


Karina looked around as she stood in the middle of her room.

This is supposed to be a cabin ? She thought

It was a freaking mansion compared to the cabin people had. Compared to the one her brother had.

A four poster bed dominated the room. A nightstand with a lamp. There was a small closet with a bar where she could hang her dresses, not that she brought any with her. A bureau on the other side of the bed. It was just like the one Derek had.

Shit. Derek. Her hands started to tremble as the familiar panic raced through her veins.

She grabbed her purse and fumbled around to find her phone but she couldn’t find one.

« Ughh. »

It might’ve fallen down when she had lost her balance as she’d read the message at the party.

She raced down the stairs and saw Zachary siting on the couch, his hands behind his head as he looked at the ocean, visible from the french window. For a moment she forgot everything as she saw him, relaxed, in his wife beater and a pair of shorts. She’d never seen him out of his suit and for the moment he looked yummy. The wife beater molded to his torso so perfectly that she could see a hint of those washboard abs.

His eyes snapped to her as she came down and he stood so fast that Kari had to take a step back reflexively. She saw something flash in his his eyes but she could figure out what.

« What is it ? » he asked, his gruff voice washed down her spine making her shiver.

« Umm, Can I use your phone ? » She hoped she’d seem calm but she could hear the stutter in her voice.

« Here. » he picked it up from the coffee table and handed it to her.

« She looked down at the phone in her hand. She’s completely forgotten about Derek.

« Shit. » she muttered. Derek. What was his number ? Before getting a job at the hospital, before meeting Lexi and her friends, she had only one number in her cell and that was Derek. So she’d ignored his plea for her to remember his number.

« You’re on speed dial. In fact you’re the only number so I don’t have to sift through to get to you. Press the call button and there yyou are on the other end. » she’d said and dismissed his orders.

Now ? Now she wanted to slap herself.

« What is it ? » He was so close, she didn’t notice him walk towards her. He was standing right behind her, peeping at the phone over her shoulder, his hot breath fanning the locks of hair near her ear. She jumped startled and she was sure her move made her shoulder hit his chin hard.

« I’m sorry. » she said in a whisper. « I can’t seem to remember his number. »

« Whose ? » he asked as she turned to face him, his eyes had suddenly turned dark, a frown marring his brow.

« Derek. I-I have to c-call him. It’s u-urgent. »

« Shh. » he whispered softly and pulled into his arms. And she went willingly. She’d shied away from skin contact with just about any man for years. She always seemed to take a step back. But something about Zachary made her feel safe. Safe, secure and tingly. And hot.

She could feel his muscles. The man had not an ounce of fat on even one inch of his body.

« Calm down. »

His tone vibrated through her and her shoulders, that had by now reached her ears she guessed, relaxed. She felt the tension leave her as his fingers sift through her hair.

« Did you just sniff my hair ? » she asked a moment later.

He let her go and she saw his cheeks turn a faint pink « It smells nice. « he said, sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

She laughed. « Thanks. For the compliment and the hug. But I do have to call Derek. It’s really important. »

She couldn’t think of a way to reach Derek. He needed to be made aware to leave the town. She wouldn’t be able to live at all if he ended p dead.

A picture of his body lying on the pavement just outside his bar, his eyes lifeless staring at her, a bullet hole grazing his smooth forehead flashed in her mind and her hands started to tremble again.

She had to inform him. But how ?

They didn’t have any mutual contacts. Since her mother had run away with her father, she had no relatives. She had but they wanted nothing to do with either of them. She knew the manager Derek had appointed to look after the bar while he was back to their hometown but she didn’t know his number either.


Suddenly she remembered the time when Sydney had wanted to pass out in the club and she had helped her.

« Call Syd. » she suddenly yelled.

« What ? » Zach looked at her dumbfounded.

« Call Syd right now !! » she insisted.

« My phone’s in your hand. » he said as he looked pointedly at her hand.

« Oh. Right » she mumbled and sifted through his contacts until she came upon Sydney’s name.

Luckily she answered on the first ring.

« Where the hell are you ? » she yelled so loudly that Kari had to pull the cell away from her ear.

« Syd. » she started and an awkward silence spread between them even if they were worlds apart.

« Who the fuck are you woman ? » she roared again.

« Sydney. Shut the fuck up and listen, will you. »Kari yelled back.

« Kari ? » Syd asked a moment later and Karina exhaled a huge sigh.

« Yes it’s Kari. Listen Syd. Do not. I repeat. Do. Not. Tell anyone I’m with Zach. Please. It’s for your own good. I am safe here for the time being. Nobody needs to know that I’m here. I just need a favor. Tell Derek that I’m fine and that I’ve left, don’t tell where. Tell him, Stan is back and that he needs to leave town. ASAP. Oh and I won’t be able to come to work for a while, so tell Dave I’m sorry. And let everyone know that if anybody comes asking for me, nobody knows me, okay ? »

« Are you alright, Kari ? » she asked softly.

« I… I’m fine. I will be. Don’t worry. Just meet Derek and talk to him. » she sighed. « Tell him I love him. »

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