
Chapter 5 - Auntie is a money god!

An upset look clouded June's face as she faced the beautiful man before her. 

"You are this child's father?" She scoffed, "You deserve a beating!" 

The nurses and doctors looked over at June like she had grown a second head. How dare she speak to such a powerful man in that manner? Was she courting death?

Young Luis remained pressed to her thighs, biting back a little smile. His Auntie was the first one to stand up to his father. His auntie rocked! He was going to do everything to have his auntie with him. 

"What did you say?" The man's voice brought chills to the arms of the others, but not to June.

"You heard me! If you are this baby's father, you should do your job properly! He should be supervised with much care and attention! He should not be running onto the road alone." 

June felt her rage at everything burst as she spoke to the cold man who wore a quizzical look on his face before cutting her short. 

"Baby?" The man rolled his eyes and June found it beautiful. 

His baby-long lashes and brown orbs were intoxicating and sucking. June wanted to slap herself silly for even thinking he was beautiful at such a critical moment. 

"Luis is anything but a baby." His face turned cold as he continued. "Thank you for going out of your way to save my Luis. The hospital bills have been resolved, so you can drop the act and tell me how much you want." 

The doctor cleared his throat, sharing a look with his nurses who felt awkward watching their interactions. "We will be outside if you need us." 

The medics walked out of the room without as little as an acknowledgement from the duo who were at each other's throats. 

June felt like she had been slapped in the face, "How much do I want?" She shook her head confusedly. "What do you mean?" 

The man placed his hands into his pocket and quirked his brow. "I know you know who I am. Let's keep this simple and short. How much do you want to bury this? One million? Five?" 

Before he could finish his words, a resounding slap was delivered to him at the hands of June. 

"Auntie!" The little one startled, "Are you okay?" He gasped, looking through her hands with narrowed brows. 

His actions took June by surprise. He was soothing her palms after watching her assault his father. He took adorable to a whole new level! 

Meanwhile, The man who was just slapped twisted his neck, holding a baffled look on his face. "What? Was it too small? You want more? Ten million? Twenty?" 

June raised her hand to slap him again but he caught it in the air. The spot where their hands met sizzled with chemistry while the atmosphere sizzled with tension. 

"Don't you dare." He said, tightening his grip around her. "I might have let you the first time but I will not hesitate to place you in prison for the rest of your miserable life if you even raise a finger at me again." 

"Now let's get this straight. How much does it take to shut your mouth?"

The atmosphere was nerve-wracking but June refused to back down. She pulled her hand from his strong grip, almost stumbling at the force, only to be caught by the handsome man who made her blood boil. 

For a brief moment, they held their gazes and something miniscule passed between them as she stared into his cold but beautiful eyes. Unknown to them, at that moment, little Luis stared at them with cautious eyes as he thought. 

His auntie and father wouldn't be a bad match! If only he could get them to like each other and maybe, she would become his new mommy! But how? 

His features contorted to that of intense thought while June stepped out of her saviour's hold, clearing her throat to diffuse the air. 

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can afford to shut my mouth?" She fumed. "How much do you even have? Do you know who I am? Do you know my net worth?!" 

June said all of this with a confident stance, knowing fully well that she didn't have a dime to her name. She was about as wretched as a church rat! But he didn't know that. 

In this business, packaging was everything! This man didn't know who she was. She was going to intimidate him with her family name and see if he remained smug!

"I am the eldest miss of the famous Rivera family!" She didn't give him a breathing space. "Do you know who you are talking to?! I am the money god herself!"

As she proclaimed this, she felt the little one latch to her thighs again. "Auntie is a money god!" He said with a revering look on his face. 

Her heart broke at the fact she was lying through clenched teeth. She was recently divorced with no dollar to her name and a family that wanted her dead. 

Although she had every plan to get back everything that belonged to her and bring justice for all the wrongdoings done to her, the beautiful man didn't need to know all of that. 

Neither did her little prince charming. So she had to fake it till she made it. 

"Do you know who I am?" The beautiful man said, a perfectly arced brow corked in her direction. 

For some reason, she suddenly felt like he looked familiar. Who was this man? She thought hard with pursed lips. When a headache assaulted her head, she blurted. 

"I already told you who I am! If you are that impressive then tell me who you are too!" Her tone was daring and she squared her shoulders with her arms holding her waist. 

The man looked her over in a long torturous few seconds which made June feel like combusting. His gaze was so intense and had her quivering inside but she stood her ground. 

Meanwhile, the man wondered if this woman really didn't know who he was or if she was just another gold-digging woman seeking to grab an opportunity with him. 

These days, he lost count of the amount of women who threw themselves at him just for his money and influence. He was in a terrible mood from the amount of work he had to do and the fact his little son seemed hell-bent on making matters worse. 

Getting into all sorts of accidents that he knew were less accidents and more of a smartly orchestrated plan to frustrate him. Sometimes he wished his little boy could just be a child and not an adult in a little boy's skin. 

Nevertheless, he loved his little one and when he heard he met with an accident, he abandoned everything to make sure there was not a repeat of the last time. 

Only to meet an enigmatic woman who he couldn't decide if she was all that foolish or cunning.

"Rafeal Ambrose." He muttered, looking over the hospital gown that shouldn't have looked so beautiful on this woman. "CEO of Ambrose Corp." 

At the mention of the name, June froze. As a little girl, her mother always said her big mouth would get her in trouble, she seemed it was fitting in this situation. 

When a lax smirk made its way to his face at her reaction, she wanted the ground to swallow her whole!

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