Kari looked at Zach over the rim of her glass as he stared at her.
After her somewhat revelation of her secret, Zach seemed a bit relaxed.
Now tat she thought of it, it was more about Derek than the problem she was neck deep in.
Something told her that there was a tad bit of possibility that he might be a tad bit jealous but she shook her head.
Zach must have women falling over him on a daily basis. Pushing the thought at the back of her head, she concentrated as to what to do now.
Unknowingly, she had dragged Zach into this. She knew it was selfish of her when she had told him to help her get away but she did what she had to, to save her life.
Stanley was coming for her and sh knew her death wouldn’t be as pleasant as a bullet to the head or a knife to her chest.
She had seen what he’d done. The torture of his victims, the smile that would creep on his face. The calm that settled over him with every torture of his victims. He got off the torture and she wanted nothing to do with him let alone be one of those dead.
Shaking her thoughts away she picked up her dish.
« I’ll wash em later. » Zach said
Was she putting him in danger ?
Maybe she should’ve walked out and got into a motel. She’d rather be on the run all her life than have the past repeat itself.
« Hey. » His gruff voice pulled her out of her reverie.
« Stop thinking about it. »
« You don’t know –«
« I don’t know anything. » He cut her mid sentence. « And I don’t want to know anything beyond what you told me. Okay ? Just relax. You’re safe here. »
He must’ve seen something in her eyes because his turned fierce.
« I can keep you safe, Kari. Trust me. »
« I… »
« Do you trust me ? »
« I don’t know why but I do. »
« Then just relax. At the very least, try to. »
« You don’t know. » she started slowly « how dangerous he is, Zach. »
« It’s okay, Kari. I’ve had my fair share of trouble. I promise you I’ll keep you safe. » he took a deep breath before he continued. « I know that you ran away to save yourself. But just because you’re here doesn’t mean you’re life has to come to a stop. You can do a whole lot of stuff here, Kari. »
« What do you want me to do ? »
« What do you like to do ? » he answered with a question and Kari thought hard as to what she used to do back at her home. As far as she knew, she’d come to the hospital at 6. Look around. Sit in her office. Help the interns. She’d watch certain surgeries, then get busy with the cases Dave handed her. She hated to postpone her work so she’d finish her paperwork in her office. She’d return home late. Or sometimes she’d sleep on the couch.
She had no life.
« I like treating patients. » she answered meekly. Because that sounded far better than telling him she had no life outside the hospital.
Zach just stared at her. When she didn’t say anything he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
« You know what, I think I gotta show you what fun is. »
« I know what fun means. » she folded her arms across her chest, pursing her lips
« Yeah. You’re a ball of fun, aren’t ya ? » he said wryly.
« Yes. I am. » she insisted, nodding her head vigourously, as if that would make him believe it.
« Okay » He wiggled his fingers as if to say come on « Give me something other than, I like to treat patient. » he said in a nasally, high pitched voice as if trying to mimic her
« I do not speak like that. » Pursing her lips she folded her arms across her chest as Zach burst out laughing.
« C’mon doll, out with it. What fun have you had till now. ? »
« I… I went trekking once. » she said to which he fired back « When ? »
« I was twenty. »
« And how old are you now. »
She gave out a mock gasp and narrowed her eyes. « You never ask a lady, her age. »
« You ain’t any lady, missy. You are… you. » he said the last sentence in a way as if it justified what he said. It did not. Not at all.
She shook her head and made a zipping motion on her lips.
« Fine. » when she thought he’d relented, he continued « My guess, it was ten to twelve years ago. » This time the gasp that escaped her lips was real. She didn’t think he’d guess so accurately.
« Fine I don’t know what fun is ? « she said.
« I knew it. »
« Please tell me what fun is, oh great one. » she said sarcastically.
« Oh, I’m gonna show you what fun is. You’d never want to go back there after. »
She rolled her eyes.
« You don’t know me, doll. I can be a hell lot of fun. We are going to have a lot of fun. And you know what, I think it’s time for a vacation. »