
Chapter 7

Jeff walked out of the room. He wasn't oblivious at the eyes trailing him but he decided to let his mind trick him that he never cared. He entered the room where his father was waiting for him.

He sighted his two elder brothers and his sister. He wondered why his sister would be seated with them. Because the last time he checked she was less interested in anything that pertains to the guys.

"What's this meeting all about?" he asked, fixing his gaze on his sister.

" Just have your seat boy," the father commanded.

Jefferson being the youngest of them all, was also the most arrogant one. His family do call him a snob.

"I prefer standing," he said dryly.

Despite Jeff's arrogance, he dare not go against his father because he knows he is in for trouble if he tries it.

His father didn't try to persuade or command him to sit, he just went on with what he wanted to say.

"Jeff, as you know you are the next in line to claim the post of the high president of the business duke....... "

Jeff frowned as he heard his father say this.

" Why me?" he interrupted.

Dean Devikings, his father, sent him a glare.

Jeff already knew his father's rule. Whenever Dean is talking, he must not be interrupted. Jeff quickly gave an apologetic look.

"But you will lose the post if you don't have a duchess, '' he finished his vague explanation.

Jeff doesn't understand why the title has to go to him when he has two most able elder brothers.

"Dad, why am I getting the post?" he asked, trying not to sound rude.

"You know your brothers have other responsibilities greater than yours and I need you on that seat because of some reasons which you are aware of. You don't have a choice here son" Dean said in his husky authoritative voice.

" C'mon dad. Don't do this to me. You can give the damn post to anyone, not me. I'm not ready to get married. I don't even think I ever want to" he groaned.

" Don't Jeff" he heard his sister's melodic voice.

"Lexie, I don't want that post. I have enough on my neck than to have additional" he said with a frown on his face.

"It's not an option, boy," his father asserted.

"It's not as hard as you envisage Jeff" Alec, his immediate elder brother said.

Jeff looked at him as if to swallow him. He knew none of them would take his side because they'd all gone through more.

Jeff hated being different from other humans. He hates that he is living a secretive life. He hated himself but he knew he had no choice. He had to act normal and still save the country who seem to be so oblivious to everything they do.

"You know it is very dangerous to take just any woman as my wife. It might be our doom" Jeff said confidently as he saw a temporary solution to his problem.

None of his brothers are married. His sister who got married was still hiding the secret from her husband. There were a lot of times she would come around crying of how it is so hard to keep secrets from the man you love so much. He wasn't ready to get himself into such a mess nor was he ready to love anyone.

"That's why you would choose carefully," Dean replied.

Jeff looked at his father as he talked as if it was so easy.

"Your sister has been married for years now and she didn't have difficulty," he said with pride.

Jeff looked at Lexie and she had the opposite look.

"Can she boldly say it has been easy?" he asked.

Jeff pinned her with a dare to say it look.

Lexie looked away.

"You see she can't" he said with a victorious sad look.

"I married your mother boy," he said with a smug look.

"Don't compare mum with other women. She is one in millions" he said cussed.

"Enough of all your excuses. Get back to the party and find yourself a lady fit for you and your position" Dean scowled at him.

Dean's look was so fierce that if it was a lady that saw it, she would almost faint, if not faint.

Jeff looked at his brothers but they also had defeated looks on. He knew nothing could change his father's mind if he had concluded.

This was really pissed off to him that he stormed out of the room. He almost hit his assistant who was patiently waiting outside for him.

He didn't even say a word to him, he just kept walking. He was boiling vigorously and he felt like pulling all the buildings down. He knew that would happen if he didn't get the hell out of the hall to go calm himself before returning to the party. He wished he could leave but he knew leaving is like a death warrant signed by him from his father.

Just as he was thinking, trying to calm himself, a lady who was half his stature appeared from nowhere to double cross him. She stretched her tiny arms to block his way.

Everything paused at that time. He looked into her big blue eyes and realised it was done on him. This was the lady that has been staring at him all the while. The one that made him feel so uneasy.

His assistant quickly moved closer to her since she was at a distance not too close to him.

"What is the meaning of this ma'am?" Walter asked with a scary voice.

Jeff was surprised that the lady didn't budge. She still stood there with her arms wide glaring at the two of them.

"Who are you?" Walter asked again with a more fierce look.

"Hey calm down man, I just want to talk" the lady said with a calm voice.

Even Walter who was always said to be rigid was calmed a bit by that voice.

Jeff watched the little lady carefully. No lady has ever dared to stay close at the sound of Walter's bullying voice but she stayed even to talk to him

"To who?" he replied, now a bit calm.

"Your boss I think" she pointed at Jeff.

"No way girl" he shook his head.

Jeff even though he was angry at being crossed combined with what his father said earlier, he still wanted her to say the reason she has been trailing him ever since he entered the hall.

"It's okay Walter," Jeff said, stepping forward.

He made sure his look was very intimidating.

"Make it quick young lady, I've got no time here" he said looking into her eyes.

Kim didn't expect him to agree so easily. She was so scared and the guy right in front of her was extremely intimidating, not even after what she saw the other night. But she promised to get the words out of her mouth and cover her fears.

"You did me wrong sir and I would plead with you to come correct it" she said trying to hide her pain and fear.

Her voice was shaky but she was really determined not to be intimidated. This depends on her poor life.

"Pardon?" Jeff said with a confused look.

He didn't know that he caused any tiny lady any trouble. Moreover, none dare to tell him to correct anything. He looked at her with a frown.

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