
Unhinged Alpha's Slave Mate

145.0K · Completed
Cay Middlemist


“Reject me,” Naya sternly said with eyes full of hate. Kael smiled. “Why would I do that? I told you, didn’t I? You’re mine now. I don’t care about your mission. I’ll fill you up with my seed you will forget that d*mn mission of yours.” His fingers traced her lips. “Beg all you want but I will not reject you or let you go. You're my possession, Naya, from here on and until your last breath.” *** In a world ruled by powerful rivaling packs, Naya, a skilled fighter and beta’s daughter of the Light Shadow Pack, is sent on a dangerous mission to assassinate an enemy pack’s royal heir. But when she is captured by Kael, an alpha prince of the West Wood Pack notorious for his unhinged behavior and fierce power, Naya’s plans are thrown into disarray. Forced to submit to Kael and become his slave, Naya struggles to maintain her pride and wonders when she will ever escape from his grasp. As they all say, Kael is the most deranged alpha someone will ever meet in their life. To make things worse, Naya finds out Kael is her mate. Regardless, Naya has her own mission to fulfill so she does everything to escape. But with enemies emerging from the shadows and secrets revealing one by one, Naya is left to wonder who to believe and trust. Can Naya escape Kael’s grasp and fulfill her mission? Who is the real enemy and who is on her side? Will Kael’s power block her from reaching the truth or is he the key to everything she seeks?



"Alpha Prince has arrived!"

Everyone bowed as a man with a mischievous smile walked forward. The guard by the pack house saluted and said, "Alpha Prince, the slave has been captured as you ordered. She's inside and waiting—"

Kael didn't even let him finish before striding inside.

The room filled immediately with his alpha presence. Kael's eyes locked onto a specific spot in the room – the bed, where a woman was seated.

She was chained to the bedframe, limiting her movement to just a few steps. She heard the door and looked up, her eyes filling with coldness as they met Kael's gaze.

"Do you have any new greetings for your master?" Kael asked playfully.

Naya glared at him, her eyes seething with anger, but she remained silent. The way she stared at Kael made it seem like no words could ever shake her, whether in fear, surprise, or pain.

Kael grinned, excitement coursing through him. Unable to restrain himself, he walked closer and grabbed her chin firmly.

Naya kept her gaze icy and distant.

"That look of yours, do you know how much it annoys me?" Kael exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and fascination. "But it also stirs something else inside me. Do you know what that is?"

The coldness in Naya's eyes intensified. With the strength she could muster, she moved and headbutted Kael's hand, pushing him back a step.

Kael was taken aback, but he quickly recovered and regarded Naya with even more amusement. However, this time, a touch of agitation tinged his heart. He pulled her hair, forcing her to face him, and kissed her passionately, as if marking her as his own.

Naya resisted, attempting to push Kael away, but her hands and feet were bound, and Kael was much stronger.

Breathing heavily, Kael pulled away briefly, though his hand remained tangled in Naya's hair. He yanked it harder, making sure she still faced him, and stared deep into her eyes. "Keep looking at me like that. You know I won't hold back, right?"

Naya didn't avert her gaze. Her eyes remained cold and resentful, as if no words could ever reach and penetrate her, never making her afraid.

Kael's blood surged, and the fire in his heart burned brighter. With a huff, he pushed Naya down onto the bed, pinning her beneath him. "I have to remind you constantly, don't I? You'll never escape from here. Run, and you'll be captured again. You belong to me now, so it's your choice: surrender, or I won't stop until you beg for my mercy."

Naya's eyes wavered slightly.

She couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.

And of all the people she could have encountered, it had to be this infamous, wild prince.

. . .

A few years ago  


Naya leaped into the air, striking the person in front of her before swiftly landing on the ground. Another attack came from behind, but Naya's sharp eyes noticed it, and she leaned forward to dodge it. Turning around, she kneed the man in the stomach and delivered an elbow to his head. He groaned in pain and fell.

Several more men approached, wielding various weapons, but Naya skillfully evaded their attacks, twisting their arms and cracking their necks. They whimpered in pain as they hit the ground.

One of them, sweating profusely, slowly got up and readied himself. "One more try..."

Naya looked at him without emotion.

"Here I go!" the man roared and attacked Naya again.

Sweat trickled down Naya's face as she swiftly dodged the man's attack, making him stagger before landing on the ground once more.

Breathing heavily, he wiped sweat from his face and grinned at Naya. "Just as I expected from the beta's daughter. How about another round? Your looks distracted me there."

Naya's eyes remained distant and cold.

"Forget it, Jeffrey," another man from the group sitting under a tree chimed in. "Stop bothering her with nonsense. Remember, Naya is not your childhood friend anymore. She's our leader."

Jeffrey laughed, looking at Naya, about to tease her again when a series of footsteps approached.

In an instant, the people sitting under the tree and those fighting with Naya stopped and gathered in a line.

Five men appeared, and one of them stepped forward, facing Naya, who stood in the center.

"It seems everyone is here," the tall man said, his chin held high. His rough beard and a crescent moon tattoo on his shoulder silenced everyone. He glanced at them before focusing on Naya. With a serious expression and a deep voice, he said, "I've come with a message from the alpha. Naya, come with me."

