Lesley clutched her bag tightly in her hand. Her palm was sweaty already, just for a kid. Jeez!. She entered the door leading into a short hallway. The walls painted with pictures of fairies, Princes and princesses. The floor covered with colorful marble tiles. A security man was at the door.
"Where's your requirement miss?." The security guard asks. Lesley held up her bag. He collected it and placed it inside a machine. Seconds later he removed it and handed it back to her.
" Good luck." He said and opened the door for her. Lesley stepped into the room... or maybe stepped into a fairy's home.
She gasped softly taking in the beauty of the room. Gosh... the room looks like Disney Land!. The floor covered in latest 3d tiles. The walls made up of glass. A beautiful grand piano. The huge bed with classy blue curtains, the...
"Are you gonna keep staring, You could get the fuck out you know."
Lesley jolted out from her wonderland. She stared at Hazel, who was sitted on the huge bed her back to her. Her clothes looking so classy and costly. Her hair smooth and long. She cleared her throat.
"Hi.... Hazel."
" what have you got?". she asked rudely ignoring her greetings. Lesley huffed. kids act like they are tough. Buh they'd be the softest if you cross those barriers they put up.
"Your room is beautiful."she complimented.
"I know, stop wasting my fucking time." Lesley palms became sweaty. She had dealt with kids this was definitely different from the rest. God she needs the to secure the job. She's getting sick of being idle.
She wracked her head for another compliment.
"And you're beautiful". she took some steps forward. Hazel straightened her back.
"You haven't seen me yet". Her voice was lower than before. Good, a barrier has been broken.
"I don't need to see you, your voice says it all." She took some steps forward again. There was a brief pause.
"My friends says my voice is always sounds gruffy." There was sadness etched in her voice.
"No Hazel.... they are only jealous of you. you've got the sweetest angelic voice ever in voice history." Lesley says truthfully. There was another silence. Hazel stuck her hair behind her ears, another barrier broken. By this time, Lesley was close to Hazel. She stood in front of her.
"And only angels have angelic voices."She finished with a sad smile on her face. Hazel looked up slowly and Lesley could swear a smile tugged at her lips.
"Guess what I brought for you?"
"I'm not good at guessing." she replied. There wasn't a trace of rudeness in her voice again. Just plain childish voice. Lesley opened the bag and brought out a lunch pack.
"I brought you cookies and meat filled pastries." Lesley opened the lunch pack and took out a plastic wrap. Hazel widened her eyes in delight, and smacked her lips.
"I love cookies!" She giggled in excitement.
"Wanna have some?."She asked holding out the plastic wrap.
"Are they home made?".
"Of course they are Hazel... I made them myself". Hazel took a cookie and bit into it.
"hmm, so yummy!" she compliments, stuffing the rest into her mouth and reaching for a piece of pastry. Now all barrier broken, Lesley sat down on the bed beside her.
"I could make many of these Hazel." Lesley mutters
"Really?". she asked absentmindedly, dealing with the delicacies.
"Yeah.... we'd bake them together." Hazel smile widened.
"I'd love to do so with a beautiful nanny as you." Lesley smiled in affection. Her eyes clouding in tears.
"You won't call me nanny Hazel, call me Lesley."
"Okay Lesley... thanks for the treat." She muttered, hesitating a little before throwing her arms around her. Lesley hugged her back and kissed her hair. The door opened to reveal the lady calling names. She frowned on seeing their position.
"Should I bring in the next applicant Miss Hazel?" she asked tiredly. Hazel looked back at her with a scowl on her face
"Nope.... tell them to get thier sorry asses outta there I've got one already." The lady nodded and closed the door softly behind her. Hazel went back to stuffing the food into her mouth. Lesley smiled widely as her heart leapt in joy.
Oh heavens knows she'd do everything to keep this job. Her life was gradually shaping up. She continued feasting her eyes on the room as Hazel focused on dealing with the snacks..