
Chapter 4 - Don't touch her!

The sound of a little boy in tears awakened June from her slumber.

As soon as she opened her eyes, the first thing she felt was pain. Terrible and intense pain that came from her head which was now wrapped in with a bandage.

She was laid on a soft bed and the strong smell of antiseptic assaulted her nose. June always had adversity with hospitals because she got lost in one as a child.

Why was she here and who was the little child crying beside her?

Managing to sit up on the bed, she turned to look at the little young boy dressed in a suit. It looked like a school uniform and his nameplate was attached to his clothes.

It read Luis Ambrose. What a sweet name for a dashing young boy.

"Are you okay, Luis?" She managed to catch the young boy's attention with her words.

Little Luis who felt like he had killed someone was shocked at the sudden voice of the woman who was now alive. He took a moment to reel in the sight of the woman who now sat up on the bed before he engulfed her into a hug and cried harder.

"Auntie! I'm so sorry!"

The little boy's tears broke her heart. As she patted his hair, she tried to alleviate his distress with soothing words as she remembered the events that led her to this place.

She hadn't gotten a close look at the young boy before dashing out to save him but the little boy wrapped in her embrace seemed to fit the identity of the little young one she pushed out of the way.

Suddenly, she felt the need to ensure that she hadn't hurt him by pushing him so hard to the floor. "Are you okay, baby?" She asked, looking him up. "Did you hurt yourself? Did the doctors attend to you?"

The boy shook his head no. His baby blue orbs shone through his tears, and June suddenly wanted to hog the little one to herself. She had always wanted her son to have such a beautiful eye colour.

Not to mention the fact that the little one looked no less than four. Why on earth was he running on the road with no one to supervise him?

"I refused to let them check me. I wanted to make sure that auntie was alright first." He sniffed, wiping his tears.

As if June wasn't already taken by the young lad, he softened her heart even further with his thoughtfulness!

"Oh, my sweet baby! Auntie is alright, okay? Now let's make sure you are alright." She stood on her feet, feeling a slight dizziness but handled it perfectly. "Come on, let's go."

The young boy shook his head no. Surprising her.

"The doctor says you are to be on bed rest, auntie. I can take care of myself." He suddenly looked like he remembered something. "The doctors said I should call them when you are awake!"

Upon hearing a little child profess that he could take care of himself, June felt upset. He was in no position to take care of himself. That was why he was meeting all sorts of accidents on the way.

Not on her watch! She thought vehemently and shook her head.

"Sweet boy, Don't worry about Auntie. We can both see the doctor and have us get looked over together, okay?"

June could tell that the little one didn't like the idea. She watched him stew over her words before finally making a decision. His little features contorted to that of an adult before he spoke.

"OK, Auntie! Let's go!" He took her hands with his little ones and that has got to be the cutest thing she had seen in all her life. "Follow me closely! I will lead you to the doctor's office!"

June was left with a flagabasted look on her face. Who was this tiny cute-looking adult in the body of a child? She made to go with him but their mission was stopped by the sound of a knock on her hospital room.

The door swung open and a man wearing a white overall stepped in with two nurses in tow, and a suited good-looking man behind.

June's jaws dropped at the sight of the man who looked otherworldly. His aura filled the room and it was easy for him to become the most attractive human in the room.

His jaws were clear-cut and firm. His skin was like porcelain glass, and his outfit was tailor-made to suit his magnificent form. He reeked of power, dominance, beauty and money. June couldn't help but wonder who was this man and why he was in her hospital room.

"Ma'am! You shouldn't be on your feet!" One of the nurses said, trying to assist her back to the bed but the little prince stood between them.

"Don't touch her!" His tone was cold and every inch of his little body froze in a cold stance.

Shocked by the little one's reaction, the nurse stiffened. Only then did he look back at June with a smile as he said, "Auntie! The doctor's here. Come sit on the bed, I'll protect you."

Others in the room, "!!!"

Short of words, June let the little one guide me back to the bed with a tint on my cheek. She felt the hard gaze of the suited man on her as she sat on the bed and let them take her vitals.

After a rigorous and intense round of checkups, in which the doctor was supervised strictly by the little one, he finally made his verdict.

"Thankfully, the lady was rushed to the hospital in time for her head to incur much damage. Safe for the pain and occasional dizziness which would fade with time, she will be fine."

The doctor made his remark and June released a breath she didn't know she was holding. The last thing she wanted to hear was that her reckless behaviour had cost her terrible harm, but one look at the child pressed to her side and she knew that even if that were the case, she wouldn't regret a thing.

Suddenly, the mysterious man cleared his throat and his features hardened. "Luis! How many times have I warned you against ditching your nanny?"

The man's tone was harsh and the little child shrunk behind her. She took one look at the man and figured he was somewhat responsible for the child. She couldn't help the anger that took over her.

"You!" She pointed an accusing finger. "Who are you and why would you scold a child after an accident?"

The man who only seemed to acknowledge her presence at that instant shot her a look she couldn't decipher. "I am this child's father."

June who wanted to vent some anger on this beautiful man suddenly had her words snatched away from her as she swallowed hard.

"Auntie!" The child hugged her tightly. "Take me with you! I don't want to be with him anymore!"

The doctor and nurses who watched their interactions were dumbfounded at the scene playing out before them. June didn't know what to do, but she was certain she would not let this man bully her or the child.

The moment he called her auntie, he had beckoned on her motherly instinct and she will protect her little one even if it was from his father.

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