Naya looked at the tall, sturdy man and replied quickly and respectfully, "Yes, Beta Alfredo."

Inside a hut, a temporary shelter for Naya's group, she stood before the pack beta.

Beta Alfredo stepped forward and handed a paper to Naya.

Confused, Naya accepted the paper and examined it.

Before she could ask any questions, the tall man spoke again. "The alpha and his children have observed your intelligence and skills in recent years. They've decided to promote you to a higher-ranking beta warrior. When you turn twenty-five, you'll have your own pack house in the main village."

Top of FormNaya's heart raced as she stared at the man, searching his expression.

His face remained unreadable, leaving Naya to wonder about his true feelings.

After the announcement, Beta Alfredo sat down with Naya to discuss matters concerning their pack. Naya and the other beta warriors had been away from home for a year, guarding the borders and undergoing training. They relied on Beta Alfredo to bring news from the main village, where the rest of the pack, including the Alpha and his family, resided.

"I suppose that covers everything. If you have no further questions, I'll head to the other borders to check their situation," Beta Alfredo said, rising from his seat.

"Are you proud of me?" Naya asked.

The imposing man, radiating strength and pride, stood before Naya. He gazed at her for a long moment before releasing a sigh and saying, "Of course. Your accomplishments are mine as well." He paused and quickly added, "But there are things that would make me even prouder."

"The mainland's royal heir," Naya said, looking up.

Her father, Alfredo, the beta of the Light Shadow Pack, fell silent. Then a small, meaningful, and weighty smile appeared on his face as he nodded.

Naya swallowed hard, her heart pounding at the mention of those two words – royal heir. It was the only thing that could evoke such a smile from her father, if he ever smiled at all. Naya had never witnessed it before, not even once, so she couldn't be certain.

What she did know was that her father, Beta Alfredo, had been training her and the other warriors of her age group for one specific purpose: to defeat the royal heir of the Crimson Stone Pack, their rival pack.

For centuries, the Light Shadow Pack had managed to remain isolated amidst the turmoil among the packs in the world. They had always strived to avoid conflicts, a task made easier by their territory, which was separated from other packs by a vast lake. However, everything changed with the arrival of the Blue Moon.

With their power at its peak, the world’s biggest pack residing at the center of the mainland – the Crimson Stone Pack – invaded the territory of the Light Shadow Pack, resulting in numerous casualties. During one ambush, their Luna, the queen, was killed. This event left the Alpha gravely ill, on the brink of losing his wolf, and unable to shift, leading to further deaths and the decline of their once-prosperous land. Thankfully, his children stepped up, caring for him and working tirelessly to rebuild and develop what remained of the pack.

At that time, Naya was only six years old, but she learned from her father's stories that their enemies came from one specific pack – the Crimson Stone Pack.

"They murdered our Luna and our pack members," Beta Alfredo stated, his gaze averted. Anguish and fury flickered in his eyes as he clenched his teeth, his hands trembling slightly. "Including your mother and your sister..."

Naya rose to her feet, pain etched across her face.

A heavy, sorrowful sigh escaped her father's lips as he walked toward her, gripping both her shoulders. "You're now twenty-one. In a few more years, you'll officially become a warrior of our pack. Your life will be dedicated to protecting the Alpha and his children, just like mine. But before that, there's one task you must complete."

Beta Alfredo locked his gaze with Naya's. "You will lead this mission, Naya. You cannot fail your father, your mother, your sister, or our entire pack. Remember, the only path to restoring peace to our pack is through death."

Naya remained steadfast, meeting her father's unwavering gaze, her eyes devoid of fear. "Yes, Father."

Beta Alfredo held her gaze for a long moment before nodding.

Naya's heart raced. She had to embark on this mission swiftly. She didn't want to be away from her pack for too long, and, above all, she yearned to make her father proud. She knew his pride could only be earned by successfully completing this mission.

"The time for your mission is drawing near," Beta Alfredo said. "From now on, you must not address me as your father. You must also conceal your identity from others. If you encounter anyone outside our pack, even if they learn your name, you must introduce yourself as a rogue."

Naya lowered her head, her father's words ingrained deeply in her mind and heart. "I understand."

Alfredo smiled briefly. "Good."

His smile turned frigid as he released Naya.

With her head still bowed, Naya clenched her fists, her mind filled with her father's teachings and instructions. She was determined never to fail this mission, to secure the royal heir's head and present it to her father. She yearned to witness his reaction when it happened.

The next time she raised her head, Naya found herself walking beyond the pack's borders. Three years had passed since they had trained. Now she was 24, leading the six warriors she had trained, all of whom would accompany her on her mission she promised her father she would finish.

They boarded a boat together, the lake's crystal-clear waters glistening in the warm afternoon sunlight, embracing them. The cold air brushed against Naya's face, but her expression remained unwavering as she looked ahead, her eyes reflecting only a steely resolve.

She had been raised and trained for this one purpose – to assassinate the royal heir of the Crimson Stone Pack and shatter their hopes and dreams, just as they had done to her own pack.

Even if it meant sacrificing her own life, Naya was determined never to waver until she had fulfilled her mission.