, she heard different footsteps from the space outside. One, two, three, Naya counted in her head and confirmed it as she had trained in the woods before. She opened her eyes. 

Five people. There were about five people walking outside at the time she could sense. 

With a deep, more stable breath, Naya began to crawl to the window. She let out a small groan as her skin rubbed against the cold floor, her bruised flesh feeling the sting. She bit her lower lip, enduring all the pain as she reached the window and peeked through the crack. She squinted, her eyes immediately spotting men in warrior clothes standing a few steps away from the entrance and some walking nearby. Her line of sight went in another direction, her heartbeat stopping and her eyes widening at the sight. 

In a distance about twelve meters away was a man, his clothes different than the rest, carrying a cloud symbol. 

That man was a member of the royal heir’s pack... Does it mean their pack was affiliated with the West Wood Pack? That royal heir might also be around, somewhere close or it could be – he himself was in West Wood Pack territory right now. 

Naya’s heart began to throb in apprehension. 

The sound of familiar footsteps suddenly came and snapped her. Glaring at the door, Naya halted and waited until it opened, revealing an expected familiar face. 

Kael stood by the doorway and glanced down. “What are you doing?” Then a mocking, evil smile appeared on his face. “Ah, did you miss me too much so you waited near the door?” 

Naya fisted her hands while glaring at Kael. 

Kael laughed at her reaction. He crouched down, head tilting to the side as he stared at Naya. “Hmm? Refusing to speak again?” He let out a sigh. “That’s too bad. There’s someone I met earlier. I think he knows you. Hm, what’s his name again? Hailey? Billy?” 

Naya’s heartbeat stopped, her eyes wide in surprise. 

“Now that’s the kind of expression I want to see,” Kael uttered with an amused smile. 

“What did you do?” Naya asked through gritted teeth and clenched fists. Kael was pushing her to speak and surrender, he enjoyed torturing her in so many ways she could barely count. His actions were unpredictable but if there’s one thing she knew, it’s that Kael rarely lies. In fact, there truly was a person named Billy in her pack. To be more precise, her father’s team that he had personally arranged for this mission. 

Kael was obviously pleased with Naya’s new reaction. He looked at her closer, his hands grabbing Naya by her cheeks, pinching it hard between his fingers. 

“I will tell you if you can satisfy me with that mouth of yours.” 

Naya’s body turned cold, her eyebrows deeply knitted as she looked at Kael. 

The cold evil smirk on Kael’s face turned even colder. Without warning, he leaned down and kissed Naya’s lips, crashing his mouth to hers in a rough, thirst-driven aggressive way. 

Naya whimpered and tried to close her mouth but Kael’s firm grip was far stronger and more powerful than hers. In the end, Naya’s lips opened and Kael’s tongue entered quickly, tasting and devouring Naya’s mouth like a hungry beast. His calloused fingers yanked Naya’s hair as he pushed her face closer to his, their lips and tongue colliding and smacking as Kael sucked on Naya’s lips and tongue, biting and savoring every corner he could taste out of her. 

After a while, Kael stopped and pulled away, leaving Naya with hot, anger-filled eyes and a flushed, messed-up face. 

Kael’s eyes glinted at the sight. 

Naya panted hard and deep while glaring at him. “Now tell me…” She uttered through labored breaths, trying to catch air. 

“Didn’t I tell you?” Kael said. He stood up and pulled Naya’s head to his lower half. 

Naya froze. 

Kael unzipped his pants, letting out his enormous standing cock, its veins bulging and pulsating, seemingly about to explode in front of Naya’s face. His husky voice penetrated Naya’s ears sending shivers down her spine all the way to her lower half. “You have to satisfy me first. And you have to do it well, otherwise, I might change my mind.” 

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