« I can cross off being involved in a car chase off my bucket list ! » I said smiling.
« Oh my gosh Sam, » she said, shaking her head.
« What ? It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do, » I smiled.
Kyrn nodded. « I know that. I just can’t believe you can actually cross it off. »
I laughed and swerved so I didn’t hit a tree. « By any chance, do you happen to know where we are at ? »
Kyrn sighed. « Sadly no. But we have to get out of the forest. »
I nodded. « Well the good news is that we are on a trail. Which means that there has to be a road close by. »
« Let’s just hurry up and find it before they catch up to us. »
I couldn’t agree more with you Kyrn.
I took a sharp left and drifted a little until I got fullcontrol of the car. This was not how I was going to die.
« Where did they go ? » I asked Kyrn.
« I don’t know. I haven’t seen them for ten minutes, » she said looking around.
« Okay, » I said in a whisper as I finally hopped onto a road. Where it led, I had no idea. But I would rather drive on this road than stay in the forest with those kidnappers.
I kept driving and about an hour later we arrived in some small town.
« I’m hungry, » Kyrn whined for the tenth time. I told her that we needed to keep driving and once we get to a safe distance, we will stop and get something to eat. But she hasn’t shut up about it.
« Okay. » I laughed giving in. « We can pull over at a McDonalds or something. »
« Sounds good to me, » Kyrn mumbled as her stomach growled.
I smiled in victory as I saw a giant golden ‘M’.
« Look there’s one, » I said pulling into the parking lot.
« Let’s get food then find a train ticket or something, » Kyrn said as I nod in agreement.
« Hello, ladies. Can I help you ? » A red-haired boy asked us with a flirty smile as soon as we walked in and closed the door.
« Watch this, » she whispered to me. « Hey. We lost our purses and we don’t have any money. But we were wondering if you would be so kind and give us water ? » she asked softly looking shy.
I chuckled with a smirk as he kept his eyes fixed on Kyrn. I loved it when she did this. Hello free food !
« You girls order anything you would like. It’s on me. My name is Luke, » he said extending his hand toward us.
« My name is Kyrn. And this is my best friend Sam. »
« Hi, » I smiled sweetly shaking his hand.
« So, what would you girls like ? » Luke asked us as he tried to look cool. Sorry bud. It’s not really working for you.
« My usual, » I told Kyrn.
« Two McChickens, medium fries, and two large sprites, » Kyrn told Luke as he tapped away on the screen.
« Okay. For here or to go ? » Luke asked us.
Kyrn was about to reply but I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me.
I pointed at the window and there they were. The four boys. How the hell did they find us ?
« To go please, » Kyrn said out in a rush.
« Are you girls okay ? » Luke asked us, concerned.
« Yeah, we are just in a hurry. So, we will take it to go. Please, » I told him.
« Oh. Of course, » he said as he scrambled to get our orders.
A couple of minutes passed and the guys hadn’t moved.
Thankfully I parked the Lamborghini on the other side so they couldn’t see us.
« Here you are, » Luke said handing us our bags and drinks.
« Thank you for everything, » Kyrn and I said kissing his cheeks.
His face turned a bright shade of red.
« Umm you’re welcome, » he said nervously with a small smile.
I giggled and Kyrn opened the door.
« And that is how you do it, » Kyrn smirked as we ran to the car.
« Come on. » I laughed. « Let’s go now so they can’t see us. »
We hopped in the car and the boys still weren’t paying attention. « Next stop, train station, » Kyrn said.
The drive to the nearest train station was a lot longer than I thought. I guess that’s what happens when you are in a small town. They don’t have a lot of anything. We barely saw a grocery store and maybe one or two gas stations. That’s it. And they weren’t even that big really.
By the time we found a train station, it was already getting dark.
« Let’s just leave the keys in the car. We won’t be back for them any time soon, » Kyrn laughed as we parked the car.
I nodded my head and quickly got out of the car. The faster we move, the faster we get away from here.
« Why is it so empty ? » I asked as I opened the door.
« It’s another small town, Sam. It’s going to be empty, » Kyrn responded. I nodded as we ran up to the counter.
« Can you flirt your way through again ? » I asked her.
« Yeah. It shouldn’t be a problem. But if I need help, I’m calling for you, » she smiled.
« Hello ladies, » the guys said, smiling at us. « How can I help you ? »
« Please. I think my friend and I are being followed. We need two train tickets far, far away from here immediately, » Kyrn said acting scared. She was pretty good. This was why I was so proud to call her my best friend.
The guy looked at me and I pretended to cry.
« But Kyrn. We lost our purses remember ? » I said to her.
« Shit. I guess we’ll have to walk, » she said looking down. « Come on Sam. »
She grabbed my hand and turned around.
« Wait ! » the guy called out.
Kyrn gave me a mischievous smile but dropped it once she turned around to face the man.
« Here. They are on the house, » the guy said with two tickets in his hand.
« Thank you, » Kyrn said kissing his cheek.
I could have sworn I heard a growl.
« Thank you so much sir, » I said kissing his other cheek.
There it is again. Am I going crazy ? I looked around but didn’t see anything. I must be.
« Are you okay ? » Kyrn asked in concern.
I mean we are running for our lives from psychotic kidnappers, but other than that I’m perfectly fine.
« Let’s head out, » I said letting it slide.
Kyrn nodded and followed me out the door. We both took one step and we were grabbed from behind. I tried to scream but a hand went over my mouth.