

Naya’s blurred vision cleared up. 

Under the radiant, full moon, she saw a man. He stood tall wearing clothes slightly different than the rest, his build rougher but more refined than the men Naya fought. Thick, dominant pheromones spread around his stature as he walked forward. 

Naya couldn’t help but freeze as she looked at the man, seeing his eyes – green, dark, cold, and carrying a peculiar depth that made anyone feel powerless at one glance. 

Time seemed to stop as those green eyes glinted and landed on Naya. 

Naya’s heartbeat turned faster and faster. Deep inside her soul, she heard her wolf making a sound. It wanted out. For some mysterious reason, it wanted to meet this person… 

The tall, handsome man crouched down. Slowly, his lips that had been shut tugged up into a wicked smile. 

Naya froze. 

“Well, well, what do we have here?” he asked mischievously while staring at Naya. “I heard rumors of a rogue causing a ruckus at this border. They described a formidable fighter, tough to bring down. Yet all I see is a new, lovely plaything.” 

Naya snapped out of her trance, her heart turning cold as she listened to the man's words and observed his approach. But before she could react, he firmly grasped her chin.

He pinched her cheeks and forcefully tilted her face upward to meet his gaze. "What's your name, rogue?"

Naya pushed her wolf down to the corner until she could no longer hear her. Then she glared at the man before her, the anger in her heart growing as she felt the pain from his grasp. She would rather die than reveal anything about herself. 

“Hmm, could it be you can’t speak?” he asked with narrowed, curious eyes. 

One of the men behind him stepped forward. “That’s impossible, she must be playing innocent.” He glared at Naya, “You there, speak the truth! You’re facing Alpha Prince Kael of the West Wood Pack! Speak now or you’ll be punished!!” 

But Naya remained silent, her thoughts running. So this man was the alpha prince of this pack? That explains the dominance and why her wolf acted strangely. 

Does it matter though? Who cares if he’s more powerful than the warriors around him? Naya could still take him down. Not with her strength but with the small medicine inside her pocket. It would numb anyone’s senses and poison their blood, sending them to their graves instantly. Naya clenched her hands and continued to glare at Kael. Any minute now and she could—

“I’ll take her.” 

“Alpha Prince?” The warrior who spoke then was stunned. 

Naya’s thoughts froze. 

“You heard me, Jed,” Kael said as he tilted his head and stared down at Naya, meeting her cold eyes with his own glinting, wicked ones. He stood up and ordered, “Bring her to the tower. I’ll give her her punishment myself.” 

. . . 

Jed, Kael's personal guard, went pale. “But her identity is still unknown! She might attack—” 

“Attack who? Me?” Kael asked while raising an eyebrow, then he scoffed and glanced back at Naya, sizing her up. “Are you saying that woman might still have something to use against me once we’re alone?” 

Jed glanced at Naya and then around them. “It’s better to be careful. She did manage to do this to the guards after all.” 

Naya dug her fingers inside her palm. There were two people behind her and two in front, including Kael and his personal guard, Jed. The man called Jed appeared to be really quick-witted which was a bit troublesome. In any case, the person closest to her right now was Kael. If she stood up, she could still use the poison on him and make a run for it. 

“If you’re that worried then just strip her.” 

Naya’s thoughts halted, her heartbeat froze. 

She looked up and in horror, saw Kael’s serious expression. 

“Alpha Prince!” a man wearing warrior clothes suddenly came running and shouting. “A campfire is seen miles away. It’s just as you said. There are more of them! Alpha Prince, what do we do?!” 

Kael’s eyes glowed. They swept over to Naya’s direction, his smile sending shivers down her already cold back. “It seems you’ve come prepared. It’s going to be a long night of discussion between us, huh?” He turned to the guards and ordered, “Capture the trespassers. Don’t let anyone escape and bring them all to the Dark Hall!” 

Naya went stiff. The coldness of the night wind seeped through her bones. Just trying to imagine her teammates captured by these people around her made her shudder in anger and fear. 

No, that couldn’t happen. 

There was no way she would allow them to capture the rest of her people! 

With a swift movement and with anger rising from the depths of her heart, Naya clenched her hands and stood up, and sprinted toward Kael, pushing him to the ground. Everything happened fast. Kael fell and with Naya jabbing his stomach and twisting his arm, she took the poisoned knife and pointed it on his throat while looking at the men around her. 

“You--!!” Jed’s expression worsened. 

The guards went livid and bared their teeth. “How dare you try to harm Alpha Prince Kael!? Do you want to die?!” 

Naya glared back at them and pushed the poisoned knife to Kael’s neck. “Nobody moves or I’ll slit your prince’s throat.” 

Kael remained silent. 

It was too odd that it made Naya frown and glance down at him. It was a wrong move, however, as she caught sight of a smile plastered on his face. 

Caught off guard, Kael swiftly turned around and twisted Naya’s arm to remove the knife. The knife fell to the ground and Naya was pulled to a sturdy, wide chest. She gasped, her eyes widening at the sudden contact. 

“So you do talk,” Kael exclaimed while staring at Naya with a teasing, wicked smile. Naya snapped out of her reverie, moving quickly to her feet as she reached the knife. But Kael kicked her and made her fall, his foot stepping on her hand, making her hiss and groan at the sudden pain. 

All the guards were stunned and silent as they just watched the two fight. So when Kael signaled them to move, they were quite startled. They all quickly went to grab Naya’s arms, subduing her to the ground. 

Jed took the knife and took a whiff of it. He frowned and turned to Kael, “This one’s coated with poison.”

The guards all were stunned and glanced at Naya darkly. “That rogue really wants to die! Let’s end her right now!” 

Standing up, Kael glanced down at Naya. “No.” 

“Sir?” The guards looked at Kael in surprise and confusion. 

Kael tilted his head to the side. “I’ve changed my mind. Don’t bring her to the tower.” 

Naya breathed hard and fast, the two arms holding her down beginning to feel stronger and stronger that it hurt her flesh. But it wasn’t enough to crush the emotions inside her. Knees on the ground and with intense hatred filling her eyes, she looked up at Kael and met his cold, wicked gaze. 

Kael’s voice sounded like the cold waters in that lake. It was too cold enough to make Naya’s steel heart tremble. 

“Just strip her and bring her to my chambers.” 

